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DeviantART: where ART meets application! Pixologic. A Look Into Intrinsic Nature's 10th Experiment. AE ENHANCERS. SIGGRAPH 2011. Smashing UX Design - Usability, UX design and Information Architecture Articles. Category: UX Design This category features quality articles on usability, information architecture, interaction design and other user experience (UX) related topics – for digital (Web, mobile, applications, software) and physical products.

Smashing UX Design - Usability, UX design and Information Architecture Articles

Through these articles, experts and professionals share with you their valuable ideas, practical tips, useful guidelines, recommended best practices and great case studies. Smashing Magazine - For Professional Web Designers and Developers. Le Magazine Online de la 3d Francophone. Tree Maker. Great script for creating trees...

Tree Maker

Some of the 'sweet' things about this script are:- After you generate the branches - you can rotate and move them about to more easily control the shape of the generated tree.- The generated tree already has mapping coordinates applied (this isn't perfected yet - but it works pretty well).- You can delete branches you don't want and the routines will correctly generate the connections for the remaining branches.- Once you're happy with the tree you can collapse it into a single mesh and then use meshsmooth - relax - etc. to further enhance its appearance. Additional Info: version 5.0 Update: Ok - here's version 5. For Max users - this is essentially the same as V 4.5; for Viz users - however - this new version allows you to generate and collapse leaves.

Previous versions could only do this with particle systems which worked fine in Max - but Viz doesn't have particle systems - so the script would error out. ZENVERSE - Design and Web Development. Collection - Free Vectors. FREE PSD FILES - Free PSD resources like textures, icons, buttons, backgrounds and many many more.. Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy! Trapcode - Blog. After Effects Tutorials, Plug-ins and Stock Footage for Post Production Professionals.