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Kyle MacLachlan Impresses David Lynch With A Pratfall During The Filming Of 'Twin Peaks: The Return' 35 still frames from Shane Carruth’s Upstream Color. From Upstream Color, 2013.

35 still frames from Shane Carruth’s Upstream Color

Direction and cinematography by Shane Carruth. Via Film Grab. Like this: Like Loading... Related A Short Riff on Shane Carruth's Film Upstream Color. (1) Mulholland Dr. (3/10) Movie CLIP - Bad Coffee (2001) HD. Coming to SBS in 2020. 'Tenet' Trailer. James Franco’s ‘Blood Meridian’ Test. Hausu (1977) watermelon scene. THE GRANDDADDY OF CAR CHASE SCENES. To say that Bullitt had a car chase scene is like saying Steve McQueen was a good actor.


Both are arguably gross understatements. The history-making car chase from Bullitt is still considered the gold standard for which all such scenes are held to today. McQueen hadn’t planned on a driving double– in fact, he firmly insisted on doing all the Mustang stunt driving himself. But that all quickly changed– while shooting an early scene (that can be seen in the film), he missed a turn pretty hard and nearly lost it. The studio exec’s immediately pulled the plug on McQueen’s plans and tapped professional stunt drivers with a little more practical experience and skill.

The story behind the filming of this ground-breaking scene (I hate to say it) is more fascinating to me than the whole of the film itself. An inside look at how they filmed BULLITT, the granddaddy of car pursuit movies. BY: Susan Encinas (Muscle Car Review, March, 1987) Gentleman of Style: Steve McQueen. Coolmaterial. Fighting is a cinema staple at this point and no action-adventure would be complete without one.


We love the fluid, expert fighting of modern spy movies, the magic of kung fu wire work, the brawling of aging adventure movies. They’re all exciting donnybrooks that make us want to double down on our martial arts training. But even if we talk about learning how to fight and how and where to punch someone, we know that some things should probably stay in the movies. They do them way better anyway. Here are the best movie fight scenes of all time. Coolmaterial. Joel & Ethan Coen: A Tribute. Coolmaterial. Onion Studios. Keanu Reeves And Jimmy Kimmel Star In A Low-Speed Chase Movie. Hardcore – Official Movie Trailer. Blue Shining. The Geometry of a Scene — Akira Kurosawa.

Mulholland Dr. (8/10) Movie CLIP - This is the Girl (2001) HD. Lost Highway - Mystery Man. Blue Velvet Ben, One Suave Fucker. Jeffrey on a joy ride with Frank Booth in "Blue Velvet" Blue Velvet Pabst Blue Ribbon. “Chappie” Trailer. Mars Attacks Funny Clips. Best Manly Movie Quotes - The 50 Best Manly Movie Lines. Broken Saints. Inside the GIF-Industrial Complex. One weekend afternoon in September, Mike Konczal sat down at his computer to research a blog post.

Inside the GIF-Industrial Complex

Another miserable jobs report had restarted the debate about what, if anything, the Federal Reserve should do to help unemployed Americans find a job. Konczal, a Roosevelt Institute think tanker specializing in economics, wanted to write about it. But he knew he couldn’t do it the way the rest of the media had, a stultifying mix of acronyms and technical terms. “Even the people who wanted to learn about it could just not learn that way,” Konczal told me. The most important news is almost always the most arcane. He had an idea: You explain it with GIFs. GIFs, for the uninitiated, are animated image files that play from beginning to end, then snap back to the beginning and begin anew, ad infinitum.

Konczal spent that weekend afternoon researching GIFs. What he assembled was an economic treatise unlike any other. What started as an Internet trifle had become a marketable skill. 12 Vintage Instructional Films Worth Watching. Maybe you’ve seen the classic Civil Defense film “Duck and Cover” as part of a documentary about the postwar period, a clip of an unintentionally hilarious hygiene film while watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, or a vintage film we ourselves included in a post like this one.

12 Vintage Instructional Films Worth Watching

Have you ever wondered where these short instructional films from the 50s and 60s came from? After World War II, filmmakers pitched a new kind of movie to schools. Films that had formerly been used in classrooms were dull and static – dry lecture dubbed over still shots and documentary-style footage and images. Progressive educators believed that films with more drama, emotion, action, and personality could better capture students’ interest, aiding the learning process and shaping their behavior.

A small subset, about 3%, of this new genre were known as “social guidance” films. Happily, in the age of YouTube, those that have survived are being given new life by being posted online. Must-see morning clip. "The Prisoner" Opening credits/sequence. The Psychedelic World Of Catnip. Unclear Holocaust. Police Mortality: The Movie. Dr. Strangelove and Letter of Last Resort. Dr. Strangelove's Astonishingly Good Idea. Dr. Strangelove. Major Kong Monologue. "You'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company"

Dr. Strangelove - Precious Bodily Fluids.