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What Is Data Encryption And How Does It Work. Encryption is the first step to data security.

What Is Data Encryption And How Does It Work

It is the simplest and most important way to ensure that the information on a computer system can’t be stolen by someone for illegal or immoral purposes. Encryption messes up the readable text so it can only be decoded by the person with the decryption key or a secret pattern or code. How RPA Can Help Business During and After COVID-19 Pandemic. Businesses around the world are adopting RPA technology to strive in this COVID-19 situation.

How RPA Can Help Business During and After COVID-19 Pandemic

The health of customers and the employees is a top priority. To make work from home possible for the employees, and for easy access to customers, businesses need to automate the tasks. For this, they need to invest in appropriate automation platforms and RPA tools that can carry out tasks without any technical glitches, seamlessly. What Is Data Encryption And How Does It Work. How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Business in Current scenario. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence.

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Business in Current scenario

It refers to the venture that seeks to recreate human intelligence within machines. This field has always been highly debated and interrogated, to the point that no one definition of the term Artificial Intelligence has been considered or universally accepted. However, a basic explanation of the term AI would mean merely that it is a computer system or a machine or bots that can replicate tasks done by human beings. It carries out repetitive, rule-based, learning, and problem-solving tasks which generally demand human intelligence, using methods that involve rules, Machine Learning (ML), and AI algorithms.

AI is often associated with dystopian theories involving robots in the distant future, but this is not the case at all. Artificial intelligence that exists today is Narrow AI or weak AI, designed to carry out specific tasks like calculations during a virtual game of chess, or facial recognition features on a smartphone. Successful Strategy by Retailers to Improve Promotion Effectiveness. Retailers use a large chunk of their revenue on promotions.

Successful Strategy by Retailers to Improve Promotion Effectiveness

Promotions are extremely useful in the growth of sales margins, revenue, and profits. But there is a downside to heavily relying on promotions without the ability to measure promotional effectiveness. Retailers are not armed with comprehensive knowledge about which promotions are working better and the reasons for the same. Therefore, retailers are incapable of knowing how to strengthen their promotion strategies and boost their sales. Retailers cannot stop promoting their brands as they cannot afford to climb down in the competitive retail environment. The Importance of Process Discovery And Its Benefits. Enterprises worldwide are experiencing a digital transformation.

The Importance of Process Discovery And Its Benefits

They’re adopting automation for the enrichment of business processes. AI-based process discovery tools guide them in choosing significant practices to automate and maximize its value. They can record heaps of human interactions and give real-time inputs. Process Discovery is defined as a set of tools and techniques used to identify, document, and analyze an organization’s processes. 7 Benefits of Implementation of Robotic Process Automation on Cloud. Time and again, banks have to adapt and upgrade to the latest technology as per their advancement.

7 Benefits of Implementation of Robotic Process Automation on Cloud

This gives them a competitive edge over other banks. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and cloud computing are being widely adopted and implemented, thus resulting in phenomenal improvement in banking operations. Importance Of End-to-End Product Traceability Technology In Business. Introduction Advancement in technology helps in managing the manufacturing business with improved efficiency.

Importance Of End-to-End Product Traceability Technology In Business

Consumer demands, material quality issues and mass product recalls can impede normal operations. Using technology like end-to-end product traceability will aid in dealing with these issues effectively. This makes the customer happy and helps in achieving minimal losses and optimal profits. Importance Of Distribution Management System In Organizations. Distribution Management System (DMS) refers to the process of supervising the supply chain from the movement of goods from the manufacturers or suppliers to the point of sale.

Importance Of Distribution Management System In Organizations

Activities like orders, tracking inventory, supply, clients, packaging, warehousing, and logistics fall under it. It integrates all business processes into one software and keeps things organized. DMS also plays a role in attracting and satisfying customers. It gives the organization longevity and competitive advantage. It aids in leading profitable operations. The latest distribution management systems gather and share relevant information to assess opportunities for growth and competitiveness in the industry. Commercial Distribution (Sales Distribution)Physical Distribution (Logistics) Difference Between Service Automation and Robotic Process Automation. Indian banks adopted IT-enabled infrastructure in the 1990s.

Difference Between Service Automation and Robotic Process Automation

This brought a phenomenal change in Banking solutions. Services that took days were done instantly. Benefits of Cloud RPA Solutions For Business Processes. Cloud computing and robotic process automation (RPA) are two of the most popular technological advancements of recent times.

Benefits of Cloud RPA Solutions For Business Processes

RPA allows businesses to automate repetitive tasks with the help of software tools in an optimized, error-free fashion. Cloud computing on the other hand offers location-independent computing services with the help of remote servers, databases, and so on. Both cloud computing and RPA are incredible technologies independently, but when combined together, they become a supreme technological force to reckon with; especially to streamline your organization’s business processes. Using Artificial Intelligence To Fight Against COVID-19. It wouldn’t be a mere exaggeration to state that Covid-19 has brought the whole world to a screeching halt. It is also no secret that the healthcare sector, in particular, has been at the forefront of the receiving end of all the challenges the pandemic has brought in. As the whole world scrambles to find a solution to curb the spread of the virus, technology, in the interim, can offer some solace. Benefits of Cloud RPA Solutions For Business Processes.

Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence as a Service in Tech Companies. Artificial Intelligence or AI as it is popularly known, is not a new subject for businesses, especially for the tech industry. Tech giants have been researching Artificial Intelligence for many decades. And today, we all might be even using AI unknowingly as a feature in some or the other apps on mobile phones or computers. For example, when a search query for manufacturers of a particular product is made on Google from any device, it automatically checks the location of the device and shows a list of manufacturers located in the nearby area. The Need and The Importance of Digital Transformation. Today if a business isn’t online, it is like it doesn’t exist in the market. The businesses that are yet to embrace the digital platform, are yet to increase their revenue manifold. And so, embracing digital transformation in today’s time has become very crucial, especially in times of pandemic.

Digital transformation also means adopting as many relevant social media platforms as possible and going online for business. Through digital transformation, businesses change the way they function and how they provide value to the customers, partners, and stakeholders. Digital transformation is not just limited to acquiring new technology, but it also calls for alterations in how an organization thinks and works. Business Prepares To Use RPA Technology To Mitigate COVID-19 Challenges. What is Automation? Automation is often defined as a process to decrease human intervention to complete any task that might be repetitive and can be done by machines or software. It is often also said that automation means the creation of an automatic system by implementing various technologies. Unique Capabilities Of Process Mining and Process Discovery.

The process is an effective sequential execution of a set of actions or steps. A process begins from a defined ‘start’ and ends at a defined ‘finish’. The purpose of a process is to maintain a well-established flow of events to complete a task efficiently and accurately. 10 Best Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tools in 2020. Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare industry. Introduction – The COVID Pandemic. 7 Future Changing Technologies That Will Change The World for Better! “We are at the point of a big transformation” – Patrick Gauthier, VP Amazon Pay.

Technology is powerful enough to change the world around us completely. From the way we interact with businesses to how we socialize with others; everything is evolving with the advancement of technology. There are many technological inventions which have some great potential to influence the way how humans live. Today we will discuss 7 such technologies which are evolving at a rapid speed while transforming the world around us.

Process Mining vs Process Discovery – Stop Mining & Start Discovering! In earlier days, business process mapping was totally dependent upon expensive manual efforts where decision making would take a long time and involve a number of employees. Importance Business Process Discovery for Enterprises. 5 Areas Where Artificial Intelligence will Dominate the Human Race. Artificial Intelligence is progressing at an accelerated pace. Whether it is finance, transportation or healthcare, this technological revolution has taken almost every industry by storm. AI is vast and powerful. So, even if you don’t believe the hype, you cannot question the impact of Artificial Intelligence on society completely.

7 Artificial Intelligence Innovations That Are Revolutionizing The World. Top 5 Industries That Are Being Revolutionized by Artificial Intelligence. 5 risk Of Artificial Intelligence You should know. 10 Popular Artificial Intelligence Books to Read. Key Difference between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Business Process Mapping - Critical Step of Enterprise Automation Success.