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New. Obsession. - A Dress A Day. Just so we're clear: I freaking love this dress. So far I've made it twice, and if I am ever in my sewing room while the sun is up, I will take a picture or two of the ones that I've completed. (I also have two more cut out and half-sewn.) Here is why this dress is near-perfect: 1. 2. 3. 4. The only downside is that the neckline is a leeeetle wide for regular jewel-neck cardigans. Things I did slightly different-like: There's a facing, but I just used bias tape for the collar. Click on the image to visit the Patternwiki — there are a couple folks who have copies for sale, it seems. Recommended for youRecommended for you across the web. Urban Renewal by Mari Santos. We're usually kinda "meh" about most T-shirt surgeries because we're just can't get into the hack'em, slash'em sartorial school of thought.

Toronto-based Mari Santos, on the other hand, is such a genius with a pair of scissors we want to hitchhike across the border, kidnap her, head back south, and then set her to work against her will on the oversize T-shirts we seem to get for free by the pound. Except that it would probably be illegal. Which is kind of a bummer. Her ethos: "Taking something old, frumpy and ill fitting and making it into something new. " Santos will be joining some 20 other designers to work on Urban Outfitter's Urban Renewal line. More pictures below the fold. ::Urban Renewal [Via ::NotCot] Upcycled Tie Statement Necklace {Repurposed} — Tip Junkie Homemade.

DIY Mother's Day Corsage: Felt Dahlia Flower Brooch - Holidash News. MADE: TUTORIAL: the Hobo Sack. Whether you’re on the road or hanging at home, every hobo needs a bag for his (or her) treasures. So load it up, hit the road, and sit back on the tracks to enjoy a break. The hobo sack is one of the easiest things to make. So here’s what we’re making: Easy?

NOTE: Info for adding a Liner and/or a Ruffle to your bag is at the end of the tutorial.Skill Level: BeginnerNeeded: * 1/2 yard or less of Cotton (light-weight, twill, corduroy, seer sucker, etc. Here is the pattern. Just lay it on your fabric and cut two: Decide what you’d like to use for straps. It sort of curls up in a tube, like this: If you’re going to use knit straps like me, cut (2) straps that are 1 yard (36 inches) long and about 1 1/2 to 2 inches wide. Okay, on to the sack sewing…. Those little corners down there that are cut out is what gives you “room” in the bottom of your bag.

Take those two corners that are cut out and fold them up to each other: like this: and sew it down. When you’re done, it should look like this: and Enjoy! Little Red Infinity Dress Tutorial. *Tutorial made by Melissa @ Sew Like My Mom for her win during the Red Week challenge.* I made this little dress in about 3 hours and for under $20! I used some soft polyester knit I found at Hancock Fabrics for $4.99/yard. I got 5 yards, and with my 40% off 1 cut of fabric coupon, my total came to $15.87 after tax!! I found these dresses on Craftster years ago and have always loved them. First, you need to do some measuring.

So, 30/6.28 = 4.7. Then I decided on length of skirt and came up with 18″. To make your straps, you need to decide how wide to make them. To determine strap length, you need to make them 1.5 times your height. So, got that? To make your pattern, get packing paper, freezer paper, or a bunch of pieces of computer paper taped together. Then I measured 18″ down from that and made another line for my skirt length. Cut out on your lines. Now, keeping your fabric folded in half with selvages matched, fold the fabric in from the end so it’s doubled on itself.

Make This Look. Sew.Craft.Create.: Rope Bracelet Tutorial & Winner! (for personal use only – all patterns/tutorials are copyright protected) Check out my new printable shop! {here} Everything is 99 cents! The Sew Weekly. Ginger sewalong. Tilly and the Buttons. Vintage Sewing Patterns.

Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing. My Spare Time: Simple Tea Towel Apron. Simple Tea Towel Apron So many people mentioned having beautiful tea towels they couldn't bear to use when I posted the Tea Towel Tote how-to, so I thought you might also be interested in my super easy tea towel apron. This is even easier than the tote, and takes about 15 minutes. Click any picture to make it larger. Supplies1 tea towel2.5-3 yds ribbon* In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm using these super cute Valentine towels I found on clearance last year. First, fold your tea towel in half lengthwise, right sides together. Find the center of your ribbon and align it with the center of the towel's folded edge. Sew along the top and bottom of the ribbon, through the ribbon and both layers of towel, top stitching when you stop and start for security. Fold the top layer of towel up to meet the ribbon. Sew just through the pocket layers, at the edges and your pocket divisions, backstitching at the openings for security.

You're done! Now make another one because that was so stinkin' easy! Coletterie. Meringue winter styling.