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CES 2017: The 10 Weirdest Gadgets. Each year at the CES technology show, companies like LG, Samsung, and Intel flaunt their latest innovations.

CES 2017: The 10 Weirdest Gadgets

Supercomputers the size of a credit card, 4K TVs as thin as wallpaper, and smartphones that can 3D map their environment were just a few of the inventions showcased during this year's exhibition. But while CES can be a showcase for trends that are likely to dominate the tech world over the coming months, it's also home to the bizarre and strange. This year's conference, which officially concluded on Jan. 8, included demonstrations of everything from "smart" hairbrushes to "intelligent" toothbrushes and shoes that suck up dust and crumbs as you walk. Here's a look at some of the strangest devices from the CES show floor this year. L'Oréal Kérastase Hair Coach Powered by Withings You know what your next hair brush really needs? Roman Sakun via YouTube Hushme Voice Mask. The Smallest to the Biggest thing in the Universe! (HD) how Big is the Universe. Nina Kulagina: A Real Psychokenetic The World Completely Forgot About – Colle...

Psychokinesis is the ability to move material objects using the power of mind alone.

Nina Kulagina: A Real Psychokenetic The World Completely Forgot About – Colle...

It may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but there is ample evidence to suggest that humans are capable of moving objects with their minds. Why You Need To Stop Using These Hand Dryers. Welcome to the ‘Hydraulic Press’ YouTube channel, a truly crushing experience. The first thing you see is a black and white montage accompanied by an infectious heavy metal soundtrack.

Welcome to the ‘Hydraulic Press’ YouTube channel, a truly crushing experience

Crushing diamond with hydraulic press. This is what Microsoft HoloLens is really like. There was a fish in the bathtub.

This is what Microsoft HoloLens is really like

That was one of the first things we saw in the hotel room after we put on Microsoft’s developer-ready version of HoloLens, the augmented reality headset it believes will transform the way we learn, work, and play. We had the chance to use HoloLens for a couple of hours earlier this week in San Francisco, where Microsoft was hosting its annual developers conference. The $3,000 headset just started shipping to Microsoft developers and commercial customers, though it’s not yet widely available to consumers. Tips for Writing a Science Report / Paper. By Grace Fleming First things first: The most important rule to remember when writing a paper is to follow the instructions your teacher provides.

Tips for Writing a Science Report / Paper

Teachers always have the prerogative to decide what rules, formats, or procedures they prefer for any paper, so the teacher’s guidelines for any assignment will overrule instructions you find on the Internet or in a style guide. If your teacher did not assign specific guidelines for your science paper, however, or if your teacher did provide guidelines but you’ve left them at school and you’re now stuck at home—then you can feel safe in following the general practices and preferences for writing science papers.

First Grade Math Tests in American and Finnish Classrooms. Future of science: 'We will have the power of the gods' Study Reveals What Cannabis Does To Your Brain. According to a new study, smoking high-potency skunk-like cannabis can significantly damage white matter, which is responsible for connecting different areas of the brain.

Study Reveals What Cannabis Does To Your Brain

The team explored the impact of cannabis potency in inducing psychosis. They used an MRI technique to look at the white matter of 99 people, 56 of which had reported a first psychotic episode. They found that white matter damage was significantly greater among heavy users of high-potency cannabis compared to occasional or low-potency users. Dr. Friends - Joey's new brain [English subtitles] The Element Song. I fucking love science. Glow In The Dark Roads TURN DRIVING INTO TRON.

Dose. Faith In Humanity Lost. 15 Dumbest Patients Of All Time. Faith In Humanity Lost. 15 Dumbest Patients Of All...

Faith In Humanity Lost. 15 Dumbest Patients Of All Time.

Faith In Humanity Lost. 15 Dumbest Patients Of All Time. By TrendyJoe Life Funny via imgur via imgur Collage source: imgur. If You Grew Up Before The Year 2,000… You Will Laugh Hysterically At This! 7 Facts About Victorian Tech Hero Ada Lovelace - Author Sydney Padua unleashes the genius of Ada Lovelace, the talented mathematician and daughter of Lord Byron, in her hilarious new graphic novel "The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace & Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Computer," and imagines what if Lovelace and inventor Charles Babbage, the "father of computing," lived on and used their collective brain power to. . . fight crime?

7 Facts About Victorian Tech Hero Ada Lovelace -

Lovelace was just a teenager when she met Babbage at a demonstration of a model of his Difference Engine. She would later translate a description of Babbage’s plans for his mechanical calculating machine, adding copious annotations including the first appearance of the general computing theory, 100 years before an actual computer was built. The 60 Silliest Pie Charts on the Internet. The internet is full of amazing information which is often presented with fascinating graphs and charts.

The 60 Silliest Pie Charts on the Internet

A Rough Guide To Spotting Bad Science. We aren't kidding when we say we Fucking Love Science, but it might be more accurate to say we Fucking Love Good Science.

A Rough Guide To Spotting Bad Science

There's a lot of bad science out there, either through deliberate fraud or genuine mistakes. There is also a lot of bad science reporting, making out perfectly good research to be something it is not. Andy Brunning of Chemistry site Compound Interest has put together this guide on warning signs for bad science. 16 Ridiculous But True Facts That Will Make People Think You're A Liar. Posted Nov 20, by Dominic Trombino You seriously can't make some of these up. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Watch Kids Try to Figure Out a Walkman. Prepare to Feel Really, Really Old. A Brief History of Weapons — The Nib  Are Touchscreens Melting Your Kid’s Brain? Tablets and other touchscreens will keep your kids quiet. But will they also melt their brains? Tavis Coburn Children today are surrounded by screen upon screen upon screen: second screens, third screens, screens on our wrists and even our faces.

25 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein. Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?