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TeachThoughtTeachThought. Le cours magistral pourrait disparaître. À l’occasion des Assises de l’Enseignement supérieur , les professeurs ont évoqué la fin du cours traditionnel en amphi.

Le cours magistral pourrait disparaître

Une première. Avec les connaissances à disposition sur le Net, les enseignants doivent changer de rôle et animer la réflexion. «Le cours magistral, qui ne ferait que transmettre un savoir académique, est-il encore pertinent?» , a lancé, un brin provocateur, Vincent Berger, le président de l’université Paris-Diderot. Avec Internet, les connaissances sont disponibles et les longs monologues du professeur imposant un rythme unique d’apprentissage à des jeunes tous différents sont désormais jugés dépassés. Les expériences américaines ont contribué à crédibiliser de nouvelles formes d’enseignement moins formatées.

Si sa méthode enterre le cours magistral, c’est pour mieux valoriser le temps passé en classe. «Le rapport au savoir est en train de changer, et le professeur en a perdu le monopole», confirme le président de l’université Paris-Diderot. Réponse du Ministère de l'Éducation nationale sur les questions de l'informatique, des outils et ressources libres… Vincent Peillon avait adressé une lettre à tous les personnels de l'Éducation nationale fin juin 2012.

Réponse du Ministère de l'Éducation nationale sur les questions de l'informatique, des outils et ressources libres…

Coursera, edX, and MOOCs Are Changing the Online Education Business. If you were asked to name the most important innovation in transportation over the last 200 years, you might say the combustion engine, air travel, Henry Ford’s Model-T production line, or even the bicycle.

Coursera, edX, and MOOCs Are Changing the Online Education Business

The list goes on. Now answer this one: what’s been the single biggest innovation in education? Don’t worry if you come up blank. You’re supposed to. Project Based Learning. TIC pour enseigner, TIC pour apprendre : quelles stratégies ? Quelles perspectives ? On site learning, elearning, online learning blended learning : what is it all about ? - Lingua Franca Academy. What are we talking about ? Maybe, as many people around you, you have heard something about elearning and blended learning . And, like everybody, you have a rough idea of what it is... But do you know that elearning and blended learning could save your business a lot of money ? And still give you the competitive advantage that knowledge brings to any company in the world ? How Technology Is Empowering Teachers, Minting Millionaires, And Improving Education. Thanks to the rise of in-classroom technology, the focus in education tends to be on student engagement and how to improve learning.

How Technology Is Empowering Teachers, Minting Millionaires, And Improving Education

It becomes easy to forget the importance of great teachers. Learning level. This article or section is incomplete and its contents need further attention.

Learning level

J. Mayes & Fowler’s framework for Stage 2 Learning Models (Version 1) Mayes, Fowler: learning framework (1995) Media Grid : Immersive Education. iED Europe Summit 2012 KEYNOTE: Prof. Chris Fowler, University of the West Indies. Immersive Education Europe announced that Chris Fowler, Professor in the School of Education at the University of the West Indies, will be keynote at the 2nd European Immersive Education (iED) Summit on November this year.

iED Europe Summit 2012 KEYNOTE: Prof. Chris Fowler, University of the West Indies

Prof. Chris Fowler, amongst other things, is responsible for the development and implementation of the Blended Learning Policy at the University of the West Indies. His first degree and doctorate are in Psychology. Before joining UWI in Oct 2010, he was Professor and Coordinator for Research & Evaluation at the Institute of Distance Education, University of Swaziland. Between 2002 and 2009 he was the Professor and Director of Chimera, the Institute of Social and Technical Research at the University of Essex. Microsoft has patent ambitions for immersive gaming. (—Microsoft knows how to play games.

Microsoft has patent ambitions for immersive gaming

They have proven themselves worthy of growing a customer base of gaming enthusiasts with their Xbox and Kinect. Now Microsoft watchers are talking about the company's recent filing of a patent that takes the Microsoft vision of gaming to the all-pervasive level. Patently Apple has posted details about a Microsoft patent recently published by the US Trademark and Patent Office. The patent shows Microsoft has ambitions to transform entire rooms into game environments. The patent shows plans for game-playing in immersive display settings where users get to work with images projected onto realtime surfaces of their room. Aaron Walsh : Immersive Education and the Education Grid.

Immersive Technologies and the Future of Education. This week’s midweek post introduces this potential player in the technological future of education.

Immersive Technologies and the Future of Education

I was quite intriqued by this article in the latest (Sept 2009) Campus Technology magazine, titled “Best of Both Worlds”. This article discusses the use of Immersive Technologies in Education. Immersive Technologies include things like simulations, virtual reality, and augmented reality (Second Life and many gaming systems incorporate immersive technologies). Skype propose un portail pour les enseignants. Nine Tools for Collaboratively Creating Mind Maps. Mind maps or graphic organizers can be invaluable tools for visual thinkers and visual learners.

Nine Tools for Collaboratively Creating Mind Maps

The process of creating a mind map can help students gain an overview perspective on complex, multifaceted concepts. Mind maps can also help students outline an essay or story they're planning to write. The following list contains nine tools that can be used by students to create mind maps independently or collaboratively. Wise Mapping is a free collaborative mind mapping tool. Wise Mapping has fairly easy to use editing and sharing functions. Slatebox is a slick tool for collaboratively creating mind maps and organizational charts. is a free mind mapping/ graphic organization tool that allows users to collaboratively create and edit mind maps.

Vision Mind Mapping Marco Bertolini (Lingua Franca) Le numérique peut-il refonder l'éducation ? "Les établissements scolaires et universitaires devraient se précipiter sur les opportunités d'expérimentation qui leur sont ouvertes par les académies.

Le numérique peut-il refonder l'éducation ?

Rappelons que l'organisation scolaire, telle qu'on la rencontre dans la plupart des établissements, n'est pas inamovible ! Pourtant, ce droit à l'innovation est très peu utilisé en France : il y a une vraie opportunité à saisir au niveau des établissements", explique Christine Vaufrey, rédactrice en chef de Thot Cursus, un site web francophone fondé à Québec en 1997 et consacré aux usages du numérique dans tous les aspects de l'enseignement. On peut distinguer deux utilisations du numérique : améliorer ce qu'on estime imparfait à l'intérieur des dispositifs éducatifs dominants ou inventer des approches nouvelles.

"Ce premier courant semble véritablement revitalisé par le numérique ! " constate Christine Vaufrey. Prenons donc les outils numériques comme prétextes pour faire enfin changer les choses ! 17 Free Tools for Creating Screen Capture Images and Videos. When you're trying to teach people how to do something new on their computers having screencast videos or annotated screen capture images can be invaluable to you and the people you're trying to help. Scouring The Globe For Daily Stories Of Innovative Education. Critical Review of Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. In his 2005 article Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, Siemens outlined a new way of thinking about learning based on the recent advances in information technology. He argues that this new theory, connectivism, supersedes previous learning theories, including behaviourism, cognitivism, and contructivism. In this post, I am seeking to further my understanding of this new theory, examine its limitations, and consider its relevance to both classroom teaching as well as knowledge management practices within organizations.

Innovation Is the Key to Better Education. In the modern economy, innovation drives growth. From the telegraph to the telephone to the Internet, new technologies increase productivity and allow Americans to prosper. But while innovation has revolutionized the American economy as a whole over the last century, the education sector has benefitted relatively little from these advances. E-learning 2.0. How we will learn. MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions. We examine how learning is being impacted by technology, discoveries about how the brain works, poverty and inequities, social and emotional practices, assessments, digital games, design thinking and music, among many other topics.

We look at how learning is evolving in the classroom and beyond.We also revisit old ideas that have come full circle in the era of the over scheduled child, such as unschooling, tinkering, playing in the woods, mindfulness, inquiry-based learning and student motivation. We report on shifts in how educators practice their craft as they apply innovative ideas to help students learn, while meeting the rigorous demands of their standards and curriculum. MindShift has a unique audience of educators, tinkerers, policy makers and life-long learners who engage in meaningful dialogue with one another on our sites.

Contact the us by email. 21st Century Skills. Be The Distraction. Learning with 'e's. The Rise of the Tech-Powered Teacher.