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NEWS. Superuse: Constructing New Architecture by Shortcutting Material Flows. Harvest Map. Harvest Map Project Type: architecture Project Mission/Goal: improve the human spirit increase awareness of the environment and/or address climate change respond to our growing need for clean water, power, shelter, healthcare, education address humanitarian crises Project Description: From Superuse to Recyclicity 2012Architects is Rotterdam based architecture office that utilizes the contextual potential for design.

Harvest Map

A design is not considered as the beginning of a linear process but as a phase in a continuous cycle of creation and recreation, use and reuse. The latent properties of used materials and products offer an added value to new products and buildings. To get a grip on the complexity of all these aspects, most projects start with investigating the different relevant layers. Text from: 2012 developed a website, (moved? ISWA: The International Solid Waste Association. Home. Home. Reclaimed building products guide - WRAP. CIFFUL - Réemploi des matériaux. Moderne architectuur uit afvalmateriaal. De energie die wordt geïnvesteerd in een nieuw huis wordt nog groter als er eerst op dezelfde plaats een oud huis wordt afgebroken.

Moderne architectuur uit afvalmateriaal

Niet alleen kost de afbraak zelf energie (voor het bedienen van de sloopmachines en het afvoeren van het afbraakmateriaal), bovendien gaat alle energie verloren die in de bouw van het oude huis werd geïnvesteerd. Homepage of one of the most advanced specialists on flow based design and research. Metabolist analysis scenario 2030 for Goudse Poort Recyclicity creates interaction between current flows by helping to regenerate districts into dynamic ecosystems.

homepage of one of the most advanced specialists on flow based design and research

Most of our cities have grown into conglomerates of monofunctional districts that hardly relate to eachother. Business districts, industrial zones, agriculture, housing and commerce are spatially restricted and hardly benefit from eachothers presence. The rising in- and outgoing flows of goods, energy, water, food and even capital are unrelated and contribute to limitless transport, local clogging of traffic, loss of energy and growth of pollution. Lucy Carpet House. Earthship. South and East view of an Earthship passive solar home Earthship typical floorplan Earthships are primarily designed to work as autonomous buildings using thermal mass construction and natural cross ventilation assisted by thermal draught (Stack effect) to regulate indoor temperature.


Earthships are generally off-the-grid homes, minimizing their reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels. Earthships are built to utilize the available local resources, especially energy from the sun. For example, windows on sun-facing walls admit lighting and heating, and the buildings are often horseshoe-shaped to maximize natural light and solar-gain during winter months. History[edit] Michael Reynolds' first building, the Thumb House. A building being built of cans in the 1970s The design used with most earthships. Eventually, Reynolds' vision took the form of the common U-shaped earth-filled tire homes seen today. Systems[edit] Water[edit] Earthship Biotecture - Radically Sustainable Buildings.

DI-fusion. AVIV - Adviserende Ingenieurs. Déchets de construction : où va-t-on ? // Brussels Waste Network. Hoogwaardig hergebruik bouwmaterialen. Hergebruik bouwmaterialen wordt lucratieve markt. Grootschalig hergebruik. Moderne architectuur uit afvalmateriaal. Rizoom. Moderne architectuur uit afvalmateriaal. Kringloopbouwmaterialen, een site van stichting Milieunet.

PlanetReuse - Reused and Reclaimed Building Materials Marketplace.


PlanetReuse - Reused and Reclaimed Building Materials Marketplace. Benefits of Reuse. It is important to recognize that the sustained growth in reuse efforts, as well as the sustained interest of the reuse industry, derives in large measure from the solid waste reduction hierarchy: Reduce, Reuse, then Recycle.

Benefits of Reuse

It is best to reduce first, reuse as a second option, then to resort to recycling. Reuse is recognized as being distinct from recycling, both in doctrine, and in the handling of the materials this unique industry diverts from the waste stream. Recyclers have successfully kept materials out of the landfill by collecting, segregating, processing and manufacturing their collected goods into new products. Reusers, on the other hand, with little or no processing, keep materials out the waste stream by passing the goods they collect on to others.

About - You are here: Home / About About Landscape For Life is based on the principles of the Sustainable Sites Initiative™ program (SITES™), the nation’s first rating system for sustainable landscapes.

About -

SITES™ is an interdisciplinary effort led by the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas at Austin, and the United States Botanic Garden in conjunction with a diverse group of stakeholder organizations. Landscape For Life is sponsored by United States Botanic Garden Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at the University of Texas at Austin About Landscape for Life Landscape For Life shows you how to work with nature in your garden, no matter where you live, whether you garden on a city or suburban lot, a 20–acre farm, or the common area of your condominium.

Teaching this Series. Deconstruction & ReUse Network How It Works. Materials Reuse. On a pleasant day in one of Chicago’s suburbs, a deconstruction contractor and his crew remove an original, custom-made window for salvage from a 1923 home.

Materials Reuse

Using simple pry-bar tools, a team member loosens the window from the inside while the crew chief helps from outside, so the sills and jambs are not damaged. Advancing the Recovery, Reuse and Recycling of Building Materials. Re Use Materials streeft naar een zelfvoorzienende regio door hergebruik van materialen. Re Use Materials vervangt samen met ketenpartners de huidige woningvoorraad op een duurzame en sociaal-maatschappelijk verantwoorde wijze. Material Reuse Program - Material Reuse Program.