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Aguas muertas. Greg's Cable Map. Mapas de hoteles en Europa y Estados Unidos. El 09.04.10, en Experimentos, por alpoma es un comparador de viajes que recientemente ha publicado en su blog un curioso experimento. Se trata de mostrar con sencillos mapas de puntos, referidos por ejemplo a ciertas regiones de Europa o los Estados Unidos, la geolocalización de hoteles existentes en esos espacios: ¿Nunca te has preguntado dónde se concentran la mayoría de hoteles de todo el mundo?

¿Si en la costa, o bien, en los grandes núcleos urbanos? En Ulises hemos dibujado la silueta del mapa de varios países gracias a la georreferenciación (longitud y latitud) donde cada hotel es un punto del mapa. Ejemplo centrado en una porción de Europa Occidental. El planteamiento es muy simple, pero deja ver tras de sí un potencial interesante que, espero, sea explotado en posteriores mejoras. Mediante las localizaciones de longitud y latitud, se han ido poniendo puntos donde hay hoteles (un punto por cada hotel) formando un mapa. El experimento, centrado en los Estados Unidos. Google Earth casi en tiempo real. Daily Planet, imagen global que se actualiza continuamente. About Google Earth Imagery (versión en español Acerca de las Imágenes de Google Earth) explica un poco cómo se obtienen las imáges de Google Earth y porqué no es posible por tanto que las imágenes del programa sean actuales —y mucho menos en tiempo real como hay gente que cree que es.

Conseguir imágenes en alta resolución tiene muchos incovenientes. Los satélites meteorlógicos están situados en órbitas geosincrónicas [permancen fijos respecto a un punto de la Tierra] a 36.000 km de altura. En cambio los satélites de alta resolución [los utilizados para las imágenes de Google Maps] operan desde unos pocos cientos de kilómetros de la Tierra. Parte de las imágenes de Google Earth están tomadas desde aviones y otras desde globos y cometas: “la mayoría de las imágenes en alta resolución tienen una antiguedad de entre seis meses y cinco años.” Home -

Senate, Consider Deforestation as Part of Climate Bill. This is a Roll Call op-ed by Lincoln Chafee, former Republican Senator from Rhode Island, and John Podesta, former White House chief of staff and CEO of the Center for American Progress. It is imperative that the United States find effective and economically viable solutions to the climate crisis. Our elected officials and business leaders ask how we can afford the global transition to a low-carbon economy. Around the globe, developing nations ask how they can afford to reduce their emissions without sacrificing their hopes for a better life. There is no single answer, but there is one unexpected solution that offers hope on both fronts. To date, the climate debate has focused on reducing fossil fuel emissions and ramping up crucial clean energy alternatives. The good news is that protecting “climate forests” is a major global warming solution that can be implemented immediately and affordably.

Article originally appeared on Climate Progress. 2.000 pruebas nucleares en casi todas partes del planeta. : mapas mudos gratuitos, mapas en blanco gratuitos, plantillas de mapas. Mapa mundial de emisiones de gases de «efecto invernadero» La Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC o UNFCCC por sus siglas en inglés), que desde hace un decenio a agrupa a la mayoría de los países, trabaja en el desarrollo de medidas para combatir el cambio climático, que se considera es causado en su mayor parte por la emisión de gases causantes del llamado efecto invernadero. De la UNFCCC surgió en 1997 el Protocolo de Kioto, que establece medidas concretas -con vinculación legal- para 37 países industrializados más los países de la Unión Europea.

Otros países han ratificado el acuerdo, cuyo principal objetivo es reducir, en el lustro que va de 2008 a 2012, la cantidad de gases emitidos a la atmósfera hasta que éstos sean de media un 5 por ciento (para España un 15 por ciento) mayores que los niveles de 1990, tomado como año base. El seguimiento de la evolución de las emisiones de cada país es esencial para evaluar el cumplimiento del acuerdo.

The Natural Fix? The Geomagnetic Terrain. La distribución de la población mundial en el 2025. A mediados de los 90s de la Universidad de Columbia, el Hunter College y la organización Population Action International se unieron para crear uno de los mapas de estudio de variación de poblaciones más comprensivos de la historia. Si bien existen muchos estudios de este tipo, el paso de los años probaría la asombrosa precisión del estudio original. A pesar de haber ido siendo actualizado y mejorado con el tiempo, el estudio original utilizaría información estadística obtenida a partir de las bases de datos más comprensivas sobre el tema.

Entre las más importantes y precisas se encontraba el proyecto Gridded Population of the World, una base de datos que divide el territorio global en grillas de densidad de población e información estadística perteneciente a las Naciones Unidas. Los resultados. Testbed. Features. We developed Natural Earth as a convenient resource for making custom maps. Unlike other map data intended for scientific analysis or military mapping, Natural Earth is designed to meet the needs of production cartographers using a variety of software applications. Maximum flexibility is a goal. Natural Earth Vector comes in ESRI shapefile format, the de facto standard for vector geodata. Character encoding is Windows-1252. Natural Earth Raster comes in TIFF format with a TFW world file.All Natural Earth data use the Geographic coordinate system (projection), WGS84 datum +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs Intelligent data: The attributes assigned to Natural Earth vectors make for more efficient mapmaking.

Most lines and areas contain embedded feature names, which are ranked by relative importance. Other key features: Vector features include name attributes and bounding box extent. Data availability key:10 most detailed, 50 moderate detail, 110coarse detail. Revealing Suspicious Ship Sinkings in the Mediterranean. Following visualization website is quite intriguing, if only because of the compelling story 'behind' the data it shows. (under the sea) [] is an online data visualization project about a series of sinkings in the Mediterranean Sea, involving ships which are suspected of having carried toxic and radioactive waste.

The most shocking fact about these sinkings is that the ships would have been sunk deliberately to dispose of tons of toxic, chemical and radioactive waste. The visualization project aims to support the ongoing investigations about these suspicious incidents by centralizing and spreading all relevant information, so that a better factual understanding can be gained. The information shown was hidden in maritime registers and hard disks, and was scattered in tens of different dossiers.

GE-Graph for Google Earth. Earth Atlas. El mundo de los mapas: Dependencia del agua. Mapas sobre la influencia humana en el planeta. A Year of Global Shipping Routes Mapped by GPS | Wired Science. Scientists have come up with the first comprehensive map of global shipping routes based on actual itineraries. The team pieced together a year’s worth of travel itineraries from 16,693 cargo ships using data from LLoyd’s Register Fairplay and the Automatic Identification System, which tracks vessels using a VHF receiver and GPS.

A few hot spots logged the majority of journeys. The busiest port was the Panama Canal, followed by the Suez Canal and Shanghai. “There is a strong similarity of statistical properties between shipping and aviation networks,” lead author Bernd Blasius, a mathematical modeler at Carl von Ossietzky University, wrote in an e-mail. “But different ship types (e.g., container ships vs. bulk carriers or oil tankers) are characterized by different movement patterns.” The study will be published in a forthcoming Journal of the Royal Society: Interface. Image: Bernd Blasius See Also: EarthTools - Find places, latitude/longitude, sunrise/sunset, elevation, local time and time zones. Act on Copenhagen: The impact of a global temperature rise of 4ºC (7 ºF)

The impacts of climate change will be widespread across the globe. In order to understand more about what the human impact of high-end climate change might be, and therefore what would happen if a successful agreement can not be reached at Copenhagen, the UK's Met Office Hadley Centre has produced a map outlining some of the impacts that may occur if the global average temperature rises by 4 °C (7 °F) above the pre-industrial climate average.

The map represents the latest peer-reviewed science on the impacts. Using the map: This interactive version of the 4 degree map allows you to select which impacts you want to see, zoom on specific geographies and access more information about the science behind the map. Click on the map to activate the controls Launch the interactive full screen map Embed the map Impacts on human activity To create the map the model was run many times, for two different greenhouse gas emission scenarios. The Amazon forest Carbon cycle Agriculture Water availability. Human Development Report 2009 on Datavisualization. Since 1990 the United Nations Development Programme publishes an annual report called the Human Development Report exploring challenges including poverty, gender, democracy, human rights, cultural liberty, globalization, water scarcity and climate change.

This year’s topic is migration and the UNDP has recruited the New York based design studio Zago which originated from Basel, Switzerland to lead the design. Zago’s project desciption: We were honored to lead the design of this year’s report. Our challenge was to create a engaging experience while keeping the document’s academic and policy nature intact. We created a design that supports the topic of migration and human mobility, simplified the nature of the information design and reworked the report’s overall template to prepare it for the next 10 years of use. The 230 pages strong publication is lovely designed and the data is made understandable by clean and usable information graphics.

La gravedad del agua. A Map of the World in EPS Vector Format. Search Animation Series. SEDAC - Last of the Wild: Home. Introduction Human influence is a global driver of ecological processes on the planet, on par with climatic trends, geological forces, and astronomical variations. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University have joined together to systematically map and measure the human influence on the Earth’s land surface today. The Last of The Wild, Version Two depicts human influence on terrestrial ecosystems using data sets compiled on or around 2000. Spatial Resolution and File Format Global Data: Available in geographic coordinate system at 30 arc-second grid cell size, and Interrupted Goode Homolosine Projection (IGHP) at 1km grid cell size Continental-Level Data: Subsets of the global data, available only in geographic coordinate system Format: Grid data available in ArcInfo grids and .BIL files; vector data available in shapefiles.

Terra y la Tierra. El 25.02.10, en Teledetección, por alpoma La misión Terra (EOS AM-1), de la NASA, cumple ya una década de vida monitorizando nuestro planeta, así que no viene mal repasar un poco y de forma visual, cómo nos ha contemplado esta plataforma orbital de teledetección en estos años. En Earth Observatory se hace un completo repaso, con animaciones e imágenes, de lo que cada sensor ha podido captar para mostrarnos una pintura global de la Tierra.

Lo que sigue no es más que una aperitivo desglosado por sensores. Biosfera. El sensor MODIS ha monitorizado la actividad fotosintética, midiendo el crecimiento de la vegetación en tierra o los niveles de clorofila del fitoplancton oceánico. Dióxido de carbono. Aquí, se marcan en naranja oscuro las áreas donde las concentraciones de este gas son mayores. Aerosoles. Elevación. Balance de radiación. En esta misma categoría: World-resources-map-r2.gif (1450×1450) Global Dependency Explorer. Facebook vs. the rest of the world. Land Art Generator Initiative. Click for larger imagedownload high resolution PDF Note in 2015: this post is from 2009. Some of the links below may be broken. The IEA has updated estimates since 2009, but the overall trends are the same. We hope that with the implementation of demand-side efficiency measures worldwide, long-range estimates will prove to be overestimated.

According to the US Department of Energy (Energy Information Administration), the world consumption of energy in all of its forms (barrels of petroleum, cubic meters of natural gas, watts of hydro power, etc.) is projected to reach 678 quadrillion Btu (or 715 exajoules) by 2030 – a 44% increase over 2008 levels (levels for 1980 were 283 quadrillion Btu and we stand at around 500 quadrillion Btu today in 2009). I wonder what surface area would be required and what type of infrastructural investment would be required to supply that amount of power by using only solar panels. So to find this out we start with the big number 678,000,000,000,000,000 Btu. La energía solar en el mundo, vista de otra forma. El mundo de los mapas: Regiones oasificables.

Global Temperature Anomalies. Global Water Footprint Map - WaterWired. Click on the image for a larger version. Here is the link for this map (from US Infrastructure). Download a photo: View this photo Get more information from the Water Footprint Network and here as well. Thanks to WaterSISWEB. "Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. " -- Unknown. Global Traffic Map 2010: Publications: TeleGeography. Telegeography's research services deliver uniquely detailed telecom industry metrics not available from any other source, coupled with cogent analysis and powerful infographics.

All research services are offered as 12-month online subscriptions. Research Services by Topic Our research services cover the following topic areas. Click on a topic to reveal research services that address that area. Telecom Networks and Infrastructure Global Internet Geography The most complete source of data and analysis about international Internet capacity, traffic, service providers, ASN connectivity, and pricing. Colocation Database A comprehensive online guide to colocation service providers and sites around the world. Retail Mobile, Broadband and Fixed-line GlobalComms Database Service The most complete source of data about the wireless, broadband, and fixed-line telecom markets, covering over 200 countries and 1,600+ service providers.

Internet Service Providers, Traffic and Prices IP Transit Pricing Service. Rutas seguidas por las materias primas. Verdenskart - First Global Census of Marine Life. Evolución de la biosfera. Earth. Map Projections: Preserving Areas. Robert W. Gray's Buckminster Fuller Notes. Radicalcartography. 9.8) Critique of Fuller's Dymaxion Map compared to B.J.S. Cahill's Octahedral.