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Flipped Classrooms

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Blogs de ELE. Ejercicios. Fichas gramática. Spanish Grammar Online: Contents. Ejercicios. Spanish Grammar Online: Contents. 01010 Spanish Lesson - Me gusta (part 1) - Flipped Learning Network Ning. 'Flipped classroom' gains popularity in schools. Flipped-revamp.png (600×4590) Society for Learning Analytics Research. Answers To The Biggest Questions About Flipped Classrooms. Flipped classrooms are truly changing education (see ‘ How To Flip An Entire School ‘ and a report on how the flipped classroom can improve test scores .)

As a school psychologist intern highly interested in ‘flipping classrooms’, I have consulted with many teachers and school staff that have adopted (or have expressed interest in) the flipped classroom model, and those that have implemented the model, have nothing but great things to say. Below are some frequent questions I get about flipped classrooms from teachers; and my answers, based on personal interactions and professional consultations with teachers. Has it “solved” the homework problem? It is a giant leap in the right direction. As Scott Carr put in his article Homework That Motivates , “[the problem is that] …homework is seen as the pursuit of arbitrary points and compliance with a teacher’s request rather than a learning experience.” How did she ensure students were watching the videos?

Flipped-Classroom-Infographic.jpg (2551×3301) Before We Flip Classrooms, Let's Rethink What We're Flipping To. Integrated into their regular math classes, Globaloria students access online video tutorials and receive expert advice on how to build original educational video games about math topics.

Before We Flip Classrooms, Let's Rethink What We're Flipping To

Photo credit: World Wide Workshop We're hearing a lot of talk about education in these back-to-school days, but a few conversations rise above the din. One such is the chatter about "flipped classrooms,"1 in which students listen to lectures at home and do homework at school. We also hear names like TED, Codecademy, Khan Academy and Knowmia bandied about, not to mention the term "MOOC"2 and such brands as Udacity, Coursera, MITx, edX . . . How To Flip An Entire School. I’m the Principal at Clintondale High School – a financially disadvantaged high school located outside of Detroit. Our school has been in debt for the past decade, and during the recession our area suffered immensely. 74 percent of our 570 students qualify for the free or reduced lunch program, 38 percent receive special education services and 70 percent are a racial minority.

Like many schools around the country, our students were not doing well in class, and many were failing – two years ago our failure rate was 61 percent. Tom Sciacca: Technology can cut school costs - Wayland, MA - Wicked Local Wayland. Flipped Classroom - digitalsandbox. Friday Institute for Educational Innovation - FIZZ. Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet. Welcome to another post rich in resources.

Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet

If you have come here looking for links that will guide you to videos and multimedia to use in a Flipped Classroom that is coming in a future post. Perhaps you have tried a little Flip of your own and want to learn more. If you are beginning to investigate what a Flipped Classroom is, with the thought of possibly trying some kind of Flip yourself… then this is also the right place. I have researched and tried to find you the very best resources to get educators in all positions thinking about what a Flipped Classroom” really is”? I know that if you take a look at the resources provided you will walk away with a better understanding, and a well thought out implementation.

Many educators are beginning to become aware of the growing teaching method referred to as “Flipping The Classroom”. You see, at first this definition does make a lot of sense, and like so many “best practices” I see great value in the idea. The Flipped Classroom: Explanation & Resources. The flipped classroom model, in which traditional teaching methods and the order of a student’s day are basically reversed to make use of resources online and/or outside of class while moving what we know as traditional “homework” into actual classroom time, has been slowly gaining steam around the country since its unofficial inception in 2004, but the recent onslaught of high quality educational resources being released from the likes of Khan Academy, MIT, and others has really kicked the movement into high gear.

The Flipped Classroom: Explanation & Resources

What is the flipped classroom model? Internet Catalogue. 8 Crucial Resources For Flipped Classrooms. Have you “flipped” yet? My colleagues have this week; it’s PSSA week in Pennsylvania (PSSAs are standardized tests.). That’s not the flipped I meant, however. I meant, have you flipped your classroom yet? Well, if you have or are thinking about it, here are some tools you might want to consider using for those after-hours background knowledge sessions. There's More Than One Way to Flip a Classroom - Digital Education. In a packed session this afternoon at ISTE 2012 here in San Diego, a panel of nine educators, as well as two moderators presented their ideas and experiences with "flipping" their classrooms.

There's More Than One Way to Flip a Classroom - Digital Education

The session was led by Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann, two chemistry teachers who pioneered the flipped learning model back in 2006. The pair recently co-wrote a book, published by ISTE and ASCD, called Flip Your Classroom. Defining what "flipping your classroom" meant was the first topic of conversation, which proved to be somewhat more difficult than you might expect. In fact, the reason the panel consisted of nine educators, instead of two or three, was precisely to demonstrate that there were many different ways to effectively flip a classroom. 4 Ways Flipping Forces Fundamental Change - Getting Smart by Susan Lucille Davis - edchat, edreform, flipped classroom. Email Share June 14, 2012 - by Susan Lucille Davis 0 Email Share Photo Courtesy of Flickr: kkimpel I generally like the idea of turning things upside-down if only to see what happens as a result. I suppose I learned the merits of flipping first-hand, having once taken the wacky (and effective) advice to stand on my head to overcome insomnia– yes, by a yoga teacher, and yes, it worked.

Region XIII's E-Campus. The flip: Turning a classroom upside down. Roshan, her AP Calculus teacher at the private Bullis School in Potomac, told students that they would be learning their lessons at home with help from videos and other materials that she had made, and then would do “homework” problems in class.

The flip: Turning a classroom upside down

Roshan had “flipped” her class — a trend in teaching and classroom management that has been adopted by thousands of teachers across the country for a variety of different subjects. It is a reimagination of life in a classroom. Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education. Flipping for fitness. By Jason Hahnstadt Read more by Contributor The flipped learning model can be applied in physical education classes with great success. Physical education (PE) teachers are often on the short end of the stick when it comes to technology innovations in school.

When the battle of the bulge is fought every day in our schools, the conversations are usually more about removing the symptoms of childhood obesity, like limiting soda pop in vending machines and offering healthier school lunch options, than addressing the true cause of the problem–lack of overall physical activity. Teacher Vodcasting and Flipped Classroom Network - A professional learning community for teachers using vodcasting in the classroom. The Flipped Classroom is Hot, Hot, Hot. There are news stories and web articles about reverse instruction, or ‘flipping the classroom’, published just about every day lately.

The Flipped Classroom is Hot, Hot, Hot

Here’s 15 news stories from the last 4 weeks focused on this instructional technology phenomenon. Many of these articles mention ‘the flip’ in their title (and for every one of these, there have been one or two additional articles that discuss the concept). In addition to listing these articles here, I’ve also created and shared a video and a Slideshare deck to help to bring attention to this powerful idea and spread the word about it to educators everywhere. If you want to spread the word too, please pass this article or one of these other presentations on to your colleagues. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Moving the Flipped Class « Educator. I have not written for almost two weeks now.

Moving the Flipped Class « Educator

Half of the reason is because of writer’s block, another half because school is crazy, and a third half because of some family issues that came up unexpectedly. I opened up my blog a few times with intention to write, but I could not get anything to form. But that’s okay. It gave me time to reflect on other’s posts and thoughts while trying to get all of mine to fit in my head. There has been a lot happening with the Flipped Classroom recently…almost too much to list. The Flipped Classroom book by Jon and Aaron being published by ISTE had its release date moved up a month because of high demand.Ted-Ed launched.The Flipped Learning Network began.The Flipped Class Network NING passed 4000 registered members.The #flipclass hashtag on Twitter is exploding with links, articles, and connections.

Plus, dozens of articles on the flipped classroom. Flickr CC, Viernest. To Flip Or Not Flip? To flip or not to flip? That is not the essential question. In assessing the optimal classroom dynamics, I would argue that we need to take a good look at what our classrooms look like right now, what activities our students gain the most from, what we wished we had more time for, and what things about our class we wish we could eliminate. Do I flip: yes. Would I recommend it: enthusiastically. But let’s start by rewinding for a minute, to my 2009 AP Calculus class. Running Out Of Time Worst of all, I felt that I never got to hear from my students because they were trying their best to digest the newly presented material.

So I asked myself the same questions that I posed at the beginning of this essay: what is working, what is not, and what do I wish I had more time for? Planning. Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos. Last week, I read an interesting blog post by Shelley Blake-Plock titled “The Problem with TED ed.”

Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos

It got me thinking about the flipped classroom model and how it is being defined. As a blended learning enthusiast, I have played with the flipped classroom model, seen presentations by inspiring educators who flip their classrooms, and even have a chapter dedicated to this topic in my book. However, I am disheartened to hear so many people describe the flipped classroom as a model where teachers must record videos or podcasts for students to view at home.

There are many teachers who do not want to record videos either because they don’t have the necessary skills or equipment, their classes don’t include a lot of lecture that can be captured in recordings, or they are camera shy. Too often the conversation surrounding the flipped classroom focuses on the videos- creating them, hosting them, and assessing student understanding of the content via simple questions or summary assignments. 1. 2. Webinar with Alan November and Dr. Eric Mazur. This is a very special episode of our podcast series.

Webinar with Alan November and Dr. Eric Mazur

Flipped Classroom and Online Learning. Flipped Classroom Infographic #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #edtech. Flipped Classroom Resources. The flip: Classwork at home, homework in class. Today, the 48-year-old helps teachers around the world “flip” their classrooms.

The flip: Classwork at home, homework in class

Last week, he was at Harvard Law School talking about the virtues of flipping.