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Character Designs - An Artist's Resource. Best designers from all over the world.

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Resource and Tutorials for Professional Digital Media Designers - Digital Arts. Sketch Club. ArtStation Beta 1. CGHub officially shuts its doors. The digital art industry is in tears today.

CGHub officially shuts its doors

The art community site CGHub has officially shut down. No more CGHUB. Sad day. Project CGHUB is officially closed. The reason behind this extremely tough decision is personal and will remain private. After days of hiatus with no official word, the website announced —through its developers, Shakuro—that “project CGHUB is officially closed” stating that the decision behind the departure is “personal and will remain private.” No other reason was given as to why the site has gone MIA. Verve - new painting freeware. Cubebrush. CONTINUE - MASTER STUDY OF THE DAY. Speedpainting “Source of Origin” Fairy. Time Lapse. Kyle Lambert - Tutorials. Shaddy Safadi - Concept Studio. Learn how to draw and digital paint from video tutorial by professional concept artists.

2DTuts - Free Tutorials by Digital Painting and Mattepainting - Part 18. 20 Photoshop Tutorials for Improving Your Digital Painting Skills. Digital painting is a prominent trend which sparks design inspiration and passion in the hearts of design enthusiasts everywhere, due to its closeness to traditional art.

20 Photoshop Tutorials for Improving Your Digital Painting Skills

The details and realistic appearance are astonishing and they require certain skills which we will adopt/improve today. I’ve hand-picked 20 of the most popular tutorials on the subject to help you guys begin (or continue) this artistic journey. Digital Painting Tutorial Part 01 / Landscapes from Black and White. Online digital drawing/painting lessons or "classes"? Drawing Rock Formations in Photoshop Tutorial. 50 Fantasy Art Tutorials for Photoshop. Natural imagination is the key to creating Fantasy art. It could be a depiction of a magical and mysterious scene, a mythical or supernatural fairy, or even a horrendous blood soaked fiend. Whatever the ingredients of the fantasy scene are, the results are always the same, beautiful, mysterious and thought provoking. The real beauty is that it could be anything that your imagination can muster.

Unlike natural imagination, having the skills and knowing the tecniques to reflect your imagination on screen or in print needs work, it has to be taught. In this post be have 50 amazing fantasy art tutorials and techniques using Photoshop, the graphic editor of choice for most fantasy artists. 10 Landscape Design Tutorials. Provocative landscapes can define your design.

10 Landscape Design Tutorials

More than a simple background, your landscape sets the mood and tone of your design. It tells that thousand-word story, and lends emotion to your subjects. Landscapes can even be design subjects. To make your landscapes more compelling, follow the advice given in the following 10 landscape design tutorials. 1. Episode 60 - Realtime Fantasy Landscape Painting. Index. Matte Painting for Beginners - full tutorial - NO MUSIC. Painting figures with liquid - Tutorials. In this photo manipulation tutorial, Jennifer Cirpici explains how to create a figure that appears made from water, working from a stock photograph.

Painting figures with liquid - Tutorials

Water is a difficult element to blend, but Jennifer’s tutorial proves it’s not as hard as it looks. She shows you how to achieve a stunning end result with many basic blending tricks, including painting lighting and shadow, and setting up a focal point with a gradient. She also shows you how to make a ‘rain brush’, handy to paint with if you don’t have stock images of water.

The effects here are often used in advertising for drinks or perfume, as water represents freshness, cleanness and the quenching of thirst. Step 1 In order to transform the model into a figure of rain, we will need to get rid of all of her body, leaving just the clothes. Step 2 Now select a large area of the rain, then copy and paste it, creating a new layer. Move the rain to sit under the area you cut out. Repeat step 2 on the rest of the model’s body. Brush Sauce Theatre - Community. Digital Matte Painting - Techniques, Tutorials, Walk-Through. 35 Incredible Digital Painting Tutorials. Concept Art Tutorials and Training. THE ART CENTER / Sharing Ideas And Tips From Artist To Artist. Someone asked a question about the process of painting a character, so I'll take a stab at that one.

THE ART CENTER / Sharing Ideas And Tips From Artist To Artist

There are many processes that each have their strengths, but for the sake of learning this is what I'd suggest. This process is based around the way 3d rendering programs work, using separate passes and combining them together for the final effect. Separating the processes in this way helps you think through what needs to be done.

First of all, start with a sketch. Mark's Pixel Art Tutorial. Posts Tagged ‘review’ With the H610, K58, and W58, Huion’s industrial design leapfrogs Monoprice’s tablets and begs for comparison to Wacom’s offerings.

Posts Tagged ‘review’

While the Monoprice tablets I reviewed previously were the best bang for your drawing buck at the time, these new Huion tablets offer a significant bump in specifications and fit and finish without a huge leap in price. Welcome. Dan Cooper's blog splotch: Various Disney Vis Dev (all images copyright Walt Disney Pictures) Art Sketchbooks, Wacom, and Art Forum. Think city on top of flowers or buildings like wow level 64 area. Tyler Edlin. Tyler Edlin Art. What’s the best way to learn new creative skills: online or on courses? The leader of Bucks New University's animation and visual effects course details why the best way to learn is combining both online and face-to-face teaching. “Flipping the classroom” is a concept pioneered by American educator and entrepreneur Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, a free online school that teaches millions of children and adults all around the world.

Khan’s big idea is that the traditional classroom model is broken. Programs - CGMA 2D Academy. 8 steps to becoming a Concept Artist. The first time I ever heard about the profession called concept artist was in September 2010.

8 steps to becoming a Concept Artist

I had come to Thailand in April the same year to get a master's degree in Buddhist Studies but the university was a disappointment and I quickly felt that I needed to look for other options. I had always loved drawing and painting but never tried doing it digitally (except for some pixel art that I created on my Atari in the 80s). I had been a professional photographer and knew Adobe Photoshop very well, but it had never even hit me that it could be used for serious digital painting. I didn't even know that the brushes could be used that way. Then one hot day in September 2010 I went to my favorite bookshop in Bangkok, both to look for something to read and to be in an air-conditioned space for some time. Reading it was like discovering a hidden treasure in my own backyard. The only question was: How does one become a professional Concept Artist? Digital Painting. Tutorial9 - The Best Resources for Designers, Every Day.

FZDSCHOOL. Art Sketchbooks, Wacom, and Art Forum. Training.