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30 Great Back To School Free Printables and counting. Efl material. Speaking activities.

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3rd Grade Language Arts. Lifelong Learner: 100 Essential Books. BusyTeacher ESL EVERYTHING. BusyTeacher ESL EVERYTHING. English Central. +40 000 Free ESL worksheets made by teachers for teachers. English Club. BBC Learning English. Go Speak English. Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English. Language In Use.

It is great to show and offer students many examples of English language in use.

Language In Use

Meaning, students appreciate that there are many ways to say the same thing and like to see the "nuance" of the English language. Here are some images showing different ways / expressions to communicate a similar thing. Might be handy. Also, view as a slideshow or you can purchase and edit in ppt. If interested in this kind of approach, you might be interested in my ebook "Get TALKing" which has 28 lessons all based around language chunks. Language In Use. Drama in the ESL Classroom - Home. Drama in the ESL Classroom - Home. Games with Flashcards. Hello everybody :) I thought I ´d open up a little post about games. I often have parents or other teachers come to me asking me what to do with flashcards (except for showing them to the kids).

BusyTeacher: Free Printable Worksheets For Busy Teachers Like YOU! ESL printable Lesson plans, Cloze, Gap fill and Quiz Exercises. Shopping Area More Lesson Plan materials to download and keep.

ESL printable Lesson plans, Cloze, Gap fill and Quiz Exercises

Powerpoint, Video podcast, Flash video slides for Teaching , Grammar Quizzes, kids materials. Research Websites!! Research Websites!! Helping Learners Remember What They Learn: 4 Time-Tested Principles. Helping Learners Remember What They Learn: 4 Time-Tested Principles Highly competent instructional designers and professionals now make the most out of scientific research.

Helping Learners Remember What They Learn: 4 Time-Tested Principles

They usually incorporate new insights, test them and repeat what works. Over time, the weaker insights falter then fade while the stronger ones remain. These scientific principles that stood the test of time are really worth looking at. Here are four of the best: 1) The Spacing Effect. Commonly Confused Words (Troublesome Verbs) Grammar-Quizzes › More › Writing Aids › Commonly Confused Summary of Practices Quick Link: Accept–Except | Affect–Effect | Another–The Other | Ashamed/ Embarrassed | As it were–If youvwill | Because–Though | During–In | Each other/One another | Farther–Further | Fewer–Less | For–Since | Get to–Go to | If–In Case | If only–Only If | If–Unless | If / When | If–Whether | Indeed–Even | Lie–Lay | Like–As | Little–Few | Loose–Lose | Make–Do | Much–Many | Much–More | Rise–Raise | Say–Tell | Sit–Set | So that–So…that | Some–Any | There–Their–They're | Used / (Be) Used To | When–While Accept vs.

Commonly Confused Words (Troublesome Verbs)

Except: Is the action one of approving or rejecting? RESOURCES. BusyTeacher: Free Printable Worksheets For Busy Teachers Like YOU! Your Stories. To kids sitting in rows, art studios across the country are often filled with groups collaborating, many tasks running simultaneously and active students learning by 'doing' – at its best, our pedagogy should be the envy of other subject areas!

Your Stories

However, too many studio spaces are still filled with colouring book pages, cut-out pictures collected from magazines stuck on paper, etc. as 'art activities'. It simply isn't enough to have students enjoying their art classes – this can and will happen at the same time as meaningful learning. Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences. Howard Gardner: We have schools because we hope that someday when children have left schools that they will still be able to use what it is that they've learned.

Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences

And there is now a massive amount of evidence from all realms of science that unless individuals take a very active role in what it is that they're studying, unless they learn to ask questions, to do things hands-on, to essentially recreate things in their own mind and then transform them as is needed, the ideas just disappear. The student may have a good grade on the exam. We may think that he or she is learning, but a year or two later there's nothing left. TeachingHumans. Ideas For Using Student Whiteboards. Your Stories. Happy Students Learn Better! Foster Positive Emotions in Every Course You Make. Happy Students Learn Better!

Happy Students Learn Better! Foster Positive Emotions in Every Course You Make

Foster Positive Emotions in Every Course You Make “First there is emotion; after that comes cognition,” said Frank Thissen, a Multimedia Didactics and Intercultural Communication professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart, Germany. In the midst of a large research on the role of emotions in eLearning, Professor Thissen further explained that while negative emotions tend to make us clearly remember data including the minutest detail, positive emotions tend to help us remember more complex things. And this is what we’ve been trying to communicate for a long time: effective eLearning design should evoke positive emotions. Helping Learners Remember What They Learn: 4 Time-Tested Principles. How to Focus Attention in Adult Learning and E-learning. Studies show that focus is a key attribute for performance improvement and success in life.

How to Focus Attention in Adult Learning and E-learning

Yet today’s modern workplace is full of distractions, from text to tweets. Check out these effective techniques for increasing focus for adult learners participating in e-learning, classroom training, and other learning events. From nano-learning to rewards, learn how to focus attention and improve e-learning outcomes. Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of the bestseller Emotional Intelligence, has just written a book called Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. Goleman calls “attention” a “little-noticed and underrated mental asset,” which is essential to success in work, play, relationships, and self-awareness. How can you help learners focus in a workplace dominated by email, IM, texts, and tweets? PDF WORLD. 22280207 Language to Go Pre Intermediate Resource Bank. English Pronunciation. If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world.

English Pronunciation

After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud. Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. Punctuation, English Games for 7-11 Years. Time For Kids. SIOP Model: SIOP Model Lesson Plans. You have reached a page that has been moved, deleted, or is otherwise unavailable.

SIOP Model: SIOP Model Lesson Plans

There are many ways to find the information you are looking for on the redesigned CAL Web site. Search: look for resources and information using CAL's search page. Site Map: Look at our site map to see the organization of information on our new Web site. Browse our Web site: Open the CAL home page and look for links to the information you want. Visit our archive: Many of our digests, online resource guides, and other resources have been saved in an archive on our redesigned Web site.

Contact us: If you still cannot find what you’re looking for, please email us at Boggle's World: ESL Worksheets for Kids. Picture Descriptions Describing and Captioning Pictures Spot the Differences Story Questions. The Best Resources For Learning How To Use The Dictogloss Strategy With English Language Learners. Dictogloss is primarily a listening and writing activity used with English Language Learners. It can certainly be done a number of different ways but, very simply-put, the teacher reads a short text, often one students are familiar with.

Then, after the first time of just listening, the teacher reads it again and students write down notes of what they have heard. Next, the teacher reads it a third time and, again, the student writes down additional notes. The student then compares his/her notes with another student’s notes and they work together to develop an accurate reconstruction of the text — one that is not necessarily the exact wording, but that demonstrates its meaning accurately.

Finally, the teacher reads it again and students judge how well they did. Again, there are many variations on how to implement this engaging instructional strategy. Here are few of the best resources that I’ve found on using the dictogloss strategy. Dictogloss Procedure is by Diane Tedick. 400 Free eBooks: Download to Kindle, iPad/iPhone & Nook. Download 800 free eBooks to your Kindle, iPad/iPhone, computer, smart phone or ereader. Collection includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including works by Asimov, Jane Austen, Philip K. Dick, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Neil Gaiman, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf & James Joyce. Also please see our collection 1,000 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free, where you can download more great books to your computer or mp3 player.

Learn how to load ebook (.mobi) files to your Kindle with this video Religious Texts Assorted Texts This list of Free eBooks has received mentions in the The Daily Beast, Computer World, Gizmodo and Lifehacker. Helping your child. Holy Spirit School. Saint Joseph of Cupertino School. Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish and Education Center. St. Frances Cabrini School Home Page. St. Francis of Assisi PreSchool, Evergreen area of San Jose, California. Ten games that make you think about life. At the start of this year, we decided to come up with a list of Flash casual games with a philosophical bent. To be honest, we struggled. After days of research, we could only find a handful of games that had the thought-provoking depth we were looking for. Our list (which you can view by clicking here) was therefore only five games long. Fast forward to now, and it is remarkable how much difference a few months can make.

Thanks to the work of pioneers like Daniel Benmergui, Gregory Weir and PixelAnte, there is now an abundance of clever arty Flash games to pique our intellects, and as a result creating this follow-up list of games that make you think has been a doddle. In a wonderful twist, it seems it is the Flash gaming space - until now known more for the throwaway nature of its games rather than depth - that is leading the way in this exciting new area of gaming, as we hope the following games prove. 1Immortall The game starts with you crash landing on a planet. Expand your vocabulary! Flashcards: The world's largest online library of printable flash cards.

Super Teacher Worksheets. ESL Holiday Lessons: Lesson Plans for ESL / EFL. BusyTeacher: Free Printable Worksheets For Busy Teachers Like YOU! Preschool TV, games, kids videos, kids coloring pages. Teaching business English and ESP online. Roleplays & drama games for ESL teachers. Learning English. English conversation phrases and expressions for speaking practice.

ROLEPLAYS-ESL speaking activities: communicative activities for oral fluency. These speaking activities include ESL role-plays (roleplays), Find someone who... speaking activities, information gap activities, examination rubrics for ESL oral tests, and discussion questions. Most of these are ESL speaking activities that I've created, used, and liked. Brazilian & American cultural difference - a roleplay in which a cultural misunderstanding must be overcome in order for the speakers' relationship to move forward. Intercultural communication conflict resolution - a roleplay for introducing and practicing the 4 cross cultural conflict resolution steps. Personal questions - students practice conflict resolution when one asks questions that are considered personal in the other's culture. How to Create an Official High School Transcript for Your Homeschool Graduate.

VHSG: Course categories. KidsClick! Web Search. 11 Steps Of Effective Project-Based Learning In A Blended Classroom - In part 1 of this 6-part series, Thomas Stanley looked at an overview of blended learning, specifically the critical interactions of a blended learning model. In part 2, he looked specifically at student-to-student interaction, and the reality of synchronous and asynchronous access. In part 3, he looked at student-to-teacher interactions, and moving from instruction to becoming the “guide on the side,” and in part 4 he explored the idea of student-to-community interactions. Keeping your child safe online. Advice for parents about keeping your child safe when using the internet, social networking websites and online gaming. Cyberbullying 38% of young people have been affected by bullying online, through social networking websites or mobile phones.

Teach English Online Jobs. You’re On Vacation. How American English sounds to foreigners. Confusing Words and Homonyms. Commonly Confused Words (Troublesome Verbs) Learn English Lessons. Helping Learners Remember What They Learn: 4 Time-Tested Principles. 5 Powerful Questions Teachers Can Ask Students.

English for Life: 5 Ways to Make English a Fun and Convenient Part of Your Daily Life. EmailShare 343EmailShare Are you bored with your English, and worried that you’re not learning as much as you could? Do you wish English were more applicable to YOUR LIFE and the things you really LOVE TO DO? English for Life: 5 Ways to Make English a Fun and Convenient Part of Your Daily Life. An American town. An American town. English on Tour Unit 11-1 Places in my town. Learn Town/City Vocabulary! (Phrases 1) Learn Town/City Vocabulary! (Phrases 2) Elementary Vocabulary. Word Up EFL/ESL Board Game for Learners of English from TEFL Games Co. Diigo Digital Storytelling List. Elementary School.