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Photo's of the UFO over China. The Black Vault. Xfacts Research - Ancient Astronauts, NASA, UFO's, Planet X, Nibiru. The truth, it is out there… (page 1) By Dwayne A. DayMonday, December 17, 2007 The classic movie A Christmas Story—currently in heavy rotation on cable—features a subplot involving the hero, Ralphie, who is excited to finally receive his Lil’ Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Ring. He has been waiting forever to join the exclusive fraternity of people who have access to the secret knowledge broadcast to everybody on the radio. But when he decodes his first message he is stunned to learn that it is a commercial for Ovaltine. He swears and throws it in the trash. That kind of intense disappointment must greet conspiracy buffs virtually every day. Now I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch. If Hoagland’s name sounds vaguely familiar that’s probably because during the 1980s he wrote several books and lectured about the so-called “Face on Mars.”

The reason I went is simple: The Weekly World News folded. I thought the press conference might be amusing. Worst of all, it was lame. I needed snacks. Neither did I. UFO, ALIEN, DISCLOSURE, SERPO, SEINU, PROJECT-CAMELOT - Open Minds Forum - - Home. UFO Evidence. Best UFO Resources and Info - UFO pictures and videos. About: This is a reference Website. It offers a collection of hand-picked UFO resources: real UFO pictures (see the "summary" and "technical overview" pages), video documentaries, video footage and testimonies, technical data and over 500 links to scientific studies, books, portals, newsfeeds, blogs and forums about UFOs.

In short, by combining info from many diverse sources, our goal is to share a selection of valuable, representative (in a some cases unique UFO info and original research), as concisely as possible and offer some possible answers. Also provide a "starting point" for in-depth info and gems of real value in a labyrinth of (often false) information published on the fascinating subject of UFOs. Use the links in the header and footer of each page to navigate around this site. Credible information on the UFO subject is notoriously difficult to find. You also can't rely on your trusted Internet search engine (Google, Yahoo etc). UFO Seek! UFO paranormal Directory and News. Latest UFO Sightings. UFO Skeptic. Mutual UFO Network - MUFON - Dedicated to Scientific Study of UFOs. The UFO Iconoclast(s) Copyright 2014, Anthony Bragalia [Use of this article, without permission, will bring litigation of copyright infringement.

Excessive "fair use" will also bring legal scrutiny. Links to article are permitted of course and source notation is appreciated.] A photo found archived at New Mexico Tech’s Atmospheric Lab may provide stunning visual confirmation that the world-famous “UFO” sighted by Officer Lonnie Zamora outside of Socorro, NM in the 1960s was indeed a balloon launched by college students at the nearby school. This extraordinary image may well illustrate who did the hoax, what it really was, and what it looked like. The photo and accompanying notation above is courtesy the files of the Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, NM. Zamora would have been wholly unfamiliar with such an experimental balloon, introduced to the area the very year of his sighting. The encyclopedia about UFOs and the paranormal.

Miss Chris MacNeill, actress, finds out her daughter Regan has the signs of an illness. Doctors don't have an explanation and are wordless. Despite this, the girl goes on featuring weird powers like levitation, superhuman strenght and lots more. Science gives up at last, while a priest-exorcist is called. Initially skeptic, Father Karras asks the help of expert exorcist Father Merrin: they quickly realize this is not a case of simple mental disorder. This movie is a true horror. Coast-Coast Noory. | Aliens | UFO | Home.