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Counter-Crime Measures. Terrorism. Counter-Terrorism Measures. Drones. Global Peace Index 2014. UN: Hold International Talks on ‘Killer Robots’ (New York) – All governments should support international talks to address the threat posed by fully autonomous robotic weapons, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch and the Harvard Law School International Human Rights Clinic on October 21, 2013, issued a question-and-answer document about the legal problems posed by these weapons. Representatives from the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, including Human Rights Watch, will present their concerns about fully autonomous weapons at a United Nations event in New York on October 21. “Urgent international action is needed or killer robots may evolve from a science fiction nightmare to a deadly reality,” said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch. “The US and every other country should support holding international talks aimed at ensuring that humans will retain control over decisions to target and use force against other humans.”

Q&A on Fully Autonomous Weapons. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies will soon make possible the development of fully autonomous weapons, which would revolutionize the way wars are fought.

Q&A on Fully Autonomous Weapons

These weapons, unlike the current generation of armed drones, would be able to select and engage targets without human intervention. Military officials in the United States and other technologically advanced countries generally say that they prefer to see humans retain some level of supervision over decisions to use lethal force, and the US Defense Department has issued a policy directive embracing that principle for the time being. But the temptation will grow to acquire fully autonomous weapons, also known as “lethal autonomous robotics” or “killer robots.”

If one nation acquires these weapons, others may feel they have to follow suit to avoid falling behind in a robotic arms race. Why are fully autonomous weapons a pressing issue? What are the potential benefits of fully autonomous weapons? No. "SSP issue warning, giving opportunity to flee" How to shelter from fallout after a nuclear attack on your city. British Nuclear War from Beyond the Grave: The Letter of Last Resort.

Gary Slutkin: Let's treat violence like a contagious disease. The Government's Secret Research into Climate Change as a Security Risk. Translation: We're not going to do anything about climate change because of the threat to current profits, then when climate change actually threatens us, we're gonna fuck somebody up.

The Government's Secret Research into Climate Change as a Security Risk

Isn't that why we have a Military? I personally like the idea that if we need a resource, we have the ability to take it rather then, oh, die. I prefer the idea we take action to try to prevent/mitigate/ameliorate climate change now rather than have to go to war because we were to greedy/stupid to do anything about it. Clowns like you are why sometimes I wish they'd bring back the draft. "Isn't that why we have a military? (And before you even start: Yes, six years USAF during Desert Storm; no, no combat; Honorable Discharge at end of enlistment.) There it is again, that assumption that some evil corporate cartel is preventing action on climate change. What do you propose be done? Can you tell me how to make this go faster? Taxing companies that put CO2 into the atmosphere doesn't hurt their profits.

Why The War On Drugs Looks Even Stupider When You See What Other Countries Do. Meet The 'Liberator': Test-Firing The World's First Fully 3D-Printed Gun. Marc Goodman: A vision of crimes in the future.