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Aperçu sur le développement des applications Web et des Widgets accessibles - Accessibilité. Le Web est en pérpetuelle évolution.

Aperçu sur le développement des applications Web et des Widgets accessibles - Accessibilité

En effet, les sites à contenu statique sont de plus en plus remplacés par des sites dynamiques à l'utilisation assez proche des applications de bureaux. Les sites Web dynamiques utilisent abondement JavaScript et AJAX. Les designers créent des widgets et des éléments d'interface grâce aux languages du Web notemment HTML, CSS et Javascript. Ce tournant dans l'histoire du Web permet d'améliorer grandement l'expérience utilisateur. Mais certains utilisateurs peuvent être exclus par manque d'accessibilité. Problématique La plupart des libraries JavaScript proposent des composants côté client qui miment le comportement familier des interfaces de bureaux classiques.

Example 1: Code d'une tabulation sans informations ARIA. <! Example 2: Telles qu'elles sont représentées çi-dessous, les tabulations peuvent être reconnues en tant que tel par les utilisateurs. ARIA - Accessibility. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) is a set of attributes that define ways to make Web content and Web applications (especially those developed with Ajax, JavaScript and more recent web technologies like Bootstrap) more accessible to people with disabilities. For example, ARIA enables accessible navigation landmarks, JavaScript widgets, form hints and error messages, live content updates, and more.

ARIA is a set of special accessibility attributes which can be added to any markup, but is especially suited to HTML. Software, Training, and Consulting. ARIA in HTML. Accessibility on Smashing Magazine. We use ad-blockers as well, you know.

Accessibility on Smashing Magazine

We gotta keep those servers running though. Did you know that we publish useful books and run friendly conferences — crafted for pros like yourself? E.g. upcoming SmashingConf Barcelona, dedicated to smart front-end techniques and design patterns. Accessibility Lipstick on a Usability Pig. Applying accessibility techniques to an unusable site is like putting lipstick on a pig.

Accessibility Lipstick on a Usability Pig

No matter how much you apply, it will always be a pig. There are many ways in which a web site might be made inaccessible. Believe me, we’ve seen them all. Occasionally we are asked to conduct an accessibility evaluation on a site that is almost entirely unusable. Such efforts are usually pointless. Often the approach to poor usability is to throw more accessibility code at a site. ChromeVox Interactive TutorialStep 1 of 9 :Lesson 1: About ChromeVox and the Keyboard. With the help of ChromeVox spoken feedback, you can use your keyboard to explore the Web.

ChromeVox Interactive TutorialStep 1 of 9 :Lesson 1: About ChromeVox and the Keyboard

After these 10 6 lessons, you’ll learn enough basic keyboard shortcuts to explore pages, find links and buttons, and have more than one page open at a time. You’ll also learn where to get more information. AccessiWeb 2.2 - Liste Générale. Accessible jQuery-ui Components Demo. Accessible jQuery-ui Components Demonstration Instructions for Screen Reader Users: This page contains some interactive controls that you would normally only find in desktop applications.

Accessible jQuery-ui Components Demo

Examples of such controls are tab lists, menu bars, sliders, and tree views. These controls are often operated using the arrow keys, which means your screen reader must temporarily switch off virtual navigation mode in order to interact with them. Some screen readers will automatically switch between modes depending on the control's type, while others require you to manually turn virtual mode off. JAWS KEY + Z, use twice to make switch permanent. How to toggle aria-expanded and other WAI-ARIA values with JavaScript - David MacDonald Web Accessibility Blog, testing, teaching, and discussion.

How Not To Misuse ARIA States, Properties and Roles - SSB BART Group. Many content authors will put ARIA properties on content in an attempt to meet accessibility standards and make their content work with assistive technology (AT).

How Not To Misuse ARIA States, Properties and Roles - SSB BART Group

Unfortunately, there is a lot of incorrect use of ARIA, with authors seemingly adding attributes until they get something that works with screen readers. One reason authors may continue to add incorrect ARIA properties is the lack of apparent issues when ARIA is misused – no harm is detected and thus people continue the practice. While some people may be less concerned with technically invalid code, it’s harder to debug and maintain and may cause unexpected issues. WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1. At this point you should have a basic understanding of how WAI-ARIA is used to support interoperability with assistive technologies.

WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1

If you are not reusing a WAI-ARIA-enabled widget library and wish to create your own the following steps will guide you through the thought process for creating an accessible widget using WAI-ARIA. ARIA in HTML. ARIA - AnySurfer. ARIA, il serait temps de s’y mettre ! Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0. 1.

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0

Introduction§ This section is non-normative. The goals of this specification include: expanding the accessibility information that may be supplied by the author; requiring that supporting host languages provide full keyboard support that may be implemented in a device-independent way, for example, by telephones, handheld devices, e-book readers, and televisions; improving the accessibility of dynamic content generated by scripts; and providing for interoperability with assistive technologies. OpenAjax Accessibility: OpenAjax Examples. Introduction à WAI ARIA (traduction) · Les intégristes. Grégoire Dierendonck Cet article est destiné à des personnes ne connaissant pas ARIA. Vous devriez avoir une bonne connaissance du langage HTML et des problèmes que peuvent rencontrer les personnes handicapées sur le web. Connaître quelques application web « riches » (RIA) d’un point de vue utilisateur serait un plus. Après avoir lu cet article, vous comprendrez à quoi sert ARIA, comment l’intégrer à vos sites, et comment l’utiliser dès immédiatement et même sur le plus simple des sites pour le rendre plus accessible.

Introduction Le langage HTML (HyperText Markup Language) n’a pas été conçu pour créer des applications web. Malheureusement, les techniques utilisées pour outrepasser ces limitations ne sont absolument pas accessibles. DHTML Style Guide Working Group – AOL Access. The DHTML Style Guide Working Group (DSGWG) has come together to create a recommendation for keyboard shortcuts to be used in website widgets.

DHTML Style Guide Working Group – AOL Access

We realize that many keystrokes are already in use by various operating systems, user interfaces, and assistive technology. Therefore our task is to recommend the best, most intuitive, most international friendly shortcut keys possible without regard to their current use. It is hoped that developers, AT vendors, and Browser manufactures will use these as guidelines, but understand it may not be practical or possible given their individual constraints. Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility. You are here: Home > Articles > Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility Introduction This article is designed to help users who are new to NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) learn the basic controls for testing web content, and to serve as a reference for the occasional NVDA user.

Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility

NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) is a free and open source screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system. It supports over 20 languages and can run on any computer entirely from a USB drive with no installation. Accessibilité numérique : bonne ou mauvaise nouvelle ? Notes on ARIA by Taylor Hunt on CodePen. I can't find a friendly, readable guide to ARIA. So I sat down, read the spec, and took notes. This isn't an exhaustive explanation of proper use; for that you'll need the spec.