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The Relationship between Comprehension of Figurative Language by Japanese Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders and College Freshmen’s Assessment of Its Conventionality of Usage. 69.full.pdf. Differential Effects of Right- and Left-Hemisphere Damage on Understanding Sarcasm and Metaphor - Metaphor and Symbol - Volume 15, Issue 1-2. Two subtests-Sarcasm Comprehension and Metaphor Comprehension-of Gardner and Brownell's (1986) Right Hemisphere Communication Battery, adapted to Hebrew, were administered to 27 right-brain-damaged (RBD) patients, 31 left-brain-damaged (LBD) patients, and 21 age-matched normal controls.

Differential Effects of Right- and Left-Hemisphere Damage on Understanding Sarcasm and Metaphor - Metaphor and Symbol - Volume 15, Issue 1-2

RBD patients tended to score somewhat lower than LBD patients on Sarcasm Comprehension and higher than LBD patients on Metaphor Comprehension. Both patient groups showed a significant impairment in Sarcasm Comprehension relative to normal controls. No More Woof. Minority languages fight for survival in the digital age. Language is about much more than just about talking to each other; it’s one of the bases of identity and culture.

Minority languages fight for survival in the digital age

But as the world becomes increasingly globalised and reliant on technology, English has been reinforced once again as the lingua franca. The technological infrastructure that now dominates our working and private lives is overwhelmingly in English, which means minority languages are under threat more than ever. Small World of Words Project. Welcome to the small world of words project!

Small World of Words Project

Last modified: April 16, 2014 Voor Nederlandstalige informatie, klik hier The small world of words project is a large-scale scientific study that aims to build a map of the human lexicon in the major languages of the world and make this information widely available. In contrast to a thesaurus or dictionary, this lexicon provides insight into what words and what part of their meaning are central in the human mind. This way it enables psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists and others to test new theories about how we represent and process language. Current Project The project started at the Experimental Psychology department of the University in Leuven (Belgium) in 2003 and already resulted in the largest available network of word associations in Dutch (over 5M responses) and English (over 1M responses).

A creepy 15th century language experiment took place on this island. Quelles langues survivront sur Internet? Nous savons que nous sommes en ce moment dans une période d’extinction linguistique massive.

Quelles langues survivront sur Internet?

Une des langues du monde cesse d’être utilisée environ toutes les deux semaines, et près de la moitié de celles qui subsistent sont en danger d’extinction ce siècle-ci. Mais Andras Kornai de l’Académie des sciences hongroise estime que ces chiffres sont en dessous de la réalité parce qu’ils ne prennent pas en compte le fait que très peu des langues de la planète développent une présence en ligne. Digital Language Death. Only 4% of Languages Are Used Online. In 2011, this author lived in the Middle East and learned that his Egyptian friends often texted, emailed, and Facebook chatted using latin characters.

Only 4% of Languages Are Used Online

They wrote in Arabic, but they didn’t use Arabic letters. Instead they transliterated Arabic words into the same alphabet that English uses. Many shops already wrote their signs in English. Did this portend a decline of the use of the Arabic script? New research suggests that the digital future of Arabic is secure. The linguistic clues that reveal your true Twitter identity. Twitter is awash with trolls, spammers and misanthropes, all keen to ruin your day with a mean-spirited message or even a threat that can cause you genuine fear.

The linguistic clues that reveal your true Twitter identity

It seems all too easy to set up an account and cause trouble anonymously, but an emerging field of research is making it easier to track perpetrators by looking at the way they use language when they chat. The first Twitter criminal? The #TwitterJokeTrial was an early, if unfortunate, example of an apparent Twitter crime. I definitely spoke to soon on that previous. Understanding language influences how brains process sound. We live in a society that is fascinated by the brain – how it works, how it differs across individuals or changes over our lifetimes and how it makes us different to other species.

Understanding language influences how brains process sound

And over the years, several “brain myths” have taken hold as popularly held facts about the relationship between the brain, intelligence and personality. One of these is built around the notion that the two sides of the brain – the left and right hemispheres – perform different functions. People will claim they are relatively more “right-brained” because they are creative or musical, while others more “left-brained” by being logical or mathematical. It’s a compelling idea, and one that sometimes makes it all the way into the science sections of major booksellers. Picking up a second language is predicted by ability to learn patterns. Some people seem to pick up a second language with relative ease, while others have a much more difficult time.

Picking up a second language is predicted by ability to learn patterns

Now, a new study suggests that learning to understand and read a second language may be driven, at least in part, by our ability to pick up on statistical regularities. The study is published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Current Biology - Spontaneous human speech mimicry by a cetacean. To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription.

Current Biology - Spontaneous human speech mimicry by a cetacean

Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. Figure 1 Acoustic record of human speech and whale speech-like sound. Twitter. La science découvre que les dauphins ont des noms. Il semblerait que lorsque les potes dauphins de Flipper voulaient l'interpeller, il l'appelait réellement Flipper.

La science découvre que les dauphins ont des noms

Les scientifiques affirment que ces mammifères se hèlent par leur nom. Ce n’est un secret pour personne, les dauphins sont des animaux particulièrement intelligents. Mais on sous-estime encore leurs capacités au regard d’une récente étude. Il s’avère que les dauphins appellent leurs proches par un nom spécifique. Evidemment, ils utilisent leur propre langage et émettent des sifflements uniques pour interpeller untel ou untel.

Chaque dauphin à une signature personnelle et propre qu’ils diffusent pour permettre à leurs congénères de la copier. Les dauphins copient seulement les signatures des êtres qui leur sont chers, comme une mère ou un ami. Donc, les dauphins parlent. Alex (parrot) What we learned from 5 million books. Loi de Zipf. On nomme Loi de Zipf une observation empirique de la fréquence des mots dans un texte. I n A r t i c l e. Technology - Megan Garber - Why the World's Most Perfect News Tweet Is Kind of Boring. Researchers have found a way to predict a news story's popularity -- with an astounding 84 percent accuracy.

Here, per one algorithm, could be the Platonic version of the news tweet: Voici le tweet parfait. Des chercheurs ont trouvé un moyen de prédire la popularité d'un tweet avec 84 % d'exactitude. Une boîte à musique qui écoute Twitter. Vous n’auriez certainement jamais pensé associer Twitter, l’outil social qui permet d’envoyer de brefs messages sur Internet, à de la musique...

Pourtant, certains ont eu cette idée. Ils sont même allés jusqu’à concevoir une machine qui joue de la musique selon les tweets des utilisateurs. IBM sonde le buzz généré autour de Roland-Garros. Letter & Word Frequency in English / Other Language Frequencies. Linguistics. In the early 20th century Ferdinand de Saussure distinguished between the notions of langue and parole in his formulation of structural linguistics. According to him, parole is the specific utterance of speech, whereas langue refers to an abstract phenomenon that theoretically defines the principles and system of rules that govern a language.[9] This distinction resembles the one made by Noam Chomsky between competence and performance, where competence is individual's ideal knowledge of a language, while performance is the specific way in which it is used.[10] In classical Indian philosophy of language, the Sanskrit philosophers like Patanjali and Katyayana had distinguished between sphota (light) and dhvani (sound).

In the late 20th century, French philosopher Jacques Derrida distinguished between the notions of speech and writing.[11] Nomenclature[edit] Variation and Universality[edit] Lexicon[edit] The lexicon is a catalogue of words and terms that are stored in a speaker's mind. Predicate (grammar) Mark Pagel: How language transformed humanity.

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