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Intimidated By Cooking? 6 Simple Tips To Conquer Your Kitchen Fears. Eating out is awesome, but it doesn’t compare to the experience of cooking a meal from scratch. No, really it doesn’t. From the sound of garlic slowly softening in a pan of ultra-hot olive oil, to laying out your food so that it is optimally photogenic. Each stage of the culinary experience is wonderfully, and deserves to be cherished. And yet, it’s far too common for people to hold a severe phobia of the kitchen. Does that sound like you? Get Motivated So, why do you want to learn to cook? Whatever your motivation is, focus on it. Gain An Appreciation Of Foods There was a time when I lived entirely off fatty, unhealthy junk food. And then I got into food. During this time period, I gained an understanding of what good food is, and what it isn’t. If you’re going to get into cooking because you’re excited about eating healthier, tastier, more environmentally friendly food, it’s important to develop an appreciation of food.

Be Not Afraid! I’ll be blunt. Cook With A Friend Learn From The Best. Six More Sauces Everyone Should Learn How to Make. Knife Skills: The 4 Knife Cuts Every Cook Should Know. The first step to great food is great knife skills. Check out more Knife Skills this way! [Photographs and video: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] Learning how to cut properly can make the difference between seeing kitchen work as a chore and a joy.

It can mean the difference between unevenly cooked dishes and poor flavor development, and excellence. There's a good reason why the very first class any culinary student takes and the very first job any starting cook has in the kitchen is knife work. Here's what we're gonna cover: Depending on the type of knife you use, you may find yourself using some more than others—slicing and the rock chop are used mostly with Western-style curved blades, while chopping and back-slicing are more common for straighter santoku-style knives—but all are good to have in your arsenal.

If you're a total beginner in the kitchen, you might want to take a quick look at our guide on how to properly hold a knife. Cut #1: The Slice Cut #2: The Chop Lift the blade back up and repeat. Deep Fried Doritos Crusted Bacon. By Nick Chipman A while back I made some Doritos Crusted Chicken Strips. Then, back at the end of March I made a Deep Fried Doritos Breaded Burger, which was absolutely amazing. Just when I thought I’d run out of things to bread with Doritos though I was staring at a package of bacon that Hormel sent me when I thought to myself “You know what, why not bread some of this bacon with Doritos!?”

So, I fried up about ten slices of thick cut bacon, dredged them in flour, brushed an egg wash over them and then sprinkled crushed up Doritos on top of each slice before dropping them in my deep fryer for about 30 seconds. The results were delicious! Just when you think bacon can’t possibly get any better a bag of Doritos comes along, mixes it up with some bacon and sucker punches your taste buds! Grilled Marinated Scallops with Ginger and Sesame. Recipe A friend who spends the winter months dragging for scallops showed up at my door one evening bearing a gift of two gallons of freshly shucked scallops. (One may have been due to the fact that he had overimbibed at a party on a previous night, passed out in the middle of my kitchen floor, and had to be carried home.

The gift was appreciated and he was forgiven.) The scallops were gorgeous! Although scallops do freeze well, nothing compares to those straight out of the shell. I tried to consume as many scallops as I could while they were fresh. Yield : Serves 4 Ingredients ½ cup pineapple juice½ cup soy sauce1 tablespoon grated fresh gingerZest and juice of 1 lime24 large sea scallops3 tablespoons sesame seedsLime wedges, for garnish Directions 1. 2. 3. . © 2005 Linda and Martha Greenlaw. Tripe Madrid-Style. Recipe Callos a La Madrilena This recipe is adapted from the excellent The Foods and Wines of Spain by Penelope Casas.

It is a heart-warming dish that should be cooked for a long time, and eaten on cold, wintry days. Yield : Serves 4 Ingredients 1 lb ox tripe½ cup dry white wine2 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped1 pig’s foot, split in half2 parsley sprigs10 peppercorns, lightly crushed2 clovesA few gratings of nutmeg2 bay leaves2 thyme sprigsSalt1 onion, peeled and coarsely chopped8 garlic cloves, peeled2 tbsp olive oil1 onion, finely chopped4 oz chorizo sausage, peeled and sliced3 oz diced, cured ham (prosciutto-style)1 tbsp paprika1 tbsp flour2 dried red chillies, seeded and crumbled1 small bunch of flat-leaf parsley, leaves only Directions Place the tripe in a pot and cover with water. Cover and cook over a very low heat, or in a low oven (275°F, but make sure it comes up to the boil before it goes in the oven), for 2 hours. Carefully lift out the pig’s foot and remove the bones.

Notes. What The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner? What should I make for dinner? – Balsamiq. See the whole list We know how it is. It's 5pm, and you've just had a glorious day of work, creating awesome wireframes for your next project. You are giddy with excitement, and cannot WAIT to see your designs in the hands of your sure-to-fall-in-love-with-it-immediately users. And then it hits you: crap, what should I make for dinner tonight? The eternal question. The hardest part of cooking. How anticlimactic, going from the heights of creative excitement to the panic of the looming dinner deadline, only a few hours away. That's where we come in. From within Balsamiq Mockups, go to the Help menu and select "What should I make for dinner?

". Lots and lots of EASY, EVERY-DAY recipes straight from the Balsamiq team's kitchens, in super-quick video format you can watch as you put your jacket on right as you leave the office. Just browse through the list of videos, pick one that looks good, jot down the ingredients and run out the door. Buon appetito! Your friends at Balsamiq. Gastronomie: la carte de France des restaurants étoilés au Michelin. Lundi 24 février, le Michelin a remis son palmarès 2014, dans son guide Rouge qui recense 4.384 tables en France. Parmi ces tables, 610 étoilés: 27 trois-étoiles (dont un nouveau, Arnaud Lallement)79 deux-étoiles (six nouveaux)504 une-étoile (57 nouveaux) Nous avons additionné toutes ces étoiles pour voir quels départements métropolitains cumulent le plus d'étoiles, et établir une carte des étoiles Michelin. publicité Sur cette carte, la Bourgogne est grande gagnante: quatorze restaurants une-étoile, deux deux-étoiles, et un trois-étoiles en Côte d'Or.

Cette carte est «conforme à la géographie des restaurants de qualité depuis trois-quarts de siècle au moins», juge le géographe Jean-Robert Pitte, spécialiste du paysage et de la gastronomie, et président de la Mission française du patrimoine et des cultures alimentaires. La «Nationale 6» était une des plus grandes routes françaises, reliant Paris à l'Italie via Lyon. Le Bordelais est bien représenté. Texte: Charlotte Pudowski. Beer Viz | Discover beers, & say cheers! ​20+ Time-Saving Cooking Tips from Chefs and Food Experts. Foodpairing Shows You Matching Flavor Combinations for Any Ingredient. Check Out Gothamist's Statistically Accurate List Of The Best Restaurants In NYC. Le Bernardin (via Yelp) It's year-end roundup time, where every news outlet, blog and Tumblr will be rolling out their Best of the Best of 2013. These kinds of lists are wonderful, of course, but only take into account one person or outlet's point of view.

To create a three dimensional view of the best restaurants in the city, whether old or new, data head Steven Melendez examined lists and reviews from the city's most respected sources for all things food. Melendez compared information from Zagat, Michelin, The New York Times, New York Magazine, Time Out NY and Eater and assigned points based on the outlet and the review. And because the Health Department plays such an important role in the dining scene, a restaurant's letter grade was then factored into the final score. Here's how he broke it down: Below, Gothamist's Statistically Accurate List of the Best Restaurants in NYC with tips straight from the sources about why each eatery deserves a visit.

With Kelly Beth Weill and Jade A. How to Host an Awesome Party on a Budget. Make 46 Meals for Under $100 in 4 Hours. The Ultimate Brownie Recipe Guide. Baking,Dessert,Featured Article,How-To,Recipes by Tessa AriasSeptember 15, 2013 Make one brownie recipe seven ways—and get seven deliciously different results. Brownies come in many forms but they deservedly require their own category in the world of desserts. In search of my perfect combination, I went on a quest to discover which brownie ingredients and techniques produce which results. I used an adapted version of the well-known Baker’s One Bowl Brownie recipe as my control and tested the effects of cake flour, cocoa powder, brown sugar, oil and cocoa powder, an extra egg yolk, and whipped eggs and sugar. Control Recipe Adapted from Baker’s One Bowl Brownie Recipe Cake Flour If you’re wondering what cake flour is, it is a very fine-textured flour with a low protein content, usually about 8 percent.

Cocoa Powder Brown Sugar Oil and Cocoa Egg Yolk. How to Free Yourself from Recipes with a Few Golden Cooking Ratios. Pourquoi il faut choisir son verre aussi soigneusement que son whisky. Dans les westerns d’Howard Hawks, les héros fatigués le descendent au goulot. Dans les pastiches modernes de Tarantino, on le siffle en rasades. Jethro Leroy Gibbs, le boss de la série NCIS, le boit dans sa cave, dans des mugs ou des pots à confiture où il stocke ses pinceaux – sans doute pour oublier la pire coupe de cheveux de l’histoire de la télé (oui, devant Pujadas). Dans Skyfall, le dernier James Bond, Daniel Craig le sert dans des tumblers en cristal taillé – c’était bien la peine d’abandonner la vodka Martini pour le Macallan 50 ans! Idem pour les protagonistes de Mad Men, mais comme ils y ajoutent souvent de la glace, disons que c’est une bonne excuse. publicité Le 7e art regorge de ces gestes romanesques et virils à souhait qui forgent la légende des spiritueux.

Mais au cinéma, gratter une allumette pour allumer sa cigarette suffit à éclairer un stade. 1. 2. 3. 4. Comme les mugs et les timbales, on évite les verres opaques ou colorés qui empêchent d’admirer la robe du whisky. Vive les bistrots! Depuis le début du siècle, les plus grands chefs de l’Hexagone, les étoilés prestigieux, investissent comme jamais dans des restaurants simples aux additions raisonnables où le potage du jour, le sandwich jambon-beurre, la salade aux lardons, la blanquette de veau, la mousse au chocolat ont remplacé le caviar, le homard au curry, les saint-jacques aux truffes noires, le risotto aux truffes blanches, le bar de ligne en croûte de sel et le soufflé à la vanille de Tahiti.

En un mot, la haute cuisine est-elle battue en brèche, déboulonnée par l’élite des gros bonnets en mal de plats basiques? Le développement fulgurant des bistrots –400 testés à Paris par le Guide Lebey 2013– est-il de nature à freiner la création d’établissements trois étoiles? Quels chefs de prestige, reconnus, célébrés par le Michelin ont ouvert des restaurants de classe internationale à Paris, rivaux de l’Arpège, de Guy Savoy, de l’Ambroisie, du Véfour, de l’Astrance? Aucun. Publicité Brunch à l'Auberge de Flora. Clairin, gin, vodka, mezcal... 5 bouteilles qui pourraient vous faire oublier le whisky. Ces tout nouveaux spiritueux échappés de la 4e dimension risquent fort de vous détourner (momentanément) de la sainte eau de vie d’orge maltée. On parie? 1. Le clairin Casimir La première gorgée vous expédie en Haïti sous les franges des cocotiers mollement caressés par les alizés.

La deuxième fait monter la mer en vaguelettes à vos pieds. La troisième vous allongera sur le sable fin pour des heures. Publicité Trois micro-distilleries dénichées par l’infatigable globe-trotter du rhum Luca Gargano, qui travaillent le jus de canne à sucre bio fermentées avec des levures sauvages. . • 70 cl, 39 €. 2. «Why not?» «Why not», ce devrait être le nom du gin qu’ils y fabriquent, selon un procédé unique qui lui confère un goût... unique. Attention, Dodd’s est ce qu’on peut appeler un spiritueux polarisant: on adore ou on déteste; indifférents, passez votre chemin. . • 50 cl, 48 €, bientôt disponible. 3. . • 70 cl. 4. Impossible de ne pas mentionner le rejeton de la tribu, l’Elegant Gin. . • 70 cl. 5. Bomb Pop Shots. Growing up my all time FAVORITE frozen treat were Bomb Pops! Those ‘rocket’ shaped Popsicles that were blue raspberry on the bottom, lemon in the middle and cherry on top.

And I’m sure by now you all know what I did with the cherry portion. Yep, you guessed it! I cut or broke that section off. Sorry but I just don’t do cherry. Well when I turned 21 I discovered Bomb Pop Shots. They taste EXACTLY like those childhood frozen treats (that I STILL love and that I still break the cucka cherry portion off). So whether you’re celebrating the 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day or Tuesday, enjoy but please drink responsibly and never drink and drive!

Author: The Kitchen Whisperer 1/3 ounce Sprite *1/3 ounce lemon vodka *2/3 ounce blue curacao2/3 ounce grenadineice*Note: Can use Mike’s Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice in place of these Shot Glasses More deliciousness awaits. How To Be An Ethical Carnivore. What do you mean You People? Kidding, I agree with you. You people don't understand they difference between personification and reality. Right. The author was being self-righteous. What is your PETA position on animals that cant survive without human assistance. Wow. Way to focus on the first few paragraphs of the article and blow it completely out of proportion. Your second paragraph is ridiculous, you are aware the the modern cow as we know it today, has been selectively bred to be these oversized, innefective, freaks of nature? I'm always happy to give scientific, factual answers to the myths surrounding eating meat. Eating vege is not "unbalanced and unhealthy" when done correctly, how many omnivores do you know that you would consider to be eating an unhealthy/unbalanced diet?

Man. Tant qu’il y aura des bretons | Toutelaculture | Tant qu’il y aura des bretons. Un restaurant moderne et accueillant qui décline les galettes sous toutes les coutures les plus osées et délicates. Tels des irréductibles gaulois fiers et atypiques brandissant leurs origines, les Bretons revendiquent leur gastronomie arborant leurs mythiques galettes au blé noir. Tant qu’il y aura des bretons est un hommage à cette culture et en même temps une réappropriation moderne de celle-ci. Reçus dans une atmosphère souriante et chaleureuse, on débarque dans un décor assez design mais poétique avec des peintures très pop art au mur. Des bouteilles de vin et de bières bretonnes jonchent les étagères ajoutant la touche taverne sophistiquée. Pas de contrat d’exclusivité avec les galettes et les crêpes, le restaurant a l’intelligence de faire également des plats de brasserie.

L’assiette est picturale et délicate, avec un vrai souci d’originalité dans la présentation. Mention spéciale à la crêpes aux spéculoos qui est absolument délicieuse, crépitante et orgasmique. Tant qu’il y aura des bretons | Toutelaculture | Tant qu’il y aura des bretons. Infographic: A Scientific Map Of Optimal Food Pairings. Huit trucs à savoir pour frimer en se servant un whisky. Make It For Your Date – Maple Mustard Glazed Pork Chops. SharmilazKitchen. Glaces. L'héroïque conquête de la troisième étoile par Gilles Goujon, chef à Fontjoncouse, 130 habitants dans l’Aude. La bouteille de whisky à 23.000 euros au fond de l’épicerie. La vraie recette de la «Tomates Mozza» Non, la betterave ne pousse pas déjà emballée sous vide.

Les spaghetti alla puttanesca, des pâtes politiques. La vraie recette italienne des lasagnes bolognaises. La vraie recette italienne des lasagnes bolognaises. La vraie recette italienne des pâtes à la carbonara. The taste of cutlery: how the taste of food is affected by the weight, size, shape, and colour of the cutlery used to eat it - 2044-7248-2-21.pdf. Mettre de l'eau (ou pire, du lait) dans le whisky, c'est mal? Grow Your Own Bugs With the Latest Kitchen Gadget | Environment on GOOD. L'art de manger, manifeste du chef Jean-François Piège.

Où (très) bien manger en Isère? Le déjeuner, ou comment aller chez les grands chefs moins cher. Cookies. Recette Maki / Sushi. Vaportini - Own. Kitchencheatsheet.gif (900×5870) 34 Insanely Simple Two-Ingredient Recipes. Whiskies. Grain_a_moudre. ANTHONY BOURDAIN dishes on Food - StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson. 8 Cheap Ways to Fake Being a Pro Chef. For the Love of Pumpkin.

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Now you're cooking with comics. Tip of the Day - Freeze Cheese for Grating Ease | Cookhacker. Nigella.jpg (Image JPEG, 720x525 pixels) Healing Herbs: 7 Herbs and Spices you Should have in your Pantry. Food Nutrition Facts - Healthy Living Tips at WomansDay. The best new recipes from Doughmesstic | 7 Day Detox - Weight Loss Diet Plan - Detox Diets. Good Mood Foods – ELLE. How to Fry an Egg with a Sheet of Paper and Some Binder Clips. Top 10 sauces for pasta.


Entrées. Cooking sites. Desserts. Not receipies. Drinks.