Cartes Monde. 20+ User Persona Examples, Templates and Tips For Targeted Decision-Making. Promoting a product without knowing who your target audience, or what your target audience wants, is an impossible task. You’ll just be making decisions based on what you think they want. That’s not sustainable over the life of any brand. That’s why creating user personas is important for any company that wants to grow.
Don’t know how to start creating user personas? Use Venngage’s templates as a starting point. What is a user persona? User personas are representations of your target customers. The research involved in putting together a user persona report will not only help you understand your target audience but will also help you create a better product for them. Things like life goals, education level, age, and common problems will determine how you serve these customers in the future, especially when it comes to making marketing decisions.
Even small factors like location or salary can influence how those people make decisions, and in turn, use your product. Not sure where to start? 1. The origin of personas. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, published in 1998, introduced the use of personas as a practical interaction design tool.
Based on the single-chapter discussion in that book, personas rapidly gained popularity in the software industry due to their unusual power and effectiveness. Had personas been developed in the laboratory, the full story of how they came to be would have been published long ago, but since their use developed over many years in both my practice as a software inventor and architectural consultant and the consulting work of Cooper designers, that is not the case. Since Inmates was published, many people have asked for the history of Cooper personas, and here it is. In their book, Fire in the Valley, authors Paul Freiberger and Mike Swaine, credit me with writing the “first serious business software for microcomputers” as far back as 1975. I was writing a critical-path project management program that I called “Plan*It.” Empathy Maps: A Complete Guide to Crawling Inside Your Customer's Head. Apprendre à construire des personas - We Love Users.
Qu’est-ce qu’un persona ?
Définition Un persona est un archétype représentant un groupe de personnes dont les comportements, motivations et buts sont proches. Les personas sont utilisés en Design1, Ergonomie, Marketing, Informatique, etc. pour permettre au(x) concepteur(s) de déterminer ce que le produit ou service doit faire et comment il devrait fonctionner. Creating Personas. Cooper, co—founded by industry giant Alan Cooper and his wife Sue, is a leading user experience and service design consultancy based in San Francisco.
The company helps businesses uncover product, service and business opportunities and offers training in topics such as product and service design, brand strategy and leadership. When Eeva Ilama, a Senior Interaction Designer at Tango Me attended their workshop on personas, she came away with a clearer understanding and new strategies for developing her own personas. This article is Eeva’s first hand account. After having attended some of Cooper’s highly reputable interaction and visual interface design courses a few years back, I was beyond thrilled when I saw that UX Booth was offering a free ticket to one of their San Francisco—based readers to one of Cooper’s brand new courses called Putting Personas to Work.
Les personas - un outil pour mieux comprendre les utilisateurs. Persona en marketing. Écrit par B.
Bathelot, modifié le 12/01/2018 Glossaires : Etudes / Consommateur Un persona est, dans le domaine marketing, un personnage imaginaire représentant un groupe ou segment cible dans le cadre du développement d’un nouveau produit ou service ou d'une activité marketing prise dans sa globalité. Le persona est généralement doté d’un prénom et de caractéristiques sociales et psychologiques. Plusieurs personas peuvent être utilisés pour un même projet de développement. Le persona peut être même parfois représenté sous forme de story board en situation d’utilisation du produit ou service. Un persona créé pour le développement d’un nouveau modèle de voiture citadine pourrait être par exemple : - Caroline - 40 ans - 2 enfants - urbaine - cadre supérieur - suit de très près la mode - etc.. Un exemple d'utilisation d'un persona pour développer les services digitaux de La Banque Postale : Crédit Image Symposium Adobe.
Un autre exemple de persona appliqué au B2B (source Webinar Stratello) :