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Download application | Ovnis-Direct. Amerique du sud. Mysterious Enormous Underground Labyrinth Of Egypt Holds Secrets Kept From The Outside World- - The lost labyrinth, full of hieroglyphs sculpted for eternity in its endless stone walls is believed to contain all knowledge of ancient Egypt. The Labyrinth of Egypt has been described by a number of ancient writers such as Herodotus, Strabo, Diodorus, and Pliny. The labyrinth's age and ancient origins are unclear, but at the time of Herodotus' visit it was more than 1,300 years old. This legendary complex, named the "Labyrinth" by the ancient Greeks was legendary complex is believed to be an enormous collective tomb of the twelve kings who built it and a resting place for sacred crocodiles.

Located at Hawara, about 90 km south of modern Cairo the complex contains secret chambers, passages shrines and tombs. Herodotus wrote of the Labyrinth in the fifth century B.C. Inside, the building is of two storeys and contains three thousand rooms, of which half are underground, and the other half directly above them. Copperplate engraving, "Description de l'Egypte" Paris 1809. IndoEuropeanTree.svg. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem). Please copy the text in the edit box below and insert it manually by editing this page. Upon submitting the note will be published multi-licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license and of the GFDL, versions 1.2, 1.3, or any later version. See our terms of use for more details. Add a note Draw a rectangle onto the image above (press the left mouse button, then drag and release).

This file has annotations. Save To modify annotations, your browser needs to have the XMLHttpRequest object. [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Adding image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Changing image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Removing image note]]$1. Europe de l'Ouest. Orkney excavation reveals incredible sophistication of 5,000-year-old temple complex. A groundbreaking excavation of a prehistoric temple complex on the Scottish island of Orkney has revealed that the Neolithic inhabitants of the island were far more advanced than initially realised, according to a news release in The Scotsman.

As well as a large collection of ancient artifacts that reflect a complex and culturally-rich society, archaeologists also discovered that the three major monumental structures on the island – the Ring of Brodgar, the Stones of Stennes, and the Maes Howe tomb – were “inextricably linked in some grand theme”. The archaeological site, known as the Ness of Brodgar, covers an area of over 6 acres and consists of the remains of housing, remnants of slate roofs, paved walkways, coloured facades, decorated stone slabs, a massive stone wall with foundations, and a large building described as a Neolithic ‘cathedra’ or ‘palace’, inhabited from at least 3,500 BC to the close of the Neolithic period more than a millennium and a half later.

By April Holloway. Orkney Excavation Reveals 5000 year old Temple Complex, page 1. Europe. Tablettes de Tartarie. Enigmes < Enigmes archéologiques < Tablettes de Tartarie En creusant en 1961, un tumulus dans la ville de Tartarie en Transylvanie, les archéologues espéraient simplement trouver de quoi éclairer les découvertes précédentes, sur un site romain. A leur grande surprise, trois petites tablettes d’argile gravées de signes bizarres furent exhumées. La datation au carbone 14 révéla qu’elles remonteraient au IVe millénaire avant notre ère. Cela laisserait donc supposer que l’écriture a vu le jour non pas en Mésopotamie, berceau de la civilisation de Sumer, mais au cœur des inhospitalières steppes de l’Europe orientale.

Les tablettes gisaient au fond de ce qui semblait être un puits sacrificiel en compagnie de quelques ossements humains. Elles portaient des symboles picturaux rappelant à la fois les inscriptions des tablettes de Sumer et celles des vestiges de la civilisation minoenne, en Crète. Tablette de Tartarie (Museum of History of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie) V.Battaglia (24.03.2006)

The Enigma of the Thracians and the Orpheus Myth. The passage of the millennia has brought us traces of ancient civilizations that shone enough to make their cultural glimpses last through the ages. Humanity itself has featured in the art, culture, and funerary rites of these civilizations, so while from a mollusk we only find a trace of fossilized shell, from a human we find much more than just remains, we find pyramids, mounds, sculptures, coins, tools, weapons, scripts, treasures, houses, palaces, altars, and more. All of this, in light of archaeology, allows us to know more about our ancestors. But for some of them, like the Thracians, what has been discovered barely casts a shadow over what is still unknown. There are many mysteries surrounding this ancient civilization that occupied what is now Bulgaria and some adjoining parts of Romania, Greece and Turkey. In archaeological terms, evidence of civilization in Bulgarian lands date back thousands of years. Provadia, Bulgaria.

Journey to the Past Valley of the Thracian Kings. 7,000-year-old defensive walls in Bulgaria. Ancient Origins seeks to uncover, what we believe, is one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings – our beginnings. While many believe that we already hold such knowledge, our view is that there still exists a multitude of anomalies and mysteries in humanity's past that deserve further examination.

We therefore wish to foster an open community that is dedicated to investigating, understanding and explaining the origins of our species on planet earth. To this end, we aim to organize, support and even finance efforts in this direction. Our aim is to move beyond theories and to present a thorough examination of current research and evidence and to offer alternative viewpoints and explanations to those currently held by mainstream science and archaeology. Come with us on a journey to explore lost civilisations, sacred writings, ancient places, unexplained artefacts and scientific mysteries while we seek to reconstruct and retell the story of our beginnings.

Is the Danube Valley Civilisation script the oldest writing in the world? The Danube Valley civilization is one of the oldest civilizations known in Europe. It existed from between 5,500 and 3,500 BC in the Balkans and covered a vast area, in what is now Northern Greece to Slovakia (South to North), and Croatia to Romania (West to East). During the height of the Danube Valley civilization, it played an important role in south-eastern Europe through the development of copper tools, a writing system, advanced architecture, including two storey houses, and the construction of furniture, such as chairs and tables, all of which occurred while most of Europe was in the middle of the Stone Age.

They developed skills such as spinning, weaving, leather processing, clothes manufacturing, and manipulated wood, clay and stone and they invented the wheel. They had an economic, religious and social structure. One of the more intriguing and hotly debated aspects of the Danube Valley civilization is their supposed written language. The Vinca Symbols (Source: Wikipedia) 7 Ancient Writing Systems That Haven't Been Deciphered Yet. Ancient European hunter-gatherer was dark-skinned and blue-eyed caveman.

A recent analysis on DNA taken from the wisdom tooth of a 7,000-year-old human found in Spain in 2006 has overturned the popular image of light-skinned European hunter-gatherers. The study revealed that the individual had dark hair, the dark-skinned genes of an African, though scientists don’t know this exact skin tone, and blue-eyes, which were thought to have been brought to Europe by late-arriving farmers who invaded the continent more than 5,000 years ago. The new study, published in the journal Nature and led by Inigo Olalde of Spain’s Institut de Biologia Evolutiva in Barcelona, involved the first ever analysis of a pre-agricultural European genome and has given scientists an unprecedented glimpse of modern humans in Europe before the rise of farming.

The skeletons of two Mesolithic men were discovered in 2006 in a cave system in the Cantabrian Mountains, near León in northwest Spain. The first unexpected finding was the fact the individual had dark skin. By April Holloway. UK Researchers Present: New Timeline For The First Dynasty of Kings In Egypt. - Until now there have been no verifiable chronological records for the first eight dynastic rulers of Egypt. Now, a team of UK researchers has been able to set a new timeline for Early Egypt between 4500 and 2800 BC based on mathematical models that combine new radiocarbon dates with established archaeological evidence.

Using over 100 fresh radiocarbon dates were obtained for hair, bone and plant samples excavated at several key sites including the tombs of the kings and surrounding burials and existing archaeological evidence, the research team's mathematical model pinpointed the likeliest date for each king's accession. The Naqada Label is divided into three registers. The top register identifies the king, Aha. The rightmost group has often been interpreted as the Nebti-name of Menes. Credits: The date for each king is thought to be accurate to within 32 years (with 68% probability). Paper The incredible sound effects of Malta’s Hypogeum Hal Saflieni. The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni in Malta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site which is believed to be the oldest prehistoric underground temple in the world. The subterranean structure is shrouded in mystery, from the discovery of elongated skulls to stories of paranormal phenomena.

But the characteristic that has been attracting experts from around the globe is the unique acoustic properties found within the underground chambers of the Hypogeum. Hal Saflieni Hypogeum is a cultural property of exceptional prehistoric value, dating back approximately 5,000 years and the only known example of a subterranean structure of the Bronze Age. The 'labyrinth', as it is often called, consists of a series of elliptical chambers and alveoli of varying importance across three levels, to which access is gained by different corridors. Although not known for certain, it is believed that the hypogeum was originally used as a sanctuary, possibly for an oracle.

But the question remains – was it intentional? Ancient Man Used “Super-Acoustics” to Alter Consciousness (... and speak with the dead?) A prehistoric necropolis yields clues to the ancient use of sound and its effect on human brain activity. Researchers detected the presence of a strong double resonance frequency at 70Hz and 114Hz inside a 5,000-years-old mortuary temple on the Mediterranean island of Malta. The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum is an underground complex created in the Neolithic (New Stone Age) period as a depository for bones and a shrine for ritual use.

A chamber known as "The Oracle Room" has a fabled reputation for exceptional sound behavior. During testing, a deep male voice tuned to these frequencies stimulated a resonance phenomenon throughout the hypogeum, creating bone-chilling effects. Sound in a Basso/Baritone range of 70 – 130 hz vibrates in a certain way as a natural phenomenon of the environment in the Hypogeum, as it does in Newgrange passage tomb, megalithic cairns and any stone cavity of the right dimensions.

In the publication from the conference on Archaeoacoustics which sparked the study, Dr. World's Oldest Toy Car - Could This 7500-Year-Old Discovery Be The Earliest Evidence Of The Wheel? - Today parents buy their children electric car toys to play with, but thousands of years ago the situation was somewhat different.

Yet, this ancient discovery reveals our ancestors were aware of the wheel 7500 years ago! A stone car with two axles and 4 wheels dating from about 7500 years ago was found during excavations in the Kiziltepe district of the southeastern province of Mardin, are now on display at the Mardin Museum, Turkey. Archaeologist Mesut Alp said that the toy car, which is made out of stone, dates back to the late Stone Age and is thought to be 7,500 years old. The world’s earliest toy car (L) and title deed, unearthed at excavation sites in Mardin’s Kiziltepe district, are on display at the Mardin Museum. In display was also an ancient stone tablet inscribed with writing. Is this little ancient toy the earliest evidence of the wheel?

Its shape resembles a tractor, archaeologists say. Still, the most fascinating item is the ancient car toy. Moyen orient. ASTRO-ECOLE. Les étoiles brillantes de l'hémisphère nord du ciel. Copie d'écran IBM-PC © Franz Hack (Sirius) Les lettres minuscules de l'alphabet grec : Une pyramide gigantesques sous la mère de Galilée. - UFOcenter. 15 avril 2013 1 15 /04 /avril /2013 08:41 Les archéologues ont découvert au fond de la mer de Galilée en Israël une pyramide géante de forme conique construite à partir de blocs de basalte et de roches. La pyramide pèse quelque 60 000 tonnes et a 10 m de haut. Selon certaines hypothèses, de telles constructions ont été utilisées comme tombeaux. La structure a été détectée pour la première à l’été 2003 lors d’une enquête sonar de la partie sud-ouest de la mer. Des plongeurs sont depuis descendus plus bas pour enquêter, écrivent-ils dans le dernier numéro de la revue International Journal of Nautical Archaeology.

Plus de 4000 ans? De nouvelles fouilles archéologique sous-marines sont nécessaires pour que les scientifiques puissent trouver des artefacts associés à cette pyramide et ainsi pouvoir déterminer la date de la structure. Le chercheur Yitzhak Paz, de l’Autorité des Antiquités d’Israël et de l’Université Ben Gourion, estime que la pyramide pourrait remonter à plus de 4000 ans. Sources : Undeciphered Ancient Code Could Be Evidence Of The World's Oldest Data Storage System. – Were ancient people familiar with computers? Is it possible the world’s oldest data storage system was invented more than 5000 yeas ago? Scientists are trying to decipher ancient lost code that could reveal our ancestors kept data records long before our modern society developed storage systems. Mesopotamia is a name for the area of the Tigris-Euphrates river system, corresponding to modern-day Iraq, the northeastern section of Syria and to a much lesser extent southeastern Turkey, smaller parts of southwestern Iran and Kuwait.

Mesopotamia has been called the “cradle of civilization” and civilizations living in this region were a remarkable people. They were long lasting civilizations of enormous accomplishment. For example, early Sumerian writings reveal the civilization was an organized society with kings, laws, literature, schools, and libraries. We cannot say with certainty the Sumerians invented writing, but we do know they were a sophisticated society.

Makhunik: 5,000-Year-Old City Of The Dwarfs Discovered. 5,000-Year-Old Flying Machine May Have Been Found. 8 US MARINES Disappear in Afghanistan Retrieving an Ancient Flying Machine | Beyond Science. Secret 5000 Year Old Flying Machine Discovery with Steve Quayle. Pyramidion Capstone Of Dashur Pyramid Of Amenemhet III. Great pyramid. Asie. Mysteries of stone circles in Russia's Bashkiria. Krishna Book Chapter 76: The Battle Between Salva and the Yadu Dynasty. UFO Attacks Earth 5,000 Years Ago (Documented) China's Celtic Mummies: What Ancient Secrets Do They Hold? Genetic testing reveals awkward truth about Xinjiang’s famous mummies. Mystery of the mummy's Chinese travel ban - Asia - World. 4 600 Year. The Enigma of the Thracians and the Orpheus Myth.

Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA. Com Science | Ancient Foreign DNA Found in Modern Human DNA. 4 300 Year. Queen's Mummy Found In 4,300-Year-Old Pyramid. Kharga Oasis spider rock art may be astronomical writing. Ancient petroglyphs discovered in northern Peru. Photos du journal. Secret 4000 year old Maps of The Ancient World. 3 400 Year. 3 300 Year. Race to retrieve ancient artifacts from melting glaciers. Non-Human DNA Discovered During Biopsy Of Ötzi The Iceman. 3 200 Year. The Lost Tomb of Imhotep? Bandurria is the oldest Peruvian archaeological site, says expert. Massive 5,000-year-old monument dedicated to Moon God found near Sea of Galilee.

Lost Kingdom Of Idu And Its Seven Unknown Kings Unearthed. Could the Strange Prehistoric Carved Stone Balls Represent Atoms? The Nebra Sky Disc - Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt / Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle. Pre-dynastic period of ancient Egypt. 5,000-year-old wooden statues, complete with gold wrapping paper. TURKEY - Oldest wooden statues found in Egypt. Did One Of The Egyptian Pyramids Explode 12,000 Years Ago? Abu Rawash, A pyramid that was “lost” - and has now been found!