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Frank Kunert - Fotografien kleiner Welten - Willkommen. Blender simple et conçis. --- Ce document est en version beta --- Introduction Ce document va présenter simplement et de façon concise les principales fonctions de Blender ( dans le but d'être rapidement opérationel: interface, modélisation, texturage, éclairage, rendu... Ce document ne couvre pas la totalité des fonctions (radiosité, etc.) mais il est malgré tout relativement exhaustif et surtout très largement illustré.

Une fois la lecture terminée, vous serez capable de créer des images avec Blender. Certains éléments de ce document sont inspirés de tutoriaux anglophones et du manuel utilisateur de Blender. Oui, je sais, c'est le n-ième tutoriel sur Blender. Ce document est sous license zlib/libpng: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising fromthe use of this software. 1. 2. 3.

Plan du document FIXME: parler des layers Interface ou . Infiniband-network-troubleshooting-1863251.pdf. Linux Infiniband Driver mailing list () Monitoring and Controlling the InfiniBand Fabric. This chapter describes how to monitor and control the InfiniBand fabric. 14.1 Monitoring the InfiniBand Fabric This section contains the following topics: 14.1.1 Identifying All Switches in the Fabric You can use the ibswitches command to identify the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switches in the InfiniBand fabric in your Exalogic machine. This command displays the Global Unique Identifier (GUID), name, Local Identifier (LID), and LID mask control (LMC) for each switch. The output of the command is a mapping of GUID to LID for switches in the fabric. On any command-line interface (CLI), run the following command: # ibswitches The output is displayed, as in the following example: Switch : 0x0021283a8389a0a0 ports 36 "Sun DCS 36 QDR switch localhost" enhancedport 0 lid 15 lmc 0 Note: The actual output for your InfiniBand fabric will differ from that in the example. 14.1.2 Identifying All HCAs in the Fabric On the command-line interface (CLI), run the following command: # ibhosts # ibnetdiscover.

Kernel Recipes 2014 | Encodage des instructions x86 et hacks kernel. J’ai toujours voulu comprendre dans le détail l’encodage des instructions x86 sans en avoir l’occasion. Bien sûr, qui a du temps aujourd’hui ? C’est pourquoi pour m’y astreindre, j’ai décidé d’écrire un décodeur d’instructions x86. Cette présentation s’attachera à montrer ce que j’ai appris au travers de cette expérience et comment sont élaborées les instructions sur x86. D’un point de vue pratique, le décodeur que j’ai élaboré montre de manière plutôt verbeuse certains hacks^w^wtechniques bas niveaux que nous utilisons dans le kernel, comme l’alternatives patching, les jump labels, les exception tables .

Tout ceci est en rapport étroit avec la connaissance en profondeur des instructions x86 et comment le code est généralement structurédans l’image binaire du kernel. J’espère que cette présentation apportera un éclairage intéressant sur les couches basses du kernel et leur fonctionnement, couches qui passent souvent inaperçues. Borislav Petkov, SUSE. Seriousgamethèque. Select a Language.

Help What is It is an online environment for interactively exploring programming languages. The name comes from the read-eval-print loop, the interactive toplevel used by languages like Lisp and Python. How do I start? Once you have selected a language, start by typing an expression into the console on the right side of the screen and pressing Enter. Can I use variables or other state? Yes! Can I save my session? Yes! Is open source? Can I use on my phone or tablet? Yes! How does work? All code processed by runs entirely on your computer, with no server-side evaluation. Enter Evaluate the entered command. Shift+Enter Continue to the next line. Tab Indent. Shift+Tab Unindent. Up Previous history item.

Down Next history item. Ctrl+Up Move to the line above the cursor. Ctrl+Down Move to the line below the cursor. Ctrl+E Move to the end of the current line. Ctrl+A Move to the start of the current line. Ctrl+K Clears the console. Ctrl+Z Cancel current prompt. Ctrl+L Ctrl+G Ctrl+H. Animer une caméra suivant une courbe (cercle) Master 3D hair and fur in Blender. Hair simulation in Blender can be pretty diverse, but what’s the best way to create an old, worn-out look using a particle system? 3D Artist contributor Gleb Alexandrov talks you through the process in this exclusive tutorial.

Step 01 – Prepare the model The basic mesh can be either created from scratch or modified from another available mesh. For the sake of the content-sharing principles of the open-source community, let’s download a burlap bear model from This site is dedicated to Blender content sharing under permissive licenses. Open it in Blender and check what needs to be added into our main scene. Step 02 – Set up a particle system Let’s go through the stages of the hair simulation.

Step 03 – Style the hair Switch viewport to the Particle Edit mode, select the Comb brush and start styling. Step 04 – Adjust the hair’s advanced settings Step 05 – Control bald spots with particle textures Step 06 – Create materials. The Physics of Fake Videos. This composite image shows the basic idea of video analysis. Was that awesome video real or fake? How could you tell? Well, from a physics perspective there are at least three methods to use in an analysis that will tell us if a video is fake. Video Analysis Method 1: Unrealistic Trajectories When you think of video analysis, you probably think of this method.

But how do you get the position of the object? Tracker Video Analysis – free video analysis software (this is what I use).Vernier Logger Pro – not free, but very easy to use data analysis and collection program that also does video analysis.Direct Measurement Videos – these are a collection of awesome videos that include data right in the video. Ok, but back to unrealistic trajectories. Objects with only a gravitational force (and near the surface of the Earth) will have a constant vertical acceleration. How about an example? Yes. The left graph shows that the horizontal velocity of the dust is fairly constant.

But wait! Homework. Create a directory. Challenge You want to create a new directory Solution Explanation Creating a directory is another task that is handled by the powerful and flexible file type. In this case specifying a directory is done by setting ensure to (unsurprisingly) “directory”. You can use a number of the parameters from the file type to control the directories properties, such as the owner, group and permissions. It’s also worth noting that puppet will not create missing parent directories. See also. Les 7 niveaux de relation de l’homme à la technologie. Le site NextNature (@nextnature) se consacre régulièrement à démontrer comment notre environnement technologique devient indissociable de la « nature » humaine, et à quel point la distinction entre les deux domaines est aujourd’hui floue.

Dans son essai Pyramid of Technology, Koert Van Mensvoort (@mensvoort), le philosophe qui développe ce concept de « next nature », présente sept étapes par lesquelles une technologie peut devenir partie intégrante de la nature. S’inspirant de Maslow, il décrit cette progression sous la forme d’une pyramide. Autrement dit, les technologies se font de plus en plus rares au fur et à mesure qu’elles sont « naturalisées ». « Au long terme, rien ne distingue une technologie suffisamment avancée de la nature », affirme-t-il, paraphrasant un fameux aphorisme d’Arthur C.

Clarke (« toute technologie suffisamment avancée ne peut être distinguée de la magie »). Au plus bas niveau de la pyramide se trouvent les technologies « imaginées ». Rémi Sussan. Comment la technologie devient nature. Par Rémi Sussan le 11/09/14 | 3 commentaires | 560 lectures | Impression Le site NextNature (@nextnature) se consacre régulièrement à démontrer comment notre environnement technologique devient indissociable de la “nature” humaine, et à quel point la distinction entre les deux domaines est aujourd’hui floue. Dans son essai Pyramid of Technology, Koert Van Mensvoort (@mensvoort), le philosophe qui développe ce concept de “next nature”, présente sept étapes par lesquelles une technologie peut devenir partie intégrante de la nature. S’inspirant de Maslow, il décrit cette progression sous la forme d’une pyramide. Autrement dit, les technologies se font de plus en plus rares au fur et à mesure qu’elles sont “naturalisées”.

“Au long terme, rien ne distingue une technologie suffisamment avancée de la nature”, affirme-t-il, paraphrasant un fameux aphorisme d’Arthur C. Au plus bas niveau de la pyramide se trouvent les technologies “imaginées”. Le niveau “appliqué” vient au-dessus. Rémi Sussan. 16 — R et espace. Accueil - Think Tank. Maps. Systemd for Administrators, Part 1. As many of you know, systemd is the new Fedora init system, starting with F14, and it is also on its way to being adopted in a number of other distributions as well (for example, OpenSUSE). For administrators systemd provides a variety of new features and changes and enhances the administrative process substantially.

This blog story is the first part of a series of articles I plan to post roughly every week for the next months. In every post I will try to explain one new feature of systemd. Many of these features are small and simple, so these stories should be interesting to a broader audience. However, from time to time we'll dive a little bit deeper into the great new features systemd provides you with. Verifying Bootup Traditionally, when booting up a Linux system, you see a lot of little messages passing by on your screen.

(I have shortened the output above a little, and removed a few lines not relevant for this blog post.) 20 choses que j’ai apprises avec le temps. Game Up! Game Development Blog. DataScienceBookV3.pdf. Learnable Programming. Here's a trick question: How do we get people to understand programming? Khan Academy recently launched an online environment for learning to program. It offers a set of tutorials based on the JavaScript and Processing languages, and features a "live coding" environment, where the program's output updates as the programmer types. Because my work was cited as an inspiration for the Khan system, I felt I should respond with two thoughts about learning: Programming is a way of thinking, not a rote skill.

Thus, the goals of a programming system should be: to support and encourage powerful ways of thinkingto enable programmers to see and understand the execution of their programs A live-coding Processing environment addresses neither of these goals. Alan Perlis wrote, "To understand a program, you must become both the machine and the program. " How do we get people to understand programming? We change programming. Contents A programming system has two parts.

The language should provide: Wait. Wargames/bandit/ We're hackers, and we are good-looking. We are the 1%. The Bandit wargame is aimed at absolute beginners. It will teach the basics needed to be able to play other wargames. If you notice something essential is missing or have ideas for new levels, please let us know! This game, like most other games, is organised in levels.

You will encounter many situations in which you have no idea what you are supposed to do. There are several things you can try when you are unsure how to continue: First, if you know a command, but don’t know how to use it, try the manual (man page) by entering “man <command>” (without the quotes). e.g. if you know about the “ls” command, type: man ls. You’re ready to start! Screen Capture Software for Windows, Mac, and Chrome | Snagit. Context is everything. Recording a video lets the person on the other end actually hear your voice. So the next time a webpage, PDF, or video edit is sent to you for feedback, consider dropping the red pen and record a video instead. With Snagit, there’s no waiting. You can record your video, and share it within seconds. Webcam recording - Toggle between webcam and screen recording during a video to add a personal touch with teammates or clients, no matter where they are. - A Free Solution to all your PDF Problems.

Why are some languages adopted and others aren’t? | The Programming Languages Enthusiast. In my last article I discussed how the failure to find the Heartbleed bug sooner was in some sense a failure to refine or deploy what is otherwise effective technology for static analysis. In particular, commercial static analysis tools purposely will ignore potential bugs so as to avoid reporting too many false alarms, i.e., favoring completeness over soundness. The companies that make these tools aim to provide a profitable service to a broad market, and their own investigations indicate soundness is not important for sales. Instead, to be viable, tools must help developers find real, important bugs efficiently, and not necessarily every bug. A challenge to researchers is to find ways to push the business proposition back toward soundness while retaining efficiency (and other desirable criteria); Andy Chou’s POPL’14 keynote outlines other useful challenges. Research and language adoption Some of the results have been adopted in practice.

SocioPLT There were three surveys. What next? Bulles de savon géantes. J’avais déjà essayé il y a quelques années de faire des bulles de savon géantes, et je dois dire que le résultat avait été plutôt moyen-bof. Alors j’ai décidé de faire une nouvelle tentative en mettant toutes les chances de mon côté. Et ça marche ! Pour faire des bulles de savon géantes, la sauce que vous allez utiliser joue un rôle primordial, mais aussi l’instrument pour former les bulles. Concernant la sauce, il existe maintenant des produits tous prêts vendus dans le commerce. Mais pas de ça chez nous ! La recette s’appelle Mike’s Gooey Mix, et en la lisant, mes lecteurs basés en France vont certainement râler : elle utilise des ingrédients que semble-t-il on trouve surtout en Amérique du Nord (pour les autres continents, je ne sais pas).

(Je me souviens que je râlais déjà moi-même il y a quelques années quand je lisais les forums parlant de bulles faites avec des ingrédients introuvables en France…). Le liquide vaisselle Un épaississant La recette Les baguettes La technique Billets reliés. Strava Global Heatmap. Allez les Bleus ! IPython Notebooks for StatLearning Exercises. « Blender NPR. Reefs Surveryed Map - Global Reef Record. The Schools Where Apple, Google, and Facebook Get Their Recruits | Design. Universités: le prix du mépris. Rapport de stage ou rapport d’étonnement. Is There Anything Beyond Quantum Computing? - The Nature of Reality. The Makers of Things: The Problem Solver. Présentations. How to create a data-driven organization: one year on. Why building a data science team is deceptively hard. D-Lib Magazine. HOME // OX Kernel. Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the Hood. Kaggle: Go from Big Data to Big Analytics.

Savez-vous factoriser à la mode de Fermat ? Outils de travail collaboratif. Computing Now | Research Challenges for Visualization Software. Research Support - How do I create an R Studio Project from Git.


History of computing part 2 | Linux Voice. Presenting & Recordings « Complex Diagrams. Graph Design for the Eye and Mind: Stephen M. Kosslyn: 9780195311846: Books. Visualising Data » Book. Four Pillars of Visualization « Complex Diagrams.