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Describing people. Moodle. Whats the conversation on giving and asking directions about?


This conversation is between 2 people called William and Kate. William stops Kate in the street to ask for directions on how to get to the train station. After the conversation is some useful tips on asking and giving directions. Conversation on asking for directions William: Excuse me, am sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me how I can get to the train station? Kate: Yes no problem, it's that way. William: Thank you so much! Kate: Oh, I know that feeling. William: So just to double check Keep walking straight ahead till I pass the library, then I have to turn left and take the first right.

Kate: Yes, that is correct. William: Well thanks for helping me. Kate: OK, bye. Giving directions. Greetings Introductions ESL Activities Worksheets Role-Plays. 8 Quick Formative Assessment Strategies to Check for Understanding. Using formative assessments designed to check for understanding and provide students with feedback and support is one of the most effective ways to improve and enhance student learning.

8 Quick Formative Assessment Strategies to Check for Understanding

Yet because of the need to cover large amounts of information and develop many skills, teachers may not take time checking to make sure students understand a concept or can effectively apply a skill, and, if they don’t, figuring out ways to improve their learning. Thankfully, there are practical, proven formative assessment techniques that teachers can use as a quick “pulse check” to gauge students’ understanding. The eight techniques here can be applied across grades and subject areas in virtual, hybrid, and in-person learning environments. The results of these checks should not be graded since the purpose of formative assessment techniques is to obtain feedback to use in improving teaching and learning, not to evaluate learning. 1.

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Create and Edit Self and Peer Assessments

You can use Self and Peer Assessments to facilitate the objective, analytical, and learning comprehension skills of students. Students can review the work of fellow students through criteria-based reference evaluation. They can give and receive constructive feedback that enhances their comprehension of the subject material. Self and Peer Assessments can help distribute the workload and ensure that students receive feedback from several individuals. Students also benefit from the analytical experience of evaluating submissions against defined criteria. RubiStar Home. Home - Socrative. Interactive presentation software. Dokuwiki. DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database.


It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki. - Create a unique and beautiful blog. It’s easy and free. How to Start Your Own Podcast. How to Start a Podcast - The Step by Step Guide. More people are listening to podcasts than ever before. According to Edison Research, the number of Americans listening to a podcast each week has grown 120% over the past four years, and 90 million Americans listen to a podcast every month.

As the audience for podcasts continues to grow, there has never been a better time to start a podcast for your business, brand, or a personal hobby. If you follow this guide, it will prime you to launch your own podcast and take advantage of this exciting new medium. What makes podcasts different? Podcasts are a great way to build a genuine connection with your audience. Instead of the fractured connection you make through social media, podcasts allow you to engage your audience with unique long-form content. There is a lot of unexplored space in the podcasting industry. That means for every podcast, there are 750 blogs and 29 YouTube channels. Screencast-O-Matic. Learning Management System. CourseSites by Blackboard is a free learning management system for K12 and Higher Ed Instructors enabling blended & eLearning.

Digital Credentials. Social and Emotional Learning. Sway. Sign in to your Microsoft account. Sign in No account?

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Using Blogging as a Learning Tool

The Innovative Instructor doesn’t advocate using technology for technology’s sake, but student blogging can be a way to achieve several learning outcomes for your course. CC Jeff Utecht: For example, blogs can be used to improve student writing, especially for developing skill in analysis and critique. The blog format is particularly useful for shorter, less formal, assignments. Blog platforms allow for inclusion and display of multimedia, which may offer an advantage over paper submissions. How To Use Wiki In The Classroom. What is Wiki?

How To Use Wiki In The Classroom

Wiki is an online application that allows users to contribute to or edit its content. Meaning “quick” in the Hawaiian language, wiki is a creative and open environment where everyone has a voice. The significance of wiki lies in the fact that there is no assigned “leader” or “head writer”. The founder of wiki, Ward Cunningham, described his creation as “the simplest online database that could possibly work”. And it did.