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Reverse Engineering Tips: An Introduction To x64dbg. Welcome to this short, introductory tutorial for using x64dbg by Mr.

Reverse Engineering Tips: An Introduction To x64dbg

Exodia. The goal of this tutorial is to teach you some of the fundamentals of the x64dbg and show you how closely its features and flexibility resembles its close cousin Ollydbg.While x64dbg is still in an alpha stage, its bugs are minor and few with only a crash happening under unlikely conditions. 1. The Configuration. Configuring x64dbg is quite simple since the menu is much more concise than ollydbg, making the process much more user friendly. The configuration in the screenshot above is what I typically recommend and use for simple debugging.


How To Turn Your Raspberry Pi Into An Always-On Downloading Megalith. Do your part for the global “Linux distribution network” by building a dedicated, secure, torrent-downloading megalith that barely uses 10W of power.

How To Turn Your Raspberry Pi Into An Always-On Downloading Megalith

It is possible, and it will, of course, be based on a Raspberry Pi. Downloading and seeding (you do seed, right? Popular Tools for Brute-force Attacks. The brute-force attack is still one of the most popular password cracking methods.

Popular Tools for Brute-force Attacks

Nevertheless, it is not just for password cracking. Brute-force attacks can also be used to discover hidden pages and content in a web application. This attack is basically “a hit and try” until you succeed. This attack sometimes takes longer, but its success rate is higher. In this article, I will try to explain brute-force attacks and popular tools used in different scenarios for performing brute-force attack to get desired results.


Android. Retropie. What is TripIt - How it Works. AirMp3 FREE MP3 Downloads & Free Music Downloads. [Guide] How to Take Ownership (Permission) of a File or Folder Manually in Windows? We here at AskVG post various themes, skins and other customization stuff which require you to replace or modify existing system files in Windows.

[Guide] How to Take Ownership (Permission) of a File or Folder Manually in Windows?

Top VNC Free Software Downloads. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) technology enables sharing a copy of one computer's screen display with another computer over a network connection.

Top VNC Free Software Downloads

Also known as remote desktop sharing, VNC is typically used by people wanting to monitor or control a computer from a remote location rather than just accessing shared files. The following free software packages provide VNC functionality. Download TightVNC. UltraVNC VNC Remote Support Software Desktop Control Free Opensource.


Parallel. GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers.


A job can be a single command or a small script that has to be run for each of the lines in the input. The typical input is a list of files, a list of hosts, a list of users, a list of URLs, or a list of tables. A job can also be a command that reads from a pipe. GNU parallel can then split the input and pipe it into commands in parallel. MAC. 10 cosas que tal vez no sabías que se podían hacer con Google. Tanto para ahorrar tiempo como para hacer más eficientes las búsquedas y realizar acciones que a diario sólo ejecutamos con otros servicios, son muchas las opciones adicionales que brinda Google en su buscador.

10 cosas que tal vez no sabías que se podían hacer con Google

Sin embargo, son tan potentes como poco conocidas, razón por la que en Hongkiat se han dado a la tarea de recopilar algunas de las mejores, y aquí están: 1. Encontrar páginas relacionadas: Tienes que investigar sobre determinado tema y necesitas recursos, en este caso enlaces, para empezar a informarte. Has encontrado una buena página pero necesitas muchas más y que se parezcan para contrastar la información recogida.


About IFTTT. Hightrack. 5 consejos para buscar de forma eficiente en Gmail. Como usuario adicto a Gmail he encontrado, con el tiempo, algunas técnicas que me permiten transformarlo en una herramienta bastante eficaz para gestionar mis tareas, aunque hasta hoy no conocía los trucos que han publicado en para usar su buscador.

5 consejos para buscar de forma eficiente en Gmail

10 Things You Didn't Know Dropbox Could Do. We live in an age when we want (and sometimes need) to access information at all times.

10 Things You Didn't Know Dropbox Could Do

This includes our own data and files — text documents, photographs, videos, music and more. That's why services like Dropbox and the cloud are so popular with the connected generation. Free of charge (with a paid upgrade option), Dropbox lets you upload your files to folders accessible anywhere there's an Internet connection. It eliminates the hassle of emailing yourself attachments and running into size limits. People can use Dropbox through the desktop app, mobile apps or via the web. 5 Ways To Send Files To Your Dropbox Without Using Dropbox. Dropbox is awesome.

5 Ways To Send Files To Your Dropbox Without Using Dropbox

Sometimes I don’t know how I lived before I had Dropbox, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. But as much as we take Dropbox for granted, many people still don’t use it, or don’t even know about it (yes, it’s true!). Rinema. Tour. 10 melhores sites com cursos grátis. Algumas das melhores universidades mundiais disponibilizam e oferecem palestras e cursos gratuitamente na internet Universidade de HarvardD.R. 10 melhores sites com cursos grátis. Free Virtual Mobile Number for SMS Verification. Click Here to go to the website. (Click Skip Ad to go to the online SMS verification website)Pick a number with less activity.You can use this number for verification process of sms on any website.Click the Number and you will go to a page with all the messages received on this number.Now use this number for verifying your Gmail, Facebook or other accounts.Your verification code will be received on this page. Just refresh the page if you don’t see the message.It takes less than one second for your message to show if the message is sent at your chosen number.Now enjoy your fake mobile number and never face issues with Mobile Verification!

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Hackers & hacking. Keep tabs on ReadyBoost with Windows 7's Performance Monitor. To see ReadyBoost in action, you're going to have to keep tabs on it with Windows 7's Performance Monitor. Greg Shultz shows you how to do just that. In my last blog post, "Take a Closer Look at ReadyBoost Features in Windows 7," I showed you how to set up ReadyBoost and explained how it works. Once you understand how ReadyBoost works and have it configured on your system, you're obviously going to be looking for the promised performance gain. Unfortunately, ReadyBoost isn't like adding rocket fuel to your system, and it's not going to dramatically speed up every task that you regularly perform. There are some tasks where the performance gain will be evident, and there are others where it will not. Sulia Home Page for Rui Lima.

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Mapping & Cartography. Mastering Windows Search using Advanced Query Syntax. Search has become an integral part of Windows, particularly in later versions. Five Best Personal Landing Pages. Google Search 3T.


Search engine. Automatically place multiple images in a grid. One of the nicest new features of InDesign CS4 is the ability to automatically place multiple images at once, arranged neatly in a grid of frames automatically created to your specifications.