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Antenna Tuning Unit (ATU) For 27-MHz CB Radios. Posted Apr 21, 2013 at 9:16 am This antenna tuning unit (ATU) enables half-wavelength or longer wire antennas to be matched to the 50-ohm antenna input of 27-MHz Citizens’ Band (CB) rigs. The ATU is useful in those cases where a wire antenna is less obtrusive than a roof-mounted ‘vertical’ or ground-plane.

It is also great for ‘improvised’ antennas used by active CB users on camping sites and the like because it allows a length of wire to be used as a fairly effective antenna hung between, say, a tree branch at one side and a tent post, at the other. Obviously, the wire ends then have to be isolated using, for example, short lengths of nylon wire. It is even possible to use the ATU to tune a length of barbed wire to 27 MHz. The coil in the circuit consists of 11 turns of silver-plated copper wire with a diameter of about 1 mm (SWG20). The internal diameter of the coil is 15 mm, and it is stretched to a length of about 4 cm. ATU For 27-MHz CB Radios Circuit Diagram. Top 50 Live Audio Feeds. - Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference.

Pure Energy Systems News (PESN) FREE MAGNETIC ENERGY - OPEN SOURCE. Outdoor Survival Projects. Emergency Essentials - Food Storage Emergency Preparedness Emergency Kits. Homemade Weaponry. I am the author of 'The Knowledge: How to rebuild our world from scratch' about the science and technology you'd need to reboot civilisation as quickly as possible after an apocalypse. AMA! : IAmA. Bear Grylls Survival Academy, have you got what it takes to survive? Are you hooked on competence porn? But the kind of competence porn that I’ve been obsessing over a lot recently is a bit grander than even this. Imagine that global civilisation has collapsed and the vast majority of humanity perished – from a lethally virulent pandemic, say. You’ve woken up with the mother of all hangovers the morning after the end of the world as we know it, and fallen in with a community of other post-apocalyptic survivors.

What could you do to help yourself survive and thrive in the immediate aftermath, and begin the long process of rebuilding from the ashes? Would your practical know-how stand up to the test? I’ve explored the science and technology of rebooting civilisation from scratch in my latest book The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch. Here, then, are the five crucial skills that I believe you would need for this ultimate expression of competence porn: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Knowledge: How to Rebuild our World from Scratch is out now. The Knowledge | HOW TO REBUILD OUR WORLD FROM SCRATCH. Further Reading by Chapter | The Knowledge. This webpage is a reproduction of the Further Reading section of the book, with each recommendation provided as a link for you to obtain the reference if you are interested.

A small selection of books discussing the historical development of science and technology have proved absolutely indispensable through many of the chapters of this book, and I would recommend these as excellent texts for reading around the themes of The Knowledge: W. Brian. Arthur, The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves George Basalla, The Evolution of Technology Peter J.

I have also provided below a list of a few of the most relevant sources for the general subject matter of each chapter of the book, as well as the references for specific points. Navigate straight to a particular chapter with the jump-list below, or scroll down. Introduction1. Introduction I, Pencil: Read (1958).

Chapter 1 – The End of the World as we Know it Bruce D. Chapter 2 – The Grace Period Chapter 3 – Agriculture. How to build a foxhole radio receiver | VE2XIP editions. According to Wikipedia, and I quote; “A foxhole radio is a radio built by G.I.s during World War II. The foxhole radio differed from the crystal radio. A razor blade and pencil were used as a diode in a foxhole radio while a piece of crystal is used as a diode in a crystal radio. The foxhole radio is like a crystal set in that it does not require an external power source.

The radio is powered by the radio frequency that it receives. This made the foxhole radio ideal for the prisoner of war (POW). Prisoners of war made these radios to keep up with current events. Generally, this radio is called so because of the foxholes – small man-made underground shelters used along defensive lines during the war, and so, any radio built during the war can be regarded to be a foxhole radio, but ideally, this radio does NOT use semiconductors and does not have access to a power supply. These video clips will show you how to make a foxhole radio receiver out of virtually nothing; Further Reading by Chapter | The Knowledge. Rebooting Civilization: Survivors’ How-to Guide for Restoring Technology after the Apocalypse [Excerpt] Editor’s Note: Lewis Dartnell’s book The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch (, distills the crucial information a group of postapocalyptic survivors would need to recover if society were ever to collapse, be it from a pandemic outbreak, asteroid impact or other disasters.

This basic knowledge on the key technologies and central scientific principles that underpin our everyday lives would serve as a quick-start guide for civilization itself to help survivors rebuild as quickly as possible and avert a prolonged dark age. Below is a basic primer on photography from Chapter 11. The following is excerpted with permission from The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch, by Lewis Dartnell. Available from Penguin Press, a member of Penguin Group (USA), LLC, a Penguin Random House Co. Copyright © Lewis Dartnell, 2014. To talk to Lewis directly about the themes of The Knowledge, join his Reddit Ask Me Anything today (Friday) from 11a.m.

The Knowledge | HOW TO REBUILD OUR WORLD FROM SCRATCH. Book campsites & holiday parks: best campsites in UK, France & Ireland. INTO THE WILDERNESS. Camping Recipes | Foil Packets, Dutch Oven & Gourmet S'mores Recipes. Ever since our first camping trip when we threw foil packets of cubed steak with roasted rosemary potatoes, carrots and peas on the campfire, finding great camping recipes has been a top priority. That’s why we’ve created this section of the blog dedicated to our favorite camping recipes. Breakfast Main Dishes Side Dishes Sweet Treats Dutch Oven Pork Chili Verde Camp Recipe Beef Stew Foil Packet Camp Recipe Oooey gooey S’mores’adilla goodness Sweet Potato Taco Foil Packet Fixin’s Breakfast Hash Camp Recipe A little taste of s’more heaven.

Gooey delight! Camp Recipe: Rosemary Cubed Steak with Roasted Potatoes Camp Recipe: Spicy Taco Patty and Cheesy Potatoes Foil Packet. About Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense: tips and how-to guide for emergency preparedness and survival. Leon Pantenburg is a wilderness enthusiast, and doesn’t claim to be a survival expert or expertise as a survivalist. Leon Pantenburg As a newspaperman and journalist for three decades, covering search and rescue, sheriff’s departments, floods, forest fires and other natural disasters and outdoor emergencies, Leon learned many people died unnecessarily or escaped miraculously from outdoor emergency situations when simple, common sense might have changed the outcome.

Leon now teaches common sense techniques to the average person in order to avert potential disasters. His emphasis is on tried and tested, simple techniques of wilderness survival. Every technique, piece of equipment or skill recommended on this website has been thoroughly tested and researched. After graduating from Iowa State University, Leon completed a six-month, 2,552-mile solo Mississippi River canoe trip from the headwaters at Lake Itasca, Minn., to the Gulf of Mexico. Contact Leon at: Plant Growing Guides & Tips.

Fire From Water. Wilderness survival skills reconnect us with the Earth Ancient Pathways to a Sustainable Future. Outdoor Skills | Outdoor Survival Skills |