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Virtual Labs

Facebook Twitter Darwin: Who Wants to Live a Million Years? Virtual Labs. BioInteractive’s virtual labs have won several awards, including top honors in the Pirelli INTERNETional Award competition, which recognizes the best multimedia products designed to use the Internet to educate about science and technology.

Virtual Labs

Designed in close consultation with educators and scientists, these virtual labs are fully interactive biomedical laboratory simulations and provide students with skills and techniques used in scientific research. BioInteractive’s series of virtual labs allows students to examine heart patients, analyze DNA sequences, probe the nervous system of a leech, use human antibodies to diagnose disease, and measure physical traits of stickleback fish and anole lizards to examine key concepts in evolution. Each lab provides an interactive environment in which students perform experiments and collect their data, and answer questions to assess their understanding.

The labs can be accessed by clicking the icons on the right-hand side of the page. Science Museums Science Fair Project Ideas Science Education. WEB ADVENTURES: FOR STUDENTS — Explore Science - One Game At A Time. Experience first hand what it takes to have a career in science.

WEB ADVENTURES: FOR STUDENTS — Explore Science - One Game At A Time

Find a suitable career match, play career game paths, learn about jobs and education requirements, vote on your favorite career and ask a scientist questions. Learn More >> Virtual Ballooning to Explore Earth's Atmosphere: Windows to the Universe Activity. Ask students what they already know about the atmosphere.

Virtual Ballooning to Explore Earth's Atmosphere: Windows to the Universe Activity

Prompt them especially to share their knowledge about layers of Earth's atmosphere and how they think temperature and pressure vary with altitude. This could include having them draw from personal experience ("Last summer my family went on a vacation to the mountains... PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations. Windows to the Universe.