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Notícias - Internacional

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Democracy Now! Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names. Foreign Policy - the global magazine of economics, politics, and ideas. Our Mission. What's Real About Us We won't blindly follow wire services or official press releases that attempt to set the news agenda. We will cover the big stories of the day, but we will broaden the definition of what's important.

The Real News will investigate, report and debate stories that help us understand the critical issues of our time. The movements for the rights of working people, women, children, immigrants, indigenous people, for freedom of religion and conscience, for moral and spiritual values and for peace and against racism are news. Who's a Newsmaker? We will cover people in high office, but we won't limit our news to official positions or the partisan horse race for power. Bias, Accountability and Transparency We all have interests.

Desde Cuba. Democracy Now! El País (ES) The Guardian (UK) Disinformation.