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My Writers Circle - Index. Story Generator. Stories This is a satire.

Story Generator

The story is about a disloyal ranger who is stalked by a paladin. It starts on an icy planet. The story begins with a legal dispute, climaxes with someone visiting a doctor, and ends with the discovery of a lost item. The threat of terrorism plays a major part in this story. This is a pure action story. Excel for Writer’s – organizing a novel with a spreadsheet. Excel for Writer’s – organizing a novel with a spreadsheet Writing is a creative process but it’s hard to let your muse roam freely when you can’t remember if your main character’s husband’s name is Fred or Frank.

Excel for Writer’s – organizing a novel with a spreadsheet

That’s one reason I use a spreadsheet. 7 Apps That Will Help You Use Your iPad For Writing Projects. While each of us has our own particular needs, I’m sure one or more of these apps will serve your needs.

7 Apps That Will Help You Use Your iPad For Writing Projects

So get ready to set up a folder on your tablet and download a useful collection of resources. Evernote At the top of the list, the popular Evernote app (iTunes Store Link) and web syncing service is an essential tool for writing on the iPad. You can throw in all kinds of text based files, as well as photos and audio notes, into Evernote which will automatically sync all your notes to your iPad, as well as your Mac or PC.

Evernote includes a basic text writing tool that of course also syncs back to your computer or other devices. Infinote Pinboard For brainstorming and clustering your ideas, download Infinote Pinboard (iTunes Store Link). 32 iPad Apps That Writers Just Love. I am pleased to share the following guest post with my readers.

32 iPad Apps That Writers Just Love

Having a love for Apple products and recently adding an iPad to my collection makes this post a perfect read for me. Although I have not had the time to write about must have apps for the iPad (like I did for must have iPhone apps), my guest writer from Accredited Online Colleges has. This list is full of fabulous apps that every writer should have and I hope you all find it as helpful as I have.

Today’s writers benefit from an incredible assortment of digital tools from which they can draw inspiration and productivity. Useful references for writers - WestSuburbanWriters. Because there are HUGE misunderstandings about what a copyright is these days and I keep seeing them repeated over and over again.

Useful references for writers - WestSuburbanWriters

15 Top Writing Guides for Novelists. By Mark Nichol There comes a time when you have to put down other people’s books and start writing your own.

15 Top Writing Guides for Novelists

But if you don’t feel you’ve gotten to that point yet, or you’d just like a shot in the arm (or a more definitive blow to another part of your anatomy), explore these excellent writing workshops in print: 1. The Art of War for Writers: Fiction Writing Strategies, Tactics, and Exercises Author and writing instructor James Scott Bell mirrors the ancient strategic guide The Art of War in this 2009 book, discussing reconnaissance (preparing to write), tactics (writing advice), and strategy (how to get published) in short, sharp bursts of wisdom and example. 2. 3. 4. 5. 75 Books Every Writer Should Read. Whether you want to make writing your career or just want to know how to improve your writing so that you can pass your college courses, there is plenty of reading material out there to help you get inspired and hone your skills.

75 Books Every Writer Should Read

Here’s a collection of titles that will instruct you on just about every aspect of writing, from the basics of grammar to marketing your completed novel, with some incredibly helpful tips from well-known writers themselves as well. Writing Basics These books address things like structure, plot, descriptions and other basic elements of any story. 5 of the Best Free Writing Software and Tools for Aspiring Novelists. EmailEmail Whether you’re the next Jack Karouac or the next NaNoWriMo dropout, any novelist who takes the craft seriously is going to need the right tools to write.

5 of the Best Free Writing Software and Tools for Aspiring Novelists

23 Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger - StumbleUpon. We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.

23 Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger - StumbleUpon

~Ernest Hemingway How strong is your writing? No matter how good you think it is, there’s always room for improvement. In most cases, plenty of room. Luckily, there are some amazing websites that’ll help you improve your writing, and take it to the next level. Creativity Toolbox. Quotes: Quotes by famous people. Some amazing quotes by famous people. 1.

Quotes: Quotes by famous people

Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simply. – Charles Mingus 2. difference between faith and insanity. – William Harwood 3. Where Writers Write Together. Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map. HOW TO: Write a Novel Using the Web (Mashable) It took five years for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to go from idea to finished manuscript, but the results have very clearly been nothing short of spectacular. Perhaps you also have an idea for a novel kicking around in your head. Maybe it came to you in the shower one morning before work, or maybe it came to you one evening on the commute home. Maybe you're planning to participate in National Novel Writing Month in November. What event changed your life? Share your turningpoint story.


Websites. A quick overview of the Hero’s Journey » Jordan McCollum. Planning out a novel? Be sure to join my newsletter for a FREE plotting/revision roadmap, and check out the full series on plotting novels in a free PDF! Over the last two weeks, we’ve looked at two plotting methods. One helped us parse our story into parts, the other helped us grow it from an idea. Words of Wisdom, Quotes, Inspiration & Such / - Marilyn Monroe. Writing Worth Reading. 750 Words. Writing Epic Fantasy - Taking a Courageous Approach to the Genre. Epic fantasy is a genre about heroes taking on challenges of epic proportions and overcoming obstacles that are seemingly impossible to overcome yet the genre puts out (safe) multi-volume cookie cutter novels that follow a specific formula laid out by Tolkien and Campbell.

Break this trend in your own writing. One of the most commonly heard quotes in our world, especially in motivational circles and in Internet marketing is: “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” The advice for the writer is to read other peoples work, notice what is successful, and follow the formula that they have perfected. Powered by AardvarkWisdom. Self Publish a Book - (More) tips for writing well (Austin Govella at Thinking and Making) Published Wed, Jul 8, 2009 by Austin Govella. Updated Wed, Jul 8, 2009. As an editor, I’ve noticed several recurring bad habits you heathens would do well to disabuse yourselves of immediately. Almost without exception, these bad habits instantiate themselves as a series of stock phrases and constructions that reflect a lack of focus, a lack of fully developed argument, or the kind of intellectual laziness that sets in as you slog through your first draft.

These things happen, That’s ok. Editing helps you save yourselves from these offenses before your thoughts hit the world and everyone knows your dirty secrets. but you can edit yourself, and you should. 75 Books Every Writer Should Read. Creativity: How 20 Bad Ideas Can Kick-Start Your Imagination. This is a guest post from Jodi McIsaac Martens.

I used to think I had no imagination. None whatsoever. I wanted to have imagination, of course, and I really, really enjoyed the fruits of other people’s imaginations, but I was quite convinced I had none myself. Not exactly the ideal trait in a novelist. This misapprehension persisted until after I had started working on this current novel. And then I was introduced to the concept of 20 Bad Ideas. It’s quite simple, really. Resolve to Be a More Productive Writer (Happy New Year) - StumbleUpon. J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Lord of the Rings”, and Free Will. Gollum This article is by Darren Andrews. Generations have been enthralled by Tolkien’s epic fantasy, “The Lord of The Rings”.

Its pages have been studied alongside the works of C.S. Lewis in Christian-literature classes, a society exists dedicated to preserving it in the spirit of its author, and back in the 1970s (in England at least) it was ‘unofficial required reading’ to enter the more respected universities – if you wanted to be accepted by your peers! J.R.R. A number of documentaries, and other TV shows discussing both “The Lord of the Rings” and its author, were screened around the release of the movie, “The Fellowship of the Ring”, in December 2001.

Resources for Science Fiction Writers. Write Every Day. Contests, MFA Programs, Agents & Grants for Writers. SF Novelists. The Top 20 Greatest Fantasy Writers of All-Time. 55 Comments | Add Rate & Share: Related Links: Stocking Stuffers: 13 Writing Tips From Chuck Palahniuk. *Editor's Note: This column is part of a collection of 36 total essays on the craft of writing by Chuck Palahniuk. They were submitted starting in 2005, so this essay will refer to thinks in the past and therefore be on an older timeline. 23 Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger. Internet Writing Critique Groups. Have You Ever.


Why fiction is good for you. When psychologist and author Keith Oatley writes his next novel, he can make sure that each description of a scene includes three key elements – to better help the reader create a vivid mental image. Not one element; that would be forgettable. Not six elements; that might be boring. He could have learned this from Anton Chekhov, master of the short story. How to Finish A Lengthy Novel. Reading is not just a hobby. For the avid reader, it is the act of summoning portals that lead to wonderful realms, endearing characters and lush storylines. Many people take time to visit those escapist worlds through the novels they read. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to finish his or her book, especially novels that go beyond 800 pages.

Readers succumb to fatigue then lose their concentration. Procrastination – 11 ish ways to kill it. Mia Nolting Makes Lists. Book of Lists, ongoing project. Writing Tips and Tricks by OokamiKasumi on deviantART. Tools for Emerging Authors. 5 Freewriting Secrets for Being a "Genius". You've heard of freewriting, certainly. At its most basic, it's about forcing your internal editor to stay away while you splash your most raw and unusual thoughts onto the page.

In Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insights, and Content (2nd edition, revised & updated), Mark Levy tells how he uses freewriting, not only to loosen up his writing muscles, but to solve business problems of all kinds. Levy, author, writing teacher, and marketing strategist, shares a few "secrets" for making freewriting an indispensible tool: 5 Freewriting Tips. 5 Ways Not to Write a Novel. Three new books worth a look. Best First Lines of Novels. New in crime fiction: A guide to the latest mysteries and thrillers. The Other Side of the Story: Need a Jump? Four Ways to Fix a Stalled Story. Write Your A** Off. 25 Virtues Writers Should Possess. 25 Things You Should Know About Storytelling.

A Simple Novel Outline – 9 questions for 25 chapters « H.E. Roulo.