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Click on pictue scroll down for videos. This flapjack octopus is so cute that it might officially be named “adorabilis.” Specimens of this unnamed octopus have been collected since 1990; now Stephanie Bush, a postdoctoral researcher at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California, said that she is considering the scientific name Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis. Opisthoteuthis is the same genus as Pearl, the pink flapjack octopus in “Finding Nemo.” The octopus is 7 inches (17.8cm) in diameter, lives in the deep sea, and has a web between its legs, allowing it to “parachute” through the water. It uses the fins on its mantle to steer. More info: | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | YouTube (h/t: huffpost) This cute little fella was found at depths reaching 1,476ft (450m) It has a web between its legs that allows it to “parachute” through the water Scientists in California are considering naming it “Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis” It is the same genus as “Pearl,” the octopus from Finding Nemo.

Coconut Octopus. Rats With Teddy Bears - Album on Imgur. How a Musician Unraveled the Secrets of Whale Song. Whale songs are some of the most hauntingly beautiful and bizarre noises in the world. But if it hadn’t been for acoustic biologist Katy Payne, we’d probably still be dismissing them as mere sounds — like the noises our own cats and dogs make when they’re hungry, frightened, interested, or affectionate.

Payne, however, realized that whales are actually composing songs, not just making noise under the sea, and moreover, she found that over time, whales change their tune. These majestic marine mammals interact with each other to create songs of escalating length and complexity over the years, in what one might compare to jazz riffing or Indigenous Australian songlines, the cultural, social, and physical maps passed down through generations. Payne’s discoveries, and ongoing research into the subject, reveal the value of cross-disciplinary collaborations. Her research helped to improve our understanding of whales and the way they interact with each other. Might Alien Life Evolve Like the Incredible Octopus? By Natalie Shoemaker Consider the octopus: a creepy skeleton-less creature with limbs that have regenerative properties and a mind of their own. Its structure — inside and out — makes it like no other animal on earth.

As a part of the Mollusca phylum, the octopus seems so far removed from its clam cousin. Neurobiologist Benny Hochner, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, talked about this oddity in an interview with Alison Abbott from Nature: “Very simple molluscs like the clam — they just sit in the mud, filtering food. Scientists have marveled at the octopus for years, and now they've taken the time to delve deeper into its biology by decoding its genome. "The octopus appears so utterly different from all other animals, even ones it's related to, that the British zoologist Martin Wells famously called it an alien. “It’s important for us to know the genome, because it gives us insights into how the sophisticated cognitive skills of octopuses evolved.” The adorable “sea bunny” - a nudibranch. It’s round, and fluffy and has wiggly little ears! Sort of. These little sea creatures, affectionately dubbed “sea bunnies” have recently become social media celebrities.

They’re actually sea slugs, and belong to the wild group of mollusks called nudibranchs. The bunny slug species is Jorunna parva, and was first described by the renowned Japanese marine biologist Kikutaro Baba. The fluffy white sea bunnies are primarily found off the coast of Japan. Jorunna parva have also been found in the Indian Ocean and off the coasts of the the Philippines. ダイブストアエグザイル/Video screen capture As for the “ears”—over on Deep Sea News, Dr. Crawl Ray/CC BY 2.0 All nudibranchs are hermaphrodites, which means they produce both sperm and eggs but cannot fertilize themselves. Jorunna parva have a number of different colorings, and are often yellow with black specks and rhinophores. And in case your day hasn't had enough bunny cuteness from Japan, check out this island full of (land) rabbits. Incredible Photos Of Mongolian Tribe Show Deep Bond With Animals.

The Dukha tribe from Mongolia are one of the few remaining “lost” tribes that have completely escaped the realities of the modern world. They are best known as reindeer herders, but their connection with the animal world goes beyond reindeer. The magical photographs were taken by Hamid Sardar Afkhami who travelled to Khovsgol, Mongolia to photograph one of the few Dukha families that remain. reports: The children of the tribe are raised surrounded by reindeer, and they build a close connection. The Dukha do not typically eat the reindeer unless the animals are no longer capable of helping them hunt or travel. Unfortunately, the number of reindeer is dwindling, and there is no program to help replenish the reindeer from nearby Siberia. Many of the Dukha make their living off of tourists who either want to ride domesticated reindeer or buy their crafts.

This is How Super Smart Octopuses Are. The cephalopod’s genome reveals how the creatures evolved intelligence to rival the brightest vertebrates. We humans think we’re so fancy with our opposable thumbs and capacity for complex thought. But imagine life as an octopus … camera-like eyes, camouflage tricks worthy of Harry Potter, and not two but eight arms – that happen to be decked out with suckers that possess the sense of taste. And not only that, but those arms? They can execute cognitive tasks even when dismembered. And on top of all that razzmatazz, octocpuses (yes, "octopuses") have brains clever enough to navigate super complicated mazes and open jars filled with treats. The octopus is like no other creature on this planet. “It’s important for us to know the genome, because it gives us insights into how the sophisticated cognitive skills of octopuses evolved,” says neurobiologist Benny Hochner who has studied octopus neurophysiology for 20 years.