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Download Free Mind Map Templates and Examples. Storytelling. Les Paradis du Download (Jeux, Films, Ebooks, Logiciels...) Créer des infographies. Create Study material with online tools and join in the fun! Home - Creaza Education. Web 2.0 tools for teachers. CoffeeScript. Linphone, an open-source video sip phone. Guide to Twitter in the K-8 Classroom  Twitter, without a doubt, has become the social network for educators to take their professional development into their own hands.

Guide to Twitter in the K-8 Classroom 

Twitter allows teachers to connect with other educators from around the world, join discussions related to their interests and have a steady stream of resources (to help them teach and learn) available to them whenever, whereever and however. Creating a network on Twitter has catapulted educators to be part of a connected world where learning happens anytime, help is only a tweet away, collaboration partners meet and communicate, conversations that directly or indirectly impact their physical lives take place 24/7. Twitter is helping educators gain many 21st century skills and literacies which could easily transfer to their classrooms.

So the next question is… How do you bring Twitter into your K-8 Classroom? If your students are under the age of 13, they cannot create their own Twitter account (Minimum Age Restriction). Related 21. In "Collaboration" 3. 14. Instapaper: Save interesting web pages for reading later.

How to Guides. Welcome to Writer's Resources—your resources!

How to Guides

This is the section you come to for how-to and formatting guides, an inspirational kick in the pants, and nifty icons and flyers. You'll find handy links to everything in the section there on the left, and here's a quick overview of each item on the list. Vialogues. Spur - A fun and easy way to critique a webpage. Turning up the contrast on a page increases makes heavy areas stand out more than lighter areas, does the design still hold together?

Spur - A fun and easy way to critique a webpage.

Here are some examples: Although the visual design in the ESPN header is very busy, the contrast on the title of the lead story is still very visible. Additional content on the page is unaffected by the contrast shift, which means that the design is balanced (though one could argue, very busy). This ad space really stands out- depending if you're the company advertising or the visitor reading the page, this is either good or bad. Free Website Creator. Notas. Instant Screen Sharing.

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CollaBoratives. Free online OCR. WordPress. Infographics. Mind Mapping Apps - Top 1 - 6 of 6 Applications. 1 to 6 based on popularity Mind mapping applications provide users with a space to layout and organize ideas into a coherent concept alone or by collaborating with others.

Mind Mapping Apps - Top 1 - 6 of 6 Applications

AppAppeal ranks all mind mapping apps based on worldwide popularity. Popularity rank 5,560 AppAppeal rating 5/5 Pricing (p/month): $6.00 Free plan available Mobile apps MindMeister users can create, manage and share mind maps online and access them anytime, from anywhere. Popularity rank 42,485 AppAppeal rating 2/5 Price range (p/month): $6.00 - $9.00 Mindomo is a Web-based mind mapping tool. Popularity rank 63,410 AppAppeal rating 3/5 is a free web application that lets you brainstorm online.

Popularity rank 74,491 AppAppeal rating 3/5 is a browser based online mind mapping application. Brainstorm and mind map online. - Collaborative mind mapping in your browser. Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map. Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Welcome human-links.

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Online graphical dictionary and thesaurus. Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary — Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts.

online graphical dictionary and thesaurus

Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate. Enter words into the search box to look them up or double-click a node to expand the tree. Click and drag the background to pan around and use the mouse wheel to zoom. Welcome. Best content in Web 2.0 Tools. Eye Tracking Heatmaps for Websites. Collection of Tools/Sites to Create Tag Cloud. A compilation of tools, sites and code snippets to create tag cloud: ZoomClouds : create a tag cloud using any RSS feed.

Collection of Tools/Sites to Create Tag Cloud

Using a small snippet code embed the cloud on any web page (e.g.