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Flexbox Playground. Cross Browser Testing. Pick an OS - Pick a Browser - Test website. Lorempixel - placeholder images for every case. Understanding vertical-align, or "How (Not) To Vertically Center Content" A FAQ on various IRC channels I help out on is How do I vertically center my stuff inside this area?

Understanding vertical-align, or "How (Not) To Vertically Center Content"

This question is often followed by I'm using vertical-align:middle but it's not working! The problem here is three-fold: HTML layout traditionally was not designed to specify vertical behavior. By its very nature, it scales width-wise, and the content flows to an appropriate height based on the available width. Traditionally, horizontal sizing and layout is easy; vertical sizing and layout was derived from that.

Vertical-align in table cells When used in table cells, vertical-align does what most people expect it to, which is mimic the (old, deprecated) valign attribute. HTML5 Boilerplate: The web's most popular front-end template. Coding An HTML 5 Layout From Scratch. HTML5 and CSS3 have just arrived (kinda), and with them a whole new battle for the ‘best markup’ trophy has begun.

Coding An HTML 5 Layout From Scratch

Truth to be told, all these technologies are mere tools waiting for a skilled developer to work on the right project. As developers we shouldn’t get into pointless discussions of which markup is the best. They all lead to nowhere. Rather, we must get a brand new ideology and modify our coding habits to keep the web accessible. While it is true HTML5 and CSS3 are both a work in progress and is going to stay that way for some time, there’s no reason not to start using it right now. So today we’re going to experiment a little with these new technologies. It’d be a good idea to have a read at some of these articles first: I’ll also assume you know the basics of HTML and CSS. Before we begin… Link There’s a couple of things you have to bear in mind before adventuring on the new markup boat.

A word on Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation Link 1. 2. <! A few highlights: CSS Font Shorthand Property Cheat Sheet. In the past I’ve displayed some serious animosity towards the CSS font shorthand property, so I feel I should make up for it.

CSS Font Shorthand Property Cheat Sheet

After all, the font shorthand property was just minding its own business, trying to save developers some lines of code, and I come along and declare it an outcast. So, although I still don’t agree with ever using font shorthand, I do think it’s important that CSS developers understand how it works. So to make up for my former font shorthand hostilities, I’ve prepared a printable cheat sheet that you can download and hang next to your computer, which will come in handy in case you decide to use this property yourself, or are forced use it in a stylesheet from an inherited project. Enjoy! Idiomatic-css/ at master · necolas/idiomatic-css. Necolas/css3-github-buttons. 28 HTML5 Features, Tips, and Techniques you Must Know. Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck.

HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today. Debugger, Responsive Design View and more in Firefox Aurora 15. Firefox 15 is now in the Aurora channel and has some big new features and improvements to the built-in tools for web developers.

Debugger, Responsive Design View and more in Firefox Aurora 15

JavaScript Debugging Firefox now ships with a Debugger (available via the Web Developer menu, or with the ctrl-shift-S/cmd-opt-S keyboard shortcut). Use this tool to quickly hunt down problems in your JavaScript code. Quickly Get to the Source. Web design examples.


Lists. Tutorials. How to Create a Contact Form using HTML5, CSS3 and PHP. Personally, I feel it is important to be aware of the [positive] impact HTML5 will have on forms and the way they will function in years to come.

How to Create a Contact Form using HTML5, CSS3 and PHP

Realistically, we can’t implement all of the new features today, but you don’t want to be lagging behind the rest of the industry when these features finally become widely supported. Having said that, this tutorial will be focusing on the new HTML5 features that are already supported by all the major browsers, or that at least employ graceful degradation for the browsers that are still trying to play catch up. 1. Bolt. Bolt is designed to be flexibly sized and responsive, and to progressively enhance.


Base classes concentrate on layout techniques, and optional vertical rhythms and horizontal grids are included. Bolt does not give you any colour. Colours change between projects, where layout techniques generally do not. Bolt prefers CSS over JavaScript. It uses class changes and CSS transitions rather than JS animations. Bolt's classes come with behaviour attached. The Incredible Em & Elastic Layouts with CSS. Almost a year ago, Ty Gossman over at Stylegala asked me to write an article about elastic layouts.

The Incredible Em & Elastic Layouts with CSS

The best I could do was a quick email between work. I always meant to come good on that. Thanks for asking; sorry it took so long. This article will walk you through creating a basic elastic layout; what exactly an “em” is and how to calculate them, how to use ems to create an elastic layer for content with scalable text and images, including basic vertical rhythm. What is an Elastic Layout? An elastic layout scales with users’ text size. More accurately, an elastic interface scales with browser text size—commonly a default of 16px—which users can change if they wish. Elastic design uses em values for all elements. They are calculated based on the font size of the parent element.

See the elastic layout example. For other live elastic examples, visit Dan Cederholm’s beautiful and elastic SimpleBits, or resize text on this site. Introducing Em, the Elastigirl of CSS Getting Started N.B. LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language. 24 Best CSS3 Animation Demos and Tutorials. Today we are showcasing a post on CSS3 Animation featuring some of the best and most awesome functions.

24 Best CSS3 Animation Demos and Tutorials

CSS3 is full of amazing features that you can take advantage of that you may not know about. That’s why we are going to go over some of those CSS3 features that are less explored. One of its most amazing feature is CSS3 Animation, which is fun and gives off an excellent effect. All of these tutorials are very useful and some can even be used as Javascript alternatives.

CSS Resources and Templates