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Creative Commons - Was ist und bedeutet das? (Infografik) Was ist Creative Commons - und was bedeuten die Kürzel und Icons?

Creative Commons - Was ist und bedeutet das? (Infografik)

[english version] Seit Jahren wissen viele, das man im Zusammenhang mit urheberrechtlich geschützen Werken die Creative Commons Lizenzen benutzen kann. Aber was ist eigentlich Creative Commons? Eine Lizenz? Nein, eine Organisation. Und was bedeuten die Kürzel und Icons. Die folgende Infografik soll helfen, das Konzept verständlich zu machen. Infografik: "Creative Commons - Was ist und bedeutet das? " Links / Quellen: Hinweise zur Infografik Die Infografik kann man wie einen Comic lesen (zeilenweise von links oben nach rechts unten). Das Problem: Lizenzbedingungen und -verträge sind ein komplizierte Sache. Die Lösung: genau hier setzt die gemeinnützige Organisation Creative Commons ("CC") an: sie bietet sechs Lizenz-Modelle an. Durch die Kombination dieser vier Bedingungen ergeben sich (aktuell - Version 3.0) sechs verschiedene Lizenzverträge. Tabelle mit den Icons und Text-Kürzeln. 6 nettisivun arviointikriteeriä.

Some call it information overload and others name it infomania, but regardless of the differing nomenclature the emergence of web2.0 and the easy and wide access to internet has created a tsunami of information flowing recklessly online and in all directions.

6 nettisivun arviointikriteeriä

A simple search in Google using the keyword "educational technology" would render thousands of hits and sifting through all of these results would probably take you days. Unfortunately, a fairly moderate amount of indexed information found on the net is junk. Being evaluative and selective about the data and facts you find online is a prerequisite for a cutting on this information obesity. For us in education, enabling students to successfully assess and evaluate information is one of our teaching priorities. I am also sharing with you this great resource from radcab I stumbled upon today which provides detailed explanations on the different steps to information evaluation.

Click on each title for further information. Nettisivun arviointi. As our students grow dependant on Internet being a primary source for their information, it becomes of urgent necessity that we, as teachers and educators, should know how to evaluate web content and decipher credible resources from spam and irrelevant ones.

Nettisivun arviointi

Regrettably enough, some of the teachers who are using technology in their instruction still don't come to grips with the mechanisms used to sift through internet content. There is a crude analogy to this situation . A teacher who does not evaluate the web content he shares with his students is like a person driving a car without having a driver license, he can still drive his car but he does not know the real dangers he is putting himself to in doing so. Update : This article is available for download in a Slideshare presentation below Being able to evaluate online content is a skill detrimental to the 21st century education. 4- Check out if the page is dated and if so , is it current enough ? Vanhempien lupa oppilaan verkko-opiskeluun? Viikon pulma: Jos oppilaan tulisi tuottaa sisältöä verkkoon, tarvitaanko joka lauseeseen lupa vanhemmilta? Täytyykö oppilaiden verkkopuuhailuun saada vanhemmilta lupa?

Kyllä. Kuva: Gunnar Wrobel, CC BY-SA Somerumpu kertoo, että Opettaja-lehden välissä pari viikkoa sitten jaettu Kopiraitin Tekijänoikeuden ABC on saanut opettajat paniikkiin. Lehtisen sivulla 11 on laatikko, jossa todetaan Oppilaan tekemä aineisto ”Myös oppilaille syntyy tekijänoikeus tekemäänsä teokseen, jos teos ylittää teoskynnyksen. Ja nyt sitten kysymys kuuluu, että onko tilanne todella noin paha.

Käyttöohjeita. Edmodo in your Classroom. Edmodo is a learning platform that is increasingly popular among teachers and educators.

Edmodo in your Classroom

It is really amazing the popularity Edmodo gained within a very short time since its introduction. In my past articles here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, I talked about the importance of Edmodo as a tool to flip your classroom, I also emphasized, in another post, on its use as a community building platform for your class where teachers and students get to share learning resources and interact with each others. Another good thing about Edmodo ,which I like so much, is its security. The data you upload there or the materials you share are safe and you can even customize your privacy settings to grant access to only certain people. Edmodo is also one of the best means of teacher-student communication. Here is an awesome slide that features 21 ways to use Edmodo in your classroom. Kouluttajan työkalupakki.

Opettajan tekijänoikeus. Technology Vs Technology Integration. Are you using or integrating technology in your teaching ?

Technology Vs Technology Integration

At the face of it, it seems like a game of semantics but in fact it is more than that. When we talk about technology integration in the classroom we are talking about a planned and highly structured and purposeful use of technology with students whose ultimate goal is to engage students and help them develop new thinking skills. Using technology, on the other hand, is a random and sporadic process whose main goal is to instruct students on content not to engage them with content.

The chart below from Teachbytes , offers a more detailed explanation of the difference between Using Technology and Integrating Technology. Have a look and, as always, share with us your feedback in the comment form below. Check out the full chart from this page. Video Tutorials for technology.

How to use... Creative Commons. Digital Skills. By EdTech Team Updated on march 2, 2015 : The original list that was created in 2011 comprised 33 skills , after reviewing it we decided to do some merging and finally ended up with the 20 skills below.

Digital Skills

The 21st century teacher should be able to : 1- Create and edit digital audio Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Free Audio Tools for Teachers.