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Management collaboratif

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The Egoless Knowledge Worker. When I started working as a Junior Developer in the early 90s, I was developing application software in airline mainframe systems (for the record : IBM TPF technology). Dozen thousands of users (travel agents, airline reservation offices), hundredth thousands transactions a day. Back in those days we were developing in Assembler/370, a programming language which, roughly speaking, is to today’s programming languages what a 70s calculator is to an iPad. Anyway, that was the most appropriate technology to get things done fast on these mainframe systems. The problem was : a programming mistake (e.g. pointer error) would end up in mistakenly over-writing the core system, bringing the whole system down and having travel agents all around the planet without any system to enter customer bookings.

Coding error would easily cost millions of dollars. So you didn’t want to mess with the code and for each piece of code you wrote, you were having code reviews by your peers. Everybody Got’s One. Les entreprises doivent passer à un management collaboratif. Mi-incubateur, mi-fonds d'investissement, Petit Poucet prend sous son aile chaque année quatre start-up triées sur le volet.

Les entreprises doivent passer à un management collaboratif

Trois ans plus tard, la moitié dépasse le million d'euros de chiffre d'affaires. Manuel Valls plus courageux que réformateur La déclaration du Premier ministre ce mercredi donne beaucoup d'informations sur la "méthode Valls". Cécile Cornudet, éditorialiste aux Echos, analyse cette méthode et ce qu'elle révèle de la politique de Manuel Valls. Les DSI ont besoin de doubles compétences Du fait de la maturité des directions des systèmes d'information (DSI), les besoins RH se sont complexifiés et les profils les plus recherchés sont ceux qui bénéficient à la fois d'une expertise technique et d'une force opérationnelle.

APCE : du sursis et des partenaires mobilisés Menacée de devoir mettre la clé sous la porte faute de budget, l'Agence pour la Création d'Entreprise a gagné ce 16 avril un délai pour trouver les financements nécessaires à son fonctionnement. The Egoless Manager. This blog post attempts to complete the Hypertextual holy trinity of the 21st century organisation members.

After the Egoless Knowledge Worker and the Post-Heroic Leader, please welcome the Egoless Manager. Likewise the one dedicated to the Egoless Knowledge Worker, this article aims to propose a behavior pattern for managers to succeed in a highly collaborative environment. This pattern is defined by the following 10 values … 1- Hyperlink Subvert Hierarchy In the previous blog post, Hypertextual quotes an impressive Fortune Magazine article written by John Huey more than 15 years ago : The New Post-Heroic Leader. Leaders must learn to change the nature of power and how it’s employed.” David Weinberger summarized this in The Cluetrain Manifesto with only 3 words : Hyperlink Subvert Hierarchy (these #7). 2- It’s the manager fault Scott Berkun has been Microsoft Internet Explorer Project Manager in a previous life. Scott fully buys into Leffert law of management : it is the manager fault. The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming.

The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming, as originally established in Jerry Weinberg's book The Psychology of Computer Programming: Understand and accept that you will make mistakes. The point is to find them early, before they make it into production. Fortunately, except for the few of us developing rocket guidance software at JPL, mistakes are rarely fatal in our industry, so we can, and should, learn, laugh, and move on.You are not your code. Remember that the entire point of a review is to find problems, and problems will be found. Don't take it personally when one is uncovered.No matter how much "karate" you know, someone else will always know more.

The human principles of software are truly timeless; The Psychology of Computer Programming was written way back in 1971, a year after I was born! Management collaboratif – Du pyramidal à l’horizontal. XEnvoyer cet article par e-mail Management collaboratif - Du pyramidal à l’horizontal XEnvoyer cet article par e-mailManagement collaboratif - Du pyramidal à l’horizontal Plus que de nouveaux outils, de nouvelles méthodes de travail.

Management collaboratif – Du pyramidal à l’horizontal

ERP, NFOT, plateformes collaboratives, réseaux sociaux professionnels. Le management collaboratif comme le modèle de gestion d'équipe se répand dans les entreprises, grâce à des plateformes toujours plus performantes permettant de mettre en commun les informations, les ressources, les compétences et les idées à travers les différents services. Passer d'une hiérarchie verticale à un réseau horizontal.