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DragonflyTV . NanoSphere. Digital Directors Guild. Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology and nanoscience is about controlling and understanding matter on the sub-micrometer and atomic scale. This wikibook on nanoscience and nanotechnology gathers information about the various tools, methods and systems to provide students, researchers and everyone else an open-source handbook and overview guide to this vast interdisciplinary and expanding field - a book that can be adjusted as new things appear and improved by you! Chapter 1: Introduction Why is nanotechnology such a 'hot' subject - and is it more hype than substance? This part gives a brief introduction to the visions of nanotechnology and why so many people are working on it around the world. To help set a perspective there are overview tables with timelines, length scales and information resources.

Chapter 2: Seeing 'Nano' Chapter 3: Physics at the Nanoscale On the nanoscale force that we in everyday life do not consider strong, such as contact adhesion, become much more important. Chapter 4: Nanomaterials. Category:Nanotechnology. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem). Please copy the text in the edit box below and insert it manually by editing this page. Upon submitting the note will be published multi-licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license and of the GFDL, versions 1.2, 1.3, or any later version.

See our terms of use for more details. Add a note Draw a rectangle onto the image above (press the left mouse button, then drag and release). Save To modify annotations, your browser needs to have the XMLHttpRequest object. [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Adding image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Changing image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Removing image note]]$1. Nanoreisen - Abenteuer hinterm Komma. Nano Links. UVA Virtual Lab: Homepage. Resource Slides. Intro to Size and Scale | Exploring the Nanoworld. Introduction It is useful to know the approximate sizes of things. Is something bigger than a bread box? Will it fit through a doorway? Is it as big as it is supposed to be? These are all questions that we may find ourselves asking on a regular basis. In Egyptian times, the length of an object was measured in cubits-one cubit corresponded to the distance from one's elbow to the tip of one's middle finger.

The Metric System In everyday life the English system of measurement with units like feet, gallons and pounds is primarily used in the United States. 1000 meters (m) would be written as 1 kilometer (km). How big is a kilometer? For those of us at UW-Madison, the distance from the edge of campus at Library mall to the steps of the Wisconsin state capitol building is 1 kilometer (km). The world's longest suspension bridge, Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, is just under 2 kilometer (km) long, measuring 1,991 m. How big is a meter? A meter is a little bit bigger than a yard. How big is a centimeter? Molecular Workbench - Visual, Interactive Simulations for Teaching & Learning Science. Exploring the Nanoworld... Innovating through Materials: University of Wisconsin MRSEC IEG. - DiscoverNANO. NISE Network. NISE Network.

Nano. What is Nanotechnology? | Exploring the Nanoworld. Greta Zenner Petersen explains what exactly Nanotechnology is and why it's getting so much buzz. Defining Nanotechnology The term "nanotechnology" has been getting a lot of attention in the media in the past few years. News stories have heralded nanotechnology as the next scientific revolution--with promises of faster computers, cures for cancer and solutions to the energy crisis, to name a few.

But what exactly is "nanotechnology"? And, can it fulfill all these promises? The formal definition of nanotechnology from the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is: Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this small scale. The NNI definition can be distilled to three basic concepts: Nanotechnology is very, very small. Intro to Size and Scale | Exploring the Nanoworld.