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Content curation: organizzare e creare contenuti digitali – Didattica col Web 2.0. In Inglese Content Curation definisce l’attività di trovare, organizzare, annotare e condividere contenuti digitali ritenuti rilevanti e/o interessanti, sia relativi a un argomento specifico oppure un ambito, un pubblico di destinatari o segmento di mercato precisi. Robin Good: Content Curation per l'Educazione e l'Apprendimento. Raccolta di Strumenti per creare Giochi Educativi Post pubblicato su Educational Technology and Mobile Learning dedicato all'apprendimento basato sul gioco - Game Based Learning.

Robin Good: Content Curation per l'Educazione e l'Apprendimento

Franco Torcellan: Content Curation e Didattica. Raccolta di Strumenti per creare Giochi Educativi Post pubblicato su Educational Technology and Mobile Learning dedicato all'apprendimento basato sul gioco - Game Based Learning.

Franco Torcellan: Content Curation e Didattica

Se è sicuramente fuori luogo la riduzione dell'apprendimento a gioco, è però altrettanto vero che la dimensione ludica costituisce da sempre uno dei fattori costitutivi dell'apprendere in ambiti informali e nell'infanzia e può essere utilmente impiegato anche nell'istruzione formale e scolastica a condizione di abbandonare il manicheismo didattico e ogni forma di integralismo metodologico tipica di chi ripone la propria fede in questo o quell'altro approccio o metodologia. Il Post Pubblicato l'8/3/2017 con il titolo "12 of the best Tools and Apps for Creating Educational Games", il post si limita a segnalare 12 applicazioni che che permettono di sviluppare giochi didattici mirati a promuovere differenti capacità (creative, analogiche, logiche, etc.) e a coinvolgere maggiormente gli studenti e motivarli. 1. Lazy Bugger’s Guide to Content Curation. Everybody’s talking about Content Curation – which is cool for us considering it’s basically our name said backwards – but how many people are actually doing it?

Lazy Bugger’s Guide to Content Curation

The answer is not that many, really. Or maybe we should say not that many, yet. Maybe everyone’s put off by how complicated it all sounds…which is where we come in. Complicated Shmomplicated. Welcome to the lazy bugger’s guide to Content Curation! Pick a topic you’re interested in. Content Curation & Fair Use: 5 Rules to being an Ethical Content Curator. * Update: I have a much lengthier updated post that incorporates the material below: Content Curation: Copyright, Ethics, & Fair Use Recently, Kimberley Isbell of the Nieman Journalism Lab cited a Harvard Law report and published an extensive post on news aggregation and legal considerations.

Content Curation & Fair Use: 5 Rules to being an Ethical Content Curator

From a curation perspective, the whole article is interesting, but what was the most surprising was that her recommendations for being an ethical content aggregator, were the same as being an effective content curator. The five recommendations are below. You can read the full article for the legal justifications for abiding by these practices. However, I have provided some reason on why you would want to follow these guidelines from a content marketing perspective: 1. Marketing reason: The more you link to third parties, the more likely they are to link back to you – which ultimately improves your SEO. 2. 3. 4. 5. *Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. What is content curation? - Definition from

By Ivy Wigmore, Content Editor Content curation is the gathering, organizing and online presentation of content related to a particular theme or topic. As a rule, a content curation site reproduces some of the original content and links to the full entry. Some content curation sites also provide original content, interpretation and commentary. Critics of content curation argue that the practice is a poor substitute for content creation on the part of the site, and a poor substitute for individual research on the part of the user. Furthermore, some such sites are little more than marketing tools. Content curation. Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value through the process of selecting, organizing, and looking after the items in a collection or exhibition.[1] Services or people that implement content curation are called curators.

Content curation

Curation services can be used by businesses as well as end users. Concept[edit] Museums and galleries have curators to select and interpret items for collection and display. There are also curators in the world of media, for instance DJs of radio stations tasked with selecting songs to be played over the air. Methods[edit] Content Curation in Workplace Learning. Recent global events have affected how organizations perceive their corporate training initiatives.

Content Curation in Workplace Learning

People are starting to realize how important eLearning tools are in upskilling and reskilling the modern workforce. But with various trends and fads flooding the corporate training landscape today, L&D leaders and HR professionals can’t help but get lost; thus, these “noise” make it hard for them to pick out the essential information. Still, don’t worry! Content curation: A guide to content curation for learning and development (L&D) Why is content curation important to the future of learning?

Content curation: A guide to content curation for learning and development (L&D)

What are the different approaches to content curation and what are the best platforms and tools for you to achieve effective curation? Where can you go wrong with content curation and why is the curation for learning different from other types of curation? This guide provides you with answers to these questions. What is Content Curation? Pearltrees 2016: tutorial in italiano (basic user) Content Curation: Che cosa è? A che serve?