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The 50 Best First Sentences in Fiction.

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Close reading leads to close writing: “Falling in Love With Close Reading” in writing workshop. I have truly fallen in love with Falling in Love With Close Reading, the just-released book by Christopher Lehman and Kate Roberts.

Close reading leads to close writing: “Falling in Love With Close Reading” in writing workshop

As with Kylene Beers and Robert Probst’s Notice and Note, this is a book that pushes my thinking about reading – my own, as well as that of my plot-crazy students who are better at galloping through the books they read, than slowing down to think about what it all means. We began the year exploring the sign posts, and I am happy to say that I am beginning to see our reading journeys slowing down and becoming much more meaningful. When I turned my attention to FILWCR, however, I began to think of ways in which I could bring some of the ever-so-smart close reading exercises from this book into my writing workshop, as well. Close readers make better writers, right? Right! Isn’t this what we are trying to do in writing workshop? So, on Tuesday, I waded in. 1. 2. 3. Then we went to work on a passage from Lois Lowry’s marvelous memoir, Looking Back. Google Presentation Tips and Tricks for Students.

One Stop Resource for Google Docs. If you’re a Google Docs user, curious about Google Docs, work with Google Docs with students, and especially if you’re looking for help understanding all of the features of Google Docs, then you’ve got to bookmark MaryFran’s Google Docs Tutorials.

One Stop Resource for Google Docs

Created as a Google Site (of course), this is a huge collection of resources, tutorials, videos, … all devoted to helping the visitor understand the ins and outs of working with Google Docs. That’s really the best description I can think of to describe this site. Navigation and use is as simple and powerful as Google Docs itself. Just select a topic of interest from the left side navigation menu and read on. Screen captures are included along with complete descriptions of just what activity is being discussed.

Google Docs users – make sure that you bookmark this resource. Powered by Qumana Like this: Like Loading... Related OTR Links 12/16/2011 Main Page - Math Lesson and Unit Plans page divided by grade level and strand. 5 Ways To Google Presentations Not As Presentations. If you’re a user of Google Drive, then no doubt you have also heard of and likely used Google Presentations (Google’s version of PowerPoint). It’s a great tool to create slick presentations in the cloud, especially after its most recent overhaul. However, Google Presentations is also a handy tool for doing some great projects with your students that have nothing to do with public speaking.

Here are some fun exercises you can try in your classes. Visual Note/Flash Cards Imagery is a powerful tool in all subjects. 80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom. 80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff When you think of innovative, edgy, compelling uses of technology, Google Forms isn’t exactly the first thing that leaps to mind.

While you’d probably prefer a piece of hardware that’s affordable, easy to use, and mobile that allows students to direct their own mastery of content in peer-to-peer and school-to-school learning environments, for now you just might have to settle for a spreadsheet. No, wait. Come back. Spreadsheets are simply a kind of framework, yes? Google Drive for Teachers with ‘How-to’ video links. 22 Useful Google Forms for Teachers and Principals. 10 Great Tools to Integrate with your Google Docs. Since Google officially changed Google Docs name to Google Drive and a number of updates have been introduced to improve its overall performance.

10 Great Tools to Integrate with your Google Docs

One very recent update is an increase of cloud storage capacity to 15GB usable across Gmail, Drive, and Google Plus. It is quite obvious that Google is trying to outsmart its immediate competitor Dropbox and I think Google is successful in its strategy so far. To make Google Drive stand out from the crowd, Google opened it to apps developers and allowed users to select from a wide variety of web apps to integrate into their Google Drive accounts. With the integration of these apps, users can now handle their files and documents ways not affordable by any other cloud storage tool out there. Alan Peat Limited - Helping Able Writers at KS2 - Enhancement Strategies. Home » FREE Resources » Helping Able Writers at KS2 : Enrichment Strategies In order to meet the needs of able writers a range of organisational responses can be applied.

Alan Peat Limited - Helping Able Writers at KS2 - Enhancement Strategies

In this essay 'in - class' approaches will be discussed. We will not be considering approaches such as acceleration and the provision of out - of - school activities (both of which can be valid in terms of assisting able writers) but rather will focus on everyday provision in the typically diverse Primary classroom. The two keys to effective provision for able writers are, Enrichment : widening the opportunities for writing and the forms that such writing takes. In this article enhancement strategies will be considered. 1) General Enhancement Strategies. Writing. Metaphors comic - Stuart McMillen and Nick Barter graphic novel. How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding. How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding by Terry Heick How can you tell if a student really understands something?

How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding

They learn early on to fake understanding exceptionally well, and even the best assessment leaves something on the table. (In truth, a big portion of the time students simply don’t know what they don’t know.) The idea of understanding is, of course, at the heart of all learning, and solving it as a puzzle is one of the three pillars of formal learning environments and education. 1. 2. 3. But how do we know if they know it? Understanding As “It” On the surface, there is trouble with the word “it.” “It” is essentially what is to be learned, and it can be scary thing to both teachers and students. And in terms of content, “it” could be almost anything: a fact, a discovery, a habit, skill, or general concept, from a mathematical theory to a scientific process, the importance of a historical figure to an author’s purpose in a text.

How It Works Early Understanding 1. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.


Writing. 5th Grade Common Core Classroom - Making Inferences - Bigger Than Alexander. PARCC Games. Social studies. Making books. Math.