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65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning. While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom.

Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive. This comprehensive site features resources to use with IWBs in math, English, and geometry. With many kids at home due to COVID-19, maintaining the same level of physical... The recent ongoing pandemic has schools reimagining how they celebrate their... With the school year coming to a close, providing closure for students is... Interactive Whiteboard Games & Activities.


Teori. Att introducera Twitter i klassrummet. Twitter, ett populärt digitalt medium, en s.k. mikroblogg som används i både privata och offentliga sammanhang. Att arbeta med Twitter i skolan ger stora pedagogiska fördelar och diskuteras av David Perry i artikeln ”Using Twitter – But Not in the Classroom: Twitter as a Tool to Expand Classroom Conversation”. Jag har tagit del av artikeln och gör en sammanfattning av hans erfarenheter och arbetsmetod. Twitter är en kommunikationsplattform, en mikroblogg som kan användas med en rad olika syften. Ett twitterinlägg, en tweet, är ett kort meddelande och innehåller aldrig mer än 140 ord. Språklärare använder Twitter för att låta eleverna träna språk t ex italienska genom att kommunicera med inhemska elever i Italien.

Perry menar däremot att den stora pedagogiska vinsten är att använda Twitter som ett verktyg för att uppmuntra och utveckla kommunikation utanför klassrummet. Eleverna nästa uppgift är att skicka minst 10 tweets till sina klasskamrater. Ta gärna del av hela artikeln! Blogging as Pedagogy: Facilitate Learning | Langwitches Blog. Blogging should not be an add-on, not an isolated project, but should be seen as PEDAGOGY. Ann Davis shared a definition of Pedagogy beyond a simple “method of teaching” (unfortunately I was not able to find a source of the definition… it seems to be floating around in so many spaces without a common attribution or source.)

The strategies, techniques, and approaches that teachers can use to facilitate learning. Blogging can support the strategies, techniques and approaches to facilitate the learning in your classroom no matter what grade level, age group and subject area. Blogging supports four primary areas: ReadingWritingReflectingSharing In each one of these areas, blogging can be a strategy to facilitate learning How are you using blogging as a strategy, a technique and an approach to facilitate learning? MIK-rummet. Hem | IKT Öckerö. Anneroskolans digitala arbete.