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Pulldownit : Next Step in Dynamics for VFX. Download movies : animations, trailers, ... Find animators CV, jobs | LESTERBANKS | An Everyday Resource for the Computer Graphics & 3D Community. BMLrating. How to Train an Animator, by Walt Disney. It's difficult to overstate the importance of the following eight-page memo.

Written by Walt Disney in December of 1935 to Don Graham — a highly respected art teacher from Chounaird Art Institute tasked with helming art classes for Disney animators — this missive signalled the birth of a structured training program that would subsequently enable Walt's studio to produce hit-after-hit during the Golden Age of Animation. For aspiring animators, this is absolutely essential reading; for everyone else, assuming you have even the slightest interest in the development of one of the world's most influential entertainment companies, this is simply an engrossing, inspiring read.

Transcript follows. Réalisations et Post-production - Studio d'animation 3D, Publicité, Habillage TV, Effets Spéciaux. Living Lines Library. Headline News | AWN. Clipuri in slow motion [HD] On Animation - Inspiration for the Animation Masses. Research « The DIEM Project. We are investigating what drives human attention and eye-movements when observing moving images. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive theory of active visual perception and cognition.

Questions which motivate this research include: * How do we look at film, television, on-line video or real-life events? * How does looking influence what we see, remember and feel? The Technology Using state-of-the-art eyetracking facilities, the eye-tracking data we are collecting includes the X and Y coordinates for each eye per millisecond in combination with a range of eye-movement measures.

The DIEM database The current DIEM database can be found here: DIEM Database. The DIEM Project was initially funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the Economic and Social Research Council (John M. Kyler Spears' Blog. The Story of Animation. Cartoony. On Animation » Blog Archive - Inspiration for the Animation Masses. The 22 rules of storytelling, according to Pixar.

Josh Burton :: Animator/Storyteller.