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'Jedi' religion most popular alternative faith. L'Election Day visto dal Franklin College di Lugano. Fear and loathing in Athens: the rise of Golden Dawn and the far right. You can hear it from blocks away: the deafening beat of Pogrom, Golden Dawn's favourite band, blasting out of huge speakers by a makeshift stage.

Fear and loathing in Athens: the rise of Golden Dawn and the far right

"Rock for the fatherland, this is our music, we don't want parasites and foreigners on our land…" It's a warm October evening and children on bicycles are riding up and down among the young men with crew cuts, the sleeves of their black T-shirts tight over pumped-up biceps, strolling with the stiff swagger of the muscle-bound. They look relaxed, off-duty. Two of them slap a handshake: "Hey, fascist! How's it going? " Trestle tables are stacked with Golden Dawn merchandise: black T-shirts bearing the party's name in Greek, Chrysi Avgi, the sigma shaped like the S on SS armbands; mugs with the party symbol, a Greek meander drawn to resemble a swastika; Greek flags and black lanyards, lighters and baseball caps.

Tonight is the opening of the Golden Dawn office in Megara, a once prosperous farming town between Athens and Corinth. « How America Got Rich Commentary Magazine. If you want to understand how the United States became the most prosperous society in the world, start with the ballpoint pen.

« How America Got Rich Commentary Magazine

László Bíró, a Hungarian who had fled the Nazis and gone to Argentina, invented the first working solid-ink pen. When the owner of Goldblatt’s department store in Chicago showed the contraption to a passing salesman named Milton Reynolds, Reynolds decided he could do it better. The year was 1944. American factories were producing a warplane every five minutes, 150 tons of steel every hour, eight aircraft carriers a month. Milton Reynolds knew nothing about this kind of heavy industrial production. Bíró had leased his design to two American pen makers, Eversharp and Eberhard Faber.

Milton Reynolds had never made a pen in his life. On October 29, 1945, just 10 weeks after VJ Day, Reynolds not only beat Eversharp and Eberhard Faber to market, but had 10,000 pens ready for sale in the front window of Gimbel’s in New York City. This is wrong. Is that true? World business, finance, and political news from the Financial Times. Le - Actualité à la Une. International. Aktuelle Nachrichten - Berlin Nachrichten.

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