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Dear Young Me, Dear Young Me, I still don't know what the hell to tell you.

Dear Young Me,

-Older Me. I miss you.. -sincerely, me Tell him that you love him and that he did make a difference. -Forever Missing Remember that all good things take time. -A more patient self Dear Young Know It All Me, Listen to your older sister when she tells you to run from him. -Love, Older Still Learning Me. The transparent battery: Is an invisible iPhone next? - - StumbleUpon. In the category of people making things you didn't know you need, researchers at Stanford University have just created a thin, flexible, totally transparent lithium-ion battery.

The transparent battery: Is an invisible iPhone next? - - StumbleUpon

It is about the size and shape of a Listerine breath mint strip, and as clear as Saran Wrap. According to an article on the university' website, researchers were inspired to make a see-through battery partially because they want transparent Apple products to be a reality in the future. "I want to talk to Steve Jobs about this. I want a transparent iPhone! " said Yi Cui, battery expert extraordinaire and an associate professor of materials science at Stanford who worked on the project. Cui created the battery with graduate student Yuan Yang, who is the first author of the paper "Transparent Lithium-ion Batteries," published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

Here's how the Stanford story explains it: The battery is not strong enough to power a laptop yet, but it could power a camera. Project Avalon - Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Click here for the PDF version of this interview (20 pages) Click here for the video presentation March 2010 **Ed note: Some transcripts contain words or phrases that are inaudible or difficult to hear and are, therefore, designated in square brackets.** BILL RYAN (BR): This is Bill Ryan here from Project Camelot and Project Avalon.

Project Avalon - Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race

Klaus is going to be doing an audio commentary on one of his extremely special, unusual, and fascinating slide shows about the artifacts and the various phenomena that he has been researching, discovering, investigating personally all over the world relating to what I think you could legitimately call The Hidden History of the Human Race. KLAUS DONA (KD): That's a very good summary, yes. BR: [laughs] So I'm going to step back here, and what follows now, just kick back and enjoy this slide presentation.

What are we looking at here ? Ancient World Maps. 25 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names: Pics, Videos, Links, News. 25 Cartoon Characters Whose Real Names You Never Knew: Pics, Videos, Links, News. 10-amazing-tricks-to-play-with-your-brain from Mind is the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes.

10-amazing-tricks-to-play-with-your-brain from

Mind manifests itself subjectively as a stream of consciousness. Neuroanatomists usually consider the brain to be the pivotal unit of what we refer to as mind. The Human Brain tricks us whenever it can. You don’t actually see what it is in real or you don’t even actually hear or smell the way it should be. Here is the time to play trick with the human brain. 10. At first this might sound like a bad practical joke. 9. In case you experience an injury, then see the injured part with an inverted binoculars, soon your pain will seem to be decreasing in its magnitude. Recently, a reasearch at Oxford University has lead to the discovery of a new pain killer – the inverted binoculars. Source: ( Link) Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius (40 Pics) - StumbleUpon.

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100 legal sites to stream and download free music

Why the best things in life like Music are not free? Actually, there is more legally available for free Music than you think. image by nothingatall Here is a list of 100 sites that let you stream or download music for free legally! This super list has sites where you can find most of your favorite songs and other awesome music that you will enjoy listening to. DeezerDeezer is the French-based service which is one of the largest and very popular music recommendation search engine. 8Tracks awesome site, with integration!

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