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Twitonomy: Twitter #analytics and much more... Visualiza tus contactos de Twitter en un mapa. Hoy vengo con un post relativamente corto pero que les va a encantar. Se trata de un mapa interactivo de nuestros amigos en Twitter. Muestra en efecto un gran mapa en el cual luego de hacer login con nuestra cuenta de Twitter podemos visualizar la ubicación geográfica de nuestros contactos. Hace uso de la tecnología de Google Maps. Esto siempre y cuando claro esta ellos no hayan tergiversado dicha información. También me han comentado que esta pequeña App o servicio puede integrarse en las Webs. O sea que podemos colocarla como Widget o complemento de nuestra Web. El proyecto se encuentra en Git Hub. Vía. Hide Irrelevant Tweets with Slipstream for Chrome. Twitter is a massive source of the latest news, updates and any information from people you follow.

While it is a great tool for reading about your interests, it’s also an effort to sort through your timeline and read only about things that matter. One way to get rid of this noise is a “hide” function for spammy or irrelevant tweets. Slipstream for Chrome is made exactly for this purpose, and is an excellent way to get a timeline worthy of your time. Slipstream is a simple Chrome extension that enables you to hide posts in Twitter according to a given parameter. When the extension is installed, a “Hide” button appears below posts from people you follow in Twitter. After installing the extension from the Chrome Webstore, go to Twitter and log in to your account. You will notice a box below your profile on the left side for Slipstream. On the next page, click Sign in again. You should now be taken back to your Twitter home screen. A popup should appear. That’s it! Cómo controlar tu computadora remotamente usando Twitter. ¿Necesitas apagar, reiniciar, hibernar o bloquear tu PC remotamente?

Para esto existen muchas herramientas, pero esta es realmente curiosa y sencilla, se trata de TweetMyPC, una aplicación para Windows que te permite controlar y acceder a tu computadora usando Twitter, esto funciona mandando un mensaje con el comando especial para la acción que vas a realizar a la cuenta de Twitter de la PC. Para hacer funcionar TweetMyPC necesitas seguir estos pasos: Crea una cuenta de Twitter para tu PC, y asegúrate de ponerla como privada para que nadie pueda ver los comando que envias.Descargar e instala la aplicación TweetMyPC.Abre TweetMyPC y escribe los datos de acceso de la cuenta de Twitter para tu PC y pon una dirección de email, esta dirección debe ser de Gmail.Listo, deja corriendo la aplicación en tu PC y desde otro lugar envia Tweets con los comandos usando la cuenta de Twitter de la PC.

Algunos de los comando que soporta TweetMyPC son: Enlace para descargar TweetMyPC (Vía Tecnokun) Popular Twitter Covers. The Standard for Influence. Tampon - an open source Buffer app. 8 Best Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools. Almost everyone knows the power of twitter now but very few know how to get more out of it, means to get twitter stats and analytics. To use Twitter fully and become successful, you must check statistics of your twitter account and analyze it. But, the basic Twitter service does not provide full and advanced stats, you can get those only by using tools developed by others. Here is the list of 8 useful twitter statistics and analytics tools.

Twitter Stats and Analytics Tools 1. Using this application you can graph your Twitter stats including tweets per hour and tweets per month. 2. Their twittastic robots scan the Twitter public timeline for new twits to tweet. 3. Twitter Grader is a free tool that allows you to check the power of your twitter profile compared to millions of other users that have been graded. 4. tweetVolume Enter keywords or a phrase and see how often it appears on Twitter. 5. twInfluence 6. 7. Get a clear overview and graph of your twitter stats. 8. Advertisement — Ferman Aziz. ManageFlitter - Work faster & smarter with Twitter. Tweriod - Get to know when your Twitter followers are online the most. Twitter alerts via email by Twilert. Hashtags.

Tweet Archivist - Analyze, Archive, Save and Export Twitter Searches. See Who Is On Twitter, Get Followers : WeFollow Twitter Directory. Top 5 Android Apps To Tweet Longer Than 140 Characters. As we all know, popular micro-blogging phenomenon, Twitter, allows users post tweets up to just 140 characters long. If you wish to post a message longer than that, you’ll need to resort to other web apps, such as TwitLonger, TweetExtend, RichTweet, TMI.ME, JumboTweet and EZTweets etc. Just like the Twitter web service itself, its official Android client doesn’t let users post a tweet longer than the conventional 140-character mark. Worse yet, Android users don’t have the luxury of resorting to a standalone app to post longer tweets, either.

Although the previously reviewed Tweet Longer For Twitter app emerged as a worthy candidate in this regard, it didn’t last long in the market, leaving Android users yearning for an alternative solution. Before proceeding further, let us inform you that any tweet posted using the following Android apps doesn’t get displayed in its full form on your Twitter Timeline (on web, that is). 1. Seesmic Download Seesmic (Facebook, Twitter) For Android 2. 3.