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Millions of krill wash up on beaches in Oregon and California. Millions of krill — a tiny shrimp-like animal that is a cornerstone of the ocean food web — have been washing up on beaches in Southern Oregon and Northern California for the past few weeks.

Millions of krill wash up on beaches in Oregon and California

Scientists are not sure why. 2013 Strange Earth Events Observing the Times Mayday 2013 5/24/2013 Shifting New Consciousness. Map Of Worldwide Marine Dead Zones. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. 8.7 Million Species Run Spaceship Earth and Our Life Support System « Stephen Leahy, International Environmental Journalist. Charonia tritonis Credit: David Burdick We share the planet with 8.7 million species.

8.7 Million Species Run Spaceship Earth and Our Life Support System « Stephen Leahy, International Environmental Journalist

Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Ends As BP Pulls Out, Leaves Unanswered Questions. ClimateViewer 3D (CV3D) Blast it or paint it: Asteroid to threaten Earth in 2013. MinuteEarth. Russian meteor blast injures at least 1,000 people, authorities say. Described as once-in-100-years event, the meteor released a 300-kiloton blastlt had been moving faster than normal because of its close proximity to the EarthDeep Space Industries said countries should be proactive in establishing "a sentry line"A bright white flash appeared in the sky for a few seconds, followed by a heavy bang Did you see the meteor?

Russian meteor blast injures at least 1,000 people, authorities say

Share your images with CNN iReport. Moscow (CNN) -- A meteor streaked through the skies above Russia's Urals region Friday morning before exploding with a flash and boom that shattered glass in buildings and left about 1,000 people hurt, authorities said. Crop circles. Richard C. Hoagland Mars Images. In tandem with his 7/2/13 appearance, Richard C.

Richard C. Hoagland Mars Images

Hoagland sends a set of images & descriptions related to his presentation. 1) NASA close-up of the infamous "Face on Mars," revealing that the eastern (right) side is composed, not of rock, but of some kind of "exotic materials" -- which brilliantly reflect light, and create intense "prismatic colors" in the process -- totally unnatural behavior for any "natural" Martian mesa. Click on image to view larger. 2) Two side-by-side images, taken on two different orbits by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft in 2007, of a startling "Reuleaux Tetrahedral Pyramid" on Mars in the "Candor Chasma" region.

Gheorghe Marmureanu: “Something is wrong! There are too many strong earthquakes” The Earth is shaking!

Gheorghe Marmureanu: “Something is wrong! There are too many strong earthquakes”

Scientists find no explanation to the 39 earthquakes that rocked the planet in just two days. Is Shrinking Sea Ice Behind Chilly Spring? First it was the fault of Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who mistakenly forecasted a quick end to winter. Now climate scientists are saying that Arctic sea ice—or the lack of it—is a driving force behind the Northern Hemisphere's unseasonably cold spring. As Northern Hemisphere temperatures remain below normal more than a week into the official start of spring, a team of meteorologists and climate scientists are pointing to recent research that suggests sea ice cover is a likely culprit.

Recent imaging from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center showed a historic minimum in Arctic ice cover last fall, and current data reveals that sea ice cover—which recently reached its maximum for the year—is at its sixth lowest extent in the satellite record. (Related: "Arctic Sea Ice Hits Record Low—Extreme Weather to Come? ") BP oil spill 2 years later. Bp oil spill. More Fresh Oil STILL washing up, massive Fish Kills in Louisiana AFTER well cemented! BP Crimes! Mars & Earth: A Comparison of Surface Maps And Some Questions. +88 more posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 05:01 AM While sifting through old maps of the Viking orbiter missions on Google Mars, I came across something that got me a bit confused.

Mars & Earth: A Comparison of Surface Maps And Some Questions

It's the colorization and shading of the imagery that got me thinking. Actually, I just wanted to see what certain areas look like on the Viking maps. But then I noticed the rather clear difference between dark surface features and the lighter ones. Earth's Axial Tilt and the Seasons. WELCOME TO THE CROP CIRCLE CONNECTOR. Earthchakras. Emergency and Disaster Information Service. The ‘Horribly Mutated’ Seafood in The Gulf of Mexico. BP oil spill: The ‘horribly mutated’ creatures living in the Gulf.

The ‘Horribly Mutated’ Seafood in The Gulf of Mexico

Fish, shrimp, and crabs are missing eyes and suffering strange deformities, according to a harrowing new report — yet the FDA insists the seafood’s safe to eat. Shrimp born without eyes, clawless crabs, and fish with visible tumors are among the “horrible mutated”marine animals found in the waters off the Gulf Coast, according to a new report from Al Jazeera. Scientists say the problem is a side effect of the April 2010 explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which killed 11 people and spilled at least 4.9 million barrels of oil into the ocean.

Here, a brief guide to the damage: “The fishermen have never seen anything like this,” Dr Jim Cowan told Al Jazeera. Gulf of Mexico fishermen, scientists and seafood processors have told Al Jazeera they are finding disturbing numbers of mutated shrimp, crab and fish that they believe are deformed by chemicals released during BP’s 2010 oil disaster. The REAL REASON Behind the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - 2010. Is the New Madrid Mega Quake Being Engineered? The Powers-That-Be seem to be making a continuous effort to drive a stake right into America's heart(land).

Is the New Madrid Mega Quake Being Engineered?

Natural disasters are on the rise, and an increasing amount of evidence is leading to the conclusion that these natural disasters might not be completely natural. Louisiana Sink Hole - Will This Trigger the Big One? As you peruse the points below and the accompanying illustrations, you'll see a very clear, seriously dangerous weak spot. If someone wanted to deal a disastrous blow to this nation, where would you trigger a "natural disaster" if you could?

Your mind is your weapon. Requirements. Radiation belts. Profit motive has no conscience. 755402main_earth20130613b-full.jpg 1,659×1,452 pixels. Breathingearth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time. Colorado: Say NO to Uranium mine. 2013-01-15-waterfluoridationfacts.jpg (800×1218) AMAZON WATCH » Supporting Indigenous Peoples, Protecting the Amazon. 2MIN News December 2, 2012: Super Typhoon Bopha. Hidden Human History Movie - Hypothesis for Consideration Purpose Only! Recommended by Joe Rogan. BP. Caves discovered under the pyramids raise excitement, questions. The Seven Jewel Centers of the Earth Mother - Integral Yoga. Seven times seven are the planes of the Supreme Goddess, the steps of ascent and descent of the Divine Transcendent and Universal Adya-shakti. Above are the thrice seven supreme planes of Sat-Chit-Ananda; in between are the seven planes of the Divine Truth and Vastness, Mahad Brahma; below are the thrice seven steps of ascent and descent into this evolutionary world of the earth-existence.

These three gradations are successively Supermind or Truth-Mind, with its seven Suns; Life with its seven Lotuses; Earth with its seven Jewel-Centres. The seven Lotuses are the seven cakras of the Tantric tradition, descending and ascending from Mind (Sahasradala, Ajna, Visuddha, Anahata) that take up Life through Life in Force (Manipura, Swadhisthana) down to Life involved in Matter (Muladhara). Mapping the Mass Animal Die-Offs. The news of a large number of fish and then blackbirds dying at once in Arkansas was followed by news of more in Louisiana.

Mapping the Mass Animal Die-Offs

Unnerving, the events led to a great deal of speculation as to the cause or causes, from gas leaking to radiation to the advent of the "end times. " According to the United States Geological Survey, mass deaths are not in fact unusual and are usually unrelated. Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 900 injured (PHOTOS, VIDEO) My life On The Planet Earth........My Heart on the Earth, and my Sight on the Sky......! Thrive - Crop Circles are Clues to New Energy Technology! Earth chakras. 19-Year-Old Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7,250,000 Tons Of Plastic From Oceans. Poodwaddle. POODWADDLE WORLD CLOCKThe World Stats Counter (V 7.0) This minute 250 babies will be born, 100 people will die, 20 violent crimes will be reported, and the US debt will climb $1 million.


The World Clock tells more than time. It shows a live picture of our changing world. The World Clock is too large for a single page. It had to be divided into multiple categories. Dr. Zahi Hawass, Fake Chamber Scandal. Dr. Zahi Hawass could be in trouble yet again, as evidence has emerged that he has been lying to the Egyptian Public, and the world! What will happen when this gets out? “Zahi Hawass” Egyptian Minister of Antiquities. Only days after being sentenced to a year’s jail sentence, former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities “Zahi Hawass” could be in trouble yet again, evidence has emerged that he may have staged a false project, live on T.V. to fool the people of Egypt, and the world!

Mass Animal Deaths Since The Start of 2011. Infinite intelligence grey tree. Boundless polution.