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Useful links for web developer by Sonal Patel. Tutorials. Learn HTML This HTML Tutorial will give you an easy, yet thorough and correct introduction on how to make websites. The tutorial starts from scratch and requires absolutely no prior knowledge of programming. Start learning HTML or Start learning HTML5 Learn CSS This CSS Tutorial will get you started with CSS in just a few minutes.

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An Advanced Guide to HTML & CSS - (Private Browsing)


HTML. 85 Top Responsive Web Design Tools - (Private Browsing) As the mobile market continues to grow, demand for responsive website design intensifies. This has introduced a new set of tools, 10 of which we've listed below, to help lay out, design, code and plan a responsive website. While some may overlap, each deserves a spot on the list; when combined, they can help you craft a website that provides an optimal viewing experience for users on all devices.

(Along with each recommendation is a list of alternative tools that may be useful.) If you are a designer or developer, what are some of the indispensable tools in your responsive toolbox? Please share your recommendations with our readers in the comments, below. 1. Developed first as an internal tool that has now grown into a full-fledged product, Gridset lets web designers and developers design, prototype and build custom, responsive grid-based layouts for their projects. 2. Alternatives: Skeleton, Foundation, Base, InuitCSS, LESS Framework, Gridless, 320 and Up and Gumby. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Tutorials | Webmonkey | - (Private Browsing) Learn to Code for Free With These 10 Online Resources - (Private Browsing)


SMS - Build SMS Text Messaging Into Your Web Apps | Twilio - (Private Browsing) SE-Inspector: all the tools to optimize your web site for search engines. The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress - Part one: 101 Techniques for a Powerful CMS using WordPress. May 05 2009 This is the first article in the three-part series, “The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress”. Throughout this article, we’ll be focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites.

The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 2 The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress – Part 3 There are some technical stuff we have to get out of the way first. Let’s take a look at useful, yet rather unknown techniques for a powerful CMS using WordPress. Each section of the article presents a suggestion and provides you with an explanation of the solution for each suggestion. WordPress CMS Hacks and Tricks 1. By default, a WordPress home page shows chronological blog post entries — with the most recent post at the top. How To » In your admin area, just go to Setting » Reading. Points to take care » 2. <ul id="pagenav"><li class="<? <ul id="nav"><? 3. <? 4. <? <?

How To Create WordPress Themes From Scratch Part 1 » Themetation. I’m going to show you how to create a wordpress theme from scratch in these 3 parts of tutorial series. I will cover from Structuring, designing in Photoshop, slicing, coding into fully css based html, and finally wordpress implementation. Table Of Content Below is the index of the topics that we will go through: Structuring This is a very important part in designing a web layout. We need to structure our layout before open Photoshop. The first thing is the purpose of the layout. HeaderPosting areaSidebarSingle pageCommentFeedbackSearching fieldPage menuRSSArchives, Links and About Page Something we need to keep in mind.

Display too many things in one single page.Use too many colors and font type. In this sample, I also try to make is as simple as possible because the purpose of this series of tutorial is to give an example on how to create a wordpress theme. Final Result Photoshop Step 1 Step 2 Grab the rectangle tool and draw a header for it. Step 3 I use Myriad Pro. Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7.

Accessibility tools, web developer tools, wizards and markup generators. jQuery Shadow Plugin. Library.


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