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Fiction. Process and writerly habits. Words,words, words. Dictionaries & Thesauri. Writers Groups. Writing pearls. Publishing. Journaling. Conferences, competitions, and NaNoWriMo. Blogging tips. Online Resources. Letters of Note. How Stories Change the Brain. Ben’s dying.

How Stories Change the Brain

That’s what Ben’s father says to the camera as we see Ben play in the background. Ben is two years old and doesn’t know that a brain tumor will take his life in a matter of months. Ben’s father tells us how difficult it is to be joyful around Ben because the father knows what is coming. But in the end he resolves to find the strength to be genuinely happy for Ben’s sake, right up to Ben’s last breath. Everyone can relate to this story. A recent analysis identifies this “hero’s journey” story as the foundation for more than half of the movies that come out of Hollywood, and countless books of fiction and nonfiction. Why are we so attracted to stories? Why the brain loves stories. How Does Writing Affect Your Brain?

Literary Devices. Create Your own Quizzes, Stories, Polls, Lyrics, Poems, Journals and More at Quizilla. Infographic shows the most common problems in screenplays. I'd love to see a breakdown of manuscript rejections done this way.

Infographic shows the most common problems in screenplays

Having watched a few movies in the last ten years, I can tell you from authority that these are not the reasons manuscripts get rejected. It depends on what studio you're pitching, what sort of movie they're in the market for, what sort of other movies they've greenlit, what sort of mood the scriptreader is in that day, whether they're looking for a good role for some actor they just signed a deal with, what movie made the most money last year, and even more importantly, what movie LOST the most money last year (ooooh, you wrote a western? How to Write a Screenplay. In Place of Thought: A New 'Dictionary of Received Ideas' In 1913, a compilation of Gustave Flaubert’s satirical definitions was posthumously published as “Le Dictionnaire des Idées Reçues” (“The Dictionary of Received Ideas”).

In Place of Thought: A New 'Dictionary of Received Ideas'

Flaubert hated cliché, a hatred that expressed itself not only in the pristine prose of “Madame Bovary” but also in his letters and notes on the thoughtless platitudes of the day. “The Dictionary of Received Ideas” is a complaint against automatic thinking. What galls Flaubert most is the inevitability, given an action, of a certain standard reaction.

The Lisa Simpson Book Club. 100 Little Ways You Can Dramatically Improve Your Writing. yWriter5 - Free writing software designed by an author, not a salesman. yWriter5 is designed for Windows XP, Vista and beyond.

yWriter5 - Free writing software designed by an author, not a salesman

Win98 and Win2k users should be able to use it, but those operating systems are unsupported. These downloads contain yWriter5 version, dated 04/Jul/2014 Download yWriter5 installer (2.1mb) from the primary site. OR download yWriter5 installer (2.1mb) from the secondary site. (The files above are identical.

Optional zip version: yWriter5 Zipped Install (1.5mb) Best free software for writing: 10 programs to unleash your creativity. Writers tend to make a very big deal of their tools, whether those tools are delicate pens or ancient typewriters.

Best free software for writing: 10 programs to unleash your creativity

Increasingly, though, they'll talk about their software. Content Marketing and Copywriting Articles. Annie Dillard on the Art of the Essay and Narrative Nonfiction vs. Poetry and Short Stories. By Maria Popova “Writers serve as the memory of a people.

Annie Dillard on the Art of the Essay and Narrative Nonfiction vs. Poetry and Short Stories

They chew over our public past.” “Only a person who is congenitally self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays,” E.B. White remarked in his reflection on the art of the essay. About a little thing called 750 Words. The Sentence Is a Lonely Place. DISCUSSED: The Forlornities of Life, Overliteral Pronunciation, Books as Props, Books as Reliquaries, The Scrunch and Flump of Consonants, Barry Hannah, Gordon Lish, Abruptions, Narratives of Steep Verbal Topography,Sam Lipsyte, Consummated Language, Christine Schutt, Interior Vowels I came to language only late and only peculiarly.

The Sentence Is a Lonely Place

I grew up in a household where the only books were the telephone book and some coloring books. Magazines, though, were called books, but only one magazine ever came into the house, a now-long-gone photographic general-interest weekly commandingly named Look. Words in this household were not often brought into play. One Sentence - True stories, told in one sentence. Inklewriter. 20 Moving And Powerful Passages From Thought Catalog's Female Writers.

Some of the narratives we read on Thought Catalog have the potential to stay with us, to tug at our heart space in that moment and the moments beyond.

20 Moving And Powerful Passages From Thought Catalog's Female Writers

And so, I searched the archives and found the passages that truly spoke to me. And if they impacted me, I have a gut feeling that these words resonated with other readers as well. Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime in the future. That would be nice; it’s where my heart and mind went to, when I found out that you were being welcomed back to that place that isn’t here.

Or maybe I’ll forget you soon. 51 Of The Most Beautiful Sentences In Literature. The Six Things That Make Stories Go Viral Will Amaze, and Maybe Infuriate, You. WRITING. Writing with Ease.