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Trump Administration. 2017 Cabinet Nominees. 2017 Executive Orders, Memorandum, Proclamations. Donnie. US Political Parties. Are We Mad? US Elections. US, You Look Like an Arab Country Right Now. Dear America, We have been watching the drama of your presidential elections with much interest and curiosity for some time now.

US, You Look Like an Arab Country Right Now

It’s hard not to notice the many similarities between our own countries and yours. From fiery inauguration protests and bitter disputes about crowd size, to the intelligence service’s forays into politics and the rise of right-wing extremists, it appears that you are traveling very much in our direction—and at the same time, like us, becoming a curiosity for foreign correspondents trying to explain what’s happening in your region to the world. You might be distraught about where you are headed, but we aren’t! Perhaps this will be an opportunity to put our differences aside and recognize how similar we are. Story Continued Below Let’s start at the beginning. On top of that, we started to hear reports of foreign meddling in your elections, which some say may have influenced the result.

Trump is clearly into big military displays. And then there’s the unrest. Ps. US in the middle of a coup by Donald Trump - The Independent. The US is in the middle of a coup and hasn't realised, according to Michael Moore.

US in the middle of a coup by Donald Trump - The Independent

The filmmaker and journalist, who was one of the few famous people to publicly predict that Donald Trump would become President, has warned that the US state is being overthrown by Mr Trump and the people he has appointed to govern alongside him. Linking to a New York Times piece about the role of senior advisor Steve Bannon, he posted on Twitter: "If you're still trying to convince yourself that a 21st century coup is not underway, please, please snap out of it". The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued The article described how Mr Bannon, who until recently ran the far-right news site Breitbart News, had taken a major role in national security policy that usually would only be occupied by senior generals.

That move was a major break with precedent and it and Mr Bannon himself have been credited with many of the extreme policy pronouncements coming from the White House in recent days.

History of US Gov

US Affordable Healthcare Act. House Staff Directory. Capitol Words. Open, Accountable Government. Balance of War Powers:U.S. President & Congress. Introduction The U.S.

Balance of War Powers:U.S. President & Congress

Constitution gives Congress and the president different responsibilities over military action, but there have long been disputes about where one's war powers begin and the other's ends. The Obama administration's decision in August 2013 to seek congressional authorization for a military strike against Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons has stirred new debate about the constitutional need for a president to request such approval and whether President Obama is creating a precedent that will hamstring future commanders in chief.

In the administration's previous major military intervention, participating in NATO air strikes against the Libyan regime in 2011, it stated that prior congressional approval (pdf) was not required because the limited military operations anticipated "were not a 'war' for constitutional purposes. " What are the president's war powers? The U.S. Will the authorization process over Syria affect those powers? More on this topic from CFR. Foreign Lobbying Influence Tracker - A Project of ProPublica and Sunlight Foundation. Hall of Justice. Influence Explorer. Keele> Political Views, Opinions, Ideologies and Phobias in the US. Political News - US Congress. Open Government Partnership. Open States: discover politics in your state. Political Ad Sleuth. Political Party Time! Politwoops - Deleted tweets from politicians.

Public Markup. Scout. SourceWatch. Sunlight Academy Resources Markdown. Sunlight Foundation. U.S. Government Publishing Office. Logiciel BD.
