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How the Flightradar24 Receiver Application Process Works. We’re constantly working to expand our network of receivers around the world to increase our ADS-B and MLAT coverage.

How the Flightradar24 Receiver Application Process Works

Each week we send out approximately 50 Flightradar24 receivers to new hosts. Beyond the Suggestion Box: Government's Crowdsourcing Revolution. Reddit and the Marathon Bombers: The Wise Way to Crowdsource a Manhunt. After Reddit’s attempt to find the Boston Marathon bombers turned into a major failure (for which Reddit’s general manager Erik Martin publicly apologized Monday), the over-all conclusion seems to be that the whole experiment was misguided from the start, and that the Redditors’ inability to identify the Tsarnaev brothers demonstrates the futility of using an online crowd of amateur sleuths to help with a criminal investigation.

Reddit and the Marathon Bombers: The Wise Way to Crowdsource a Manhunt

Or, as the Times’s Nick Bilton put it, “It looks as if the theory of the ‘wisdom of crowds’ doesn’t apply to terrorist manhunts.” Do Not Touch. Big feet: Walkonomics wants to crowdsource the friendliness of the world’s streets. Walkonomics founder Adam Davies shares the vision for crowdsourcing street friendliness.

Big feet: Walkonomics wants to crowdsource the friendliness of the world’s streets

Give us the 140-character elevator pitch. The new Walkonomics mobile app rates and maps the pedestrian-friendliness of every street in San Francisco, Manhattan and England! What problem does it solve for government? Local and national governments are increasingly becoming aware of citizens and businesses demand for walkable streets and areas. Walkable streets bring many benefits including increased home values, higher footfall for business, reduced CO2 emissions, healthier residents, lower levels of obesity, less crime and fewer road accidents. God made a farmer: Paul Harvey speech goes from YouTube to Super Bowl ad. The most striking Super Bowl ad in what has been, so far, a pretty disappointing year for Super Bowl ads, is a commercial for Dodge that aired late in the game.

God made a farmer: Paul Harvey speech goes from YouTube to Super Bowl ad.

Over a series of still photos of farms, farmers, and farm equipment, the commercial played a talk by the conservative radio broadcaster Paul Harvey, who died in 2009. Harvey delivered the speech, called "So God Made a Farmer," at the Future Farmers of America convention in 1978. And in 2011, made a YouTube video that you can see above. Crowdsourcing pour les archives nationales australiennes. Les Archives nationales australiennes lancent une expérimentation inédite dans le monde en matière de « crowdsourcing » (démarche de collaboration ouverte tout public).

Crowdsourcing pour les archives nationales australiennes

Les données d’information contenues dans les archives intéressent les chercheurs mais aussi le grand public : données historiques, journaux anciens, photos de familles, rapports administratifs, statistiques, nécrologies, textes manuscrits et des données plus récentes émanant de nombreux départements administratifs. L’accès à ces données sera grandement facilité si elles sont numérisées et donc lisibles par internet. Le travail consiste à relire les textes transcrits en version numérisée et de corriger les nombreuses erreurs liées à la reconnaissance automatique des textes. Chaque collaborateur volontaire s’ouvre un compte sur un site dédié mis en place par les Archives nationales, et choisit ses tâches en fonction des catégories proposées et/ou du niveau de difficulté des documents à vérifier. Transcribe Australia's archival records - earn points towards publications and posters. Late last year the National Archives of Australia launched a global first for national archives, allowing the public to collaborate in the digital transcription of Australian archival records.

Transcribe Australia's archival records - earn points towards publications and posters

Make Your Voice Heard: Vote for Our New Blog Name. Health Design Challenge: d+collab // THE PATIENT RECORD. We challenged designers across the country to reimagine the patient health record.

Health Design Challenge: d+collab // THE PATIENT RECORD

Crowdsourced legislation goes online in Finland — European technology news. False Wisdom of Crowds. World Bank Announces Its Crowdsourced Map Data Will Be Free for the Crowd. After activists raised questions about a deal the World Bank announced earlier this year with Google, the organization has announced that if it collects mapping data from everyday people, those data will be free and open to access: Through trial and error, we have learned that open and equitable access to maps is critical not only for crisis response but also for innovation and longer-term development.For this reason, the World Bank only supports citizen-mapping efforts that give users free access to the map data they create.

World Bank Announces Its Crowdsourced Map Data Will Be Free for the Crowd

While citizens are free to choose the projects and tools that best meet their goals, our guiding principle is simple: if the public helps to collect or create map data, the public should be able to access, use and re-use that data freely. A World Bank press release announcing the deal specifically referenced Map Maker. Gallimard : le dernier Goncourt corrigé par la communauté pirate [MAJ] Vaut-il mieux pirater des ebooks que de les acheter légalement si l’on veut un fichier de qualité ?

Gallimard : le dernier Goncourt corrigé par la communauté pirate [MAJ]

Malheureusement, le mauvais travail de certains éditeurs risque de donner raison à ceux qui ont cette pratique. On connaissait le très bon travail de certains teams de pirates sur la qualité de leurs fichiers EPUB (ou Mobipocket) et sur les corrections effectuées avant la mise en ligne. Visiblement, la pratique n’est pas la même chez Gallimard qui vend un fichier avec des coquilles. Et pas n’importe quel livre : le dernier Goncourt, L’art français de la guerre d’Alexis Jenni. Géolocalisation : l’iPhone bavarde pendant votre sommeil… 11 octobre 2011. WikiLF : participez à l'enrichissement de la langue française.

25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media. The newest government in the world was designed with help from comments on the internet.

25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media

God help us all. After Iceland’s economic collapse in 2008, the island nation decided it was time to write a new constitution, this one not based on its parent country of Denmark but rather made from the original ideas of its citizens. Iceland’s small population of 320,000 elected 25 assembly members from 522 ordinary candidates (including lawyers, political science professors, journalists, and many other professions), who in turn opened their process up to the public in an unprecedented fashion. The Constitutional Council was highly active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr, where they solicited comments and suggestions for the new government. On Friday July 29th, 2011, the Iceland parliament officially received the new constitution, comprised of 114 articles divided into 9 chapters. Can Crowdsourcing Improve Open Data? How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect.