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Wilhelm Reich im LSR-Projekt (ohne Orgon) Wilhelm Reich im LSR-Projekt (ohne Orgon) Wilhelm Reich. Wilhelm Reich in Hell. Wilson's Introduction to the Falcon Press edition As every schoolchild once knew - back in the reactionary days when schoolchildren were expected to know something -- the U.S.

Wilhelm Reich in Hell

Constitution ordains that there shall be "no laws" abridging freedom of speech or of the press. There is considerable internal evidence in the Constitution, and external evidence in the other writings of the authors of the Constitution, to support the contention that the creators of the Republic were versatile in their handling of language and very precise in their usage.

One would assume that when they wrote "no laws" they meant "no laws. " Nonetheless, the U.S. Like Justice Black, I am a plain blunt man and not sophisticated enough to understand the recondite arguments by which the Supreme Court has arrived at the opinion that "no laws" means "some laws. " Institute for the Study of the Work of Wilhelm Reich. Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Dr.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich Pleomorphism Orgonite Orgonite terminology Quotes TO BE OR NOT TO BE? 150 Years of Hidden Knowledge by Christopher Bird 1991 Dr. Who was Dr. . [2003] Bacteria, Cancer & the Origin of Life By Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D. THE CANCER CONSPIRACY by Alan Cantwell MD [1956] AN EYEWITNESS REPORTof the BURNING of SCIENTIFIC BOOKSin the USA 1956 by Victor M.

Interview with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols. Wilhelm Reich nad Orgone. The Wilhelm Reich Museum - Welcome. Wilhelm Reich. Wilhelm Reich Odkrywca Orgonu Agenci federalni działali z zapałem mścicieli, kiedy otrzymali polecenie zniszczenia owoców pracy naukowca Wilhelma Reicha w jego laboratorium w Maine.

Wilhelm Reich

W sądowym orzeczeniu z 1956 roku stwierdzono, że materiały użyte do budowy przypominającego wyglądem skrzynkę "akumulatora orgonowego" da się uratować, z wyjątkiem płyt celotexu, które agenci roztrzaskali na kawałki. Nowojorscy współpracownicy Reicha, dr Michael Silvert i dr Yictor Sobey, zostali zmuszeni do zebrania całej literatury znajdującej się w archiwum Instytutu Orgonu i załadowania jej do wielkiej ciężarówki, która pojechała stamtąd prosto do spalarni na Dolnym Manhattanie, gdzie wszystkie papiery spalono zgodnie z poleceniem Urzędu ds. Żywności i Leków (Food and Drug Administration; w skrócie FDA). Żadna z większych gazet nie opublikowała tego oświadczenia. Odpowiedzialność FDA za ochronę naiwnych konsumentów przed wydawaniem pieniędzy na zupełnie bezużyteczne zdaniem FDA urządzenie. [1956] AN EYEWITNESS REPORT of the BURNING of SCIENTIFIC BOOKS i. [back] Dr.


Wilhelm Reich AN EYEWITNESS REPORT of theBURNING of SCIENTIFIC BOOKS in the USA1956 by Victor M. Sobey, M.D. The following letter is printed as a supplement to A REPORT ON THE JAILING OF A GREAT SCIENTIST IN THE USA, 1956, Regarding the Resistance ofWilhelm Reich, M.D., to a Federal Injunction Abolishing Freedom of Scientific Research, Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech, by Lois Wyvell. Dear Miss Wyvell, I had meant to write to you after I received "The Report", in order to ask for some additional copies. Orgone Therapy. Institute for the Study of the Work of Wilhelm Reich. History of Orgonomy & Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries.

Here's a short introductory YouTube clip you should enjoy.

History of Orgonomy & Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries

Following are two short descriptive articles on Reich and Orgonomy previously published. The first one is very general, while the second gives more detail with many resource weblinks and book citations for further study. Below that is the section on "Debunking Popular Myths and Disinformation About Wilhelm Reich". Thanks for your interest. James DeMeo, PhD Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab Ashland, Oregon, USA Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries by James DeMeo, Ph.D. (Lithigraph, Ashland Oregon, July 1998.) Around 1970, during my studies at the university, I became intrigued with the writings of the late Dr.

For those who don't know, Reich was one of Freud's inner circle -- some say he was being groomed to take over leadership of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) -- but he was ultimately centrifuged out of that organization for his social reform and anti-Nazi work. Fantastic? Reich's Sex-Economy and Sex-Pol Thank You!


Enneagram Institute: Enneagram Testing & Training. Buddhist Studies - Schools of Zen Buddhism. Buddhist Studies WWW VL. Est.: 5 Sep 1994.

Buddhist Studies WWW VL

Last updated: 18 Aug 2016. Edited by: Dr T. Matthew Ciolek (The Australian National University, Canberra, AU), Prof. Joe Bransford Wilson (U. of North Carolina at Wilmington, US) and Privat-Dozent Jerome Ducor (Ethnographic Museum, Geneva, CH) in association with Adrian Hale, Barry Kapke, Murray Kessell, and Peter Schlenker (in US, UK, DE and AU). This site keeps track of leading information facilities in the fields of Buddhism and Buddhist studies. BuddhaNet - Worldwide Buddhist Information and Education Network. Zen Buddhism Information.

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library [Alphabetical || Category Subtree || WWW VL database] Est.: 5 Sep 1994.

Zen Buddhism Information

Last revised: 24 Jun 2010. This document is a part of the Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library This document provides a list of general resources on Zen Buddhism and a catalog of organizations, centers and directories. Corrections and comments will be appreciated. Audio: File Library. RAW Links.

Hai Diskordia!

Discordianism. Marijuana Law Reform - NORML. Monty Python. Okultura. Poezja. Magija.