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Plants and such

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Bees, butterflies

Medicinal. Permaculture. Seeds. Mushrooms. Hydroponics, greenhouses, water . . Plant This and Say Goodbye to Spiders, Mice and Other Unwanted Pests in Your Home. 10 Mosquitoes Controlling Plants for Home. Mosquitoes are among the biggest nuisance of monsoon that ruins the outdoor fun.

10 Mosquitoes Controlling Plants for Home

Bites of mosquitoes are extremely itchy as well as spread diseases such as malaria. People use mosquito coils, mosquito repellent creams, electronic mosquito repellents and herbal mosquito lotions to keep mosquitoes at a bay. Some people are allergic to these things and get nasal cavity, skin and throat problems. People also use chemicals to control mosquitoes which cause bad effect to health and environment. Subversion Without Violence. Bill Mollison once said, “I teach self-reliance, the world’s most subversive practice.

Subversion Without Violence

I teach people how to grow their own food, which is shockingly subversive. So, yes, it’s seditious. Sacred Gardening through the Three Druid Elements – Designing Sacred Spaces and Planting Rituals. A representation of the 3 druid elements A number of people have asked me for ceremonies and activities that help facilitate sacred work on the land in various ways.

Sacred Gardening through the Three Druid Elements – Designing Sacred Spaces and Planting Rituals

Why would we want such ceremonies? Quite simply, because we can get the most effect by combining actions out in the world with ritual and other forms of magical practice on the inner worlds. The Druid’s Prayer for Peace: Shifting from Exploitation to Nurturing as a Spiritual Practice. Sacred Tree Profile: Hawthorn (Lore, medicine, magic, and mystery) Hawthorn branches and leaves.

Sacred Tree Profile: Hawthorn (Lore, medicine, magic, and mystery)

Healing Hands: Replanting and Regenerating the Land as a Spiritual and Sacred Practice. Acorns A lone man walks through a field of brambles as the sun rises, a small pouch at his side.

Healing Hands: Replanting and Regenerating the Land as a Spiritual and Sacred Practice

This field was old-growth forest before being clear cut a century or more ago; it was then farmland for 50 years before becoming unfarmable wasteland; over the last 15 years, enough soil fertility has returned enough to support the brambles. Researching agricultural and tree biodiversity. Growing with Love: 4 Surprising Rules for a Healthy Crop. ~ Celine Koropchak.

Via Celine Koropchakon Aug 3, 2014 Ever since I was a young girl, I found more peace and solace in being outside in nature than in any official church setting.

Growing with Love: 4 Surprising Rules for a Healthy Crop. ~ Celine Koropchak

There was something comforting about feeling the sun on my face, hearing the babbling of the brook beside the trail, or watching the birds dancing in the air. I felt a part of this natural existence and could feel my heavy heart lighten and my breathing become deeper and steadier. Now as an adult, I have chosen to take this one step further in my status as blueberry farmer and wildlife hostess. For it appears that these blueberries are not just for me and my customers.

This Amazing Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit. Sam Van Aken, an artist and professor at Syracuse University, uses “chip grafting” to create trees that each bear 40 different varieties of stone fruits, or fruits with pits.

This Amazing Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit

The grafting process involves slicing a bit of a branch with a bud from a tree of one of the varieties and inserting it into a slit in a branch on the “working tree,” then wrapping the wound with tape until it heals and the bud starts to grow into a new branch. Over several years he adds slices of branches from other varieties to the working tree. Jerry Baker's Old-Time Gardening Wisdom: Lessons Learned from Grandma Putt's Kitchen Cupboard, Medicine Cabinet, and Garden Shed! (Jerry Baker Good Gardening series): Jerry Baker, Kim Gasior: 9780922433353: Magical Wood Properties and the Magical Properties of Wood by DragonOak. Feminine energy.

Magical Wood Properties and the Magical Properties of Wood by DragonOak

Elder is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 25 November to 23 December. 52 Wild Plants You Can Eat - Updated. How Plants Help Each Other Grow By Near-Telepathic Communication. Michael Forrester, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Plants have scientifically been show to draw alternative sources of energy from other plants.

How Plants Help Each Other Grow By Near-Telepathic Communication

Plants influence each other in many ways and they communicate through “nanomechanical oscillations” vibrations on the tiniest atomic or molecular scale or as close as you can get to telepathic communication. Members of Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team have previously shown that green algae not only engages in photosynthesis, but also has an alternative source of energy: it can draw it from other plants. His research findings were released in the online journal Nature Communications. Susun Weed, Herbalist. Amazonian shamanism is, among other things, a form of herbal medicine.

Susun Weed, Herbalist

People who focus on the healing and transformative powers of ayahuasca may sometimes overlook the sheer size of the shamanic pharmacopoeia and the role that plant medicines play in healing. But to understand curanderismo in the Amazon, we have to understand these healing plants — their selection, preparation, indications, and application. My plant teacher doña María Tuesta Flores knew hundreds of plant medicines. The key to healing with plants, she told me, is not only to know which plant can heal which conditions, but also to understand the proper way to prepare the plants for use. “We have all these plants here,” she said, “cures for all sorts of diseases; now that you have learned about them, you must learn how to prepare them.” Before I began to study plant medicine in the Amazon, it was my great good fortune to have worked with several prominent herbalists in North America. When Dreams “Bleed” Through.

I had one of the stranger experiences of my life this morning, and that’s saying something, given my unusual life! David’s alarm went off at 4:45 as usual, and, since we had both gone to bed early and slept through the night, I felt fully rested, too. After he got out of bed, I stretched my back a bit and fully expected to join him in the kitchen a few minutes later. He Holds The Patent That Could DESTROY Monsanto And Change The World! GMO Corn - the Poison Plant Everyone Eats.

Catherine J. The Complete History of Monsanto, The World's Most Evil Corporation. Paul Stamets patents “universal biopesticide” that Big Ag calls “the most disruptive technology that we have ever witnessed.” Monsanto’s Next Weedkiller Uses RNA and It’s Far Worse Than RoundUp. The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers.