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Teaching the Microbiome. Resources. CAZy - Resources. Your mouth is full of bacteria blooming. And it's beautiful. Here are entire cities of bacteria inside your body, and Gary Borisy is determined to map them.

Your mouth is full of bacteria blooming. And it's beautiful

3-D Biological Molecules. Listed below are links to pages containing 3-dimensional displays of models of molecules of Biological interest.

3-D Biological Molecules

These may be moved in an intuitive way using the computer mouse or touchscreen. In the explanatory text are links which highlight features of the molecule or give extra information. These units are now based on HTML5 and javascript, so they should be more accessible from most PCs and tablets, including iPads. These are mostly upgrades of my previous units on molecules which used applets based on Java. On Windows PCs, best results are obtained using Firefox or Chrome. Some files have been converted to be compatible with mobiles and tablets which have a narrower screen, incompatible with the display format used on desktop/laptop machine. Helicobacter pylori and Parkinson’s disease. About – microBEnet: the microbiology of the Built Environment network. About « Home Microbiome Study. What does the term microbiome mean? And where did it come from? A bit of a surprise .. – microBEnet: the microbiology of the Built Environment network.

Participative science

Metagenomics&omics. Art. Maladies. Naissance grossesse. Ageing. Sport & gut. International. Expo Gut. Biodiversité microbiote. Probiotiques. Voyage tube video. Digestion. Gaz. Fibres et prébiotiques. Appli nutri perso. Gut brain. Immunité. Antibiotiques. Questionnaire. Matério expo. Educ. DIY Bio. Jeu. Imags. Outils. Labo. Biotech. Regelementation. Microbiología en Alimentos. Bacteria number.

Bacteria type et fonctionnement

Transplantation fecale. Nathalie va à l’école et aime faire de la balançoire… quand elle n’a pas de maux de ventre - ASMCC. Le nouveau "Livre à MOI" - ASMCC. SCiO - Explore More! Design médical: novembre 2013. Je ne suis pas un ultra connecté, mais j'ai toujours vu dans les nouvelles technologies un futur passionnant et sans limite.

Design médical: novembre 2013

J'ai une tablette sur laquelle j'ai regardé ce qu'il y avait sur le médical et j'y ai trouvé plusieurs applications sur le corps humain notamment. Mais soit trop compliquées, soit trop chère. J'ai arrêté de chercher et c'est par hasard que je suis tombé sur cette application : TINYBOP. C'est une très jolie application ludique qui, sans donner trop d'informations, permet aux enfants d'apprendre le fonctionnement du corps humain tout en s'amusant. C'est un accompagnement que l'adulte peut utiliser aussi pour demander à son enfant ce qu'il ressent. Il y a une vision du corps dans sa globalité et des détails tels que les dents, l'estomac ou les articulations principales.C'est très important de pouvoir expliquer et comprendre le corps humain.

Plus d'informations sur : Chap 13 Immunological tests - Microbiology & Molecular Biology 3320 with Mallory at LaGrange College - StudyBlue. Your Changing Microbiome. Aagaard, K., Riehle, K., Ma, J., Segata, N., Mistretta, T.

Your Changing Microbiome

-A., Coarfa, C., Raza, S., Rosenbaum, S., Van den Veyver, I., Milosavlijevic, A., Gevers, D., Huttenhower, C., Petrosino, J. & Versalovic, J. (2012). A metagenomic approach to characterization of the vaginal microbiome signature in pregnancy. PLoS ONE, 7(6), e36466. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036466 Azad, M.B., Konya, T., Maughan, H., Guttman, D.S., Field, C.J., Chari, R.S., Sears, M.R., Becker, A.B., Scott, J.A. & Kozyrskyj, A.L. (2013).

Manipulating the Microbiome: diet, environment, and genetics. Le microbiote intestinal : un organe à part entière - PARLONS SCIENCES. Microbiota – the forgotten organ. Back to overview Today, the idea that gut bacteria affects a person’s health is not new.

Microbiota – the forgotten organ

Most of us know that these microbes influence digestion, allergies, and metabolism. The gut flora as a forgotten organ. Gout diet: Fruit and vegetables could cure painful form of arthritis. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of agonising gout attacks, as it can affect gut bacteria, experts have said.

Gout diet: Fruit and vegetables could cure painful form of arthritis

They said following a high fibre diet combats the razor sharp crystals that form in and around the joints and under the skin. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the bloodstream, which causes urate crystals to start to form in and around the joints and under the skin. The condition affects about one in 100 people, with men two to three times more likely to be affected than women. Coming of age: ten years of next-generation sequencing technologies : Nature Reviews Genetics. Since the completion of the human genome project in 2003, extraordinary progress has been made in genome sequencing technologies, which has led to a decreased cost per megabase and an increase in the number and diversity of sequenced genomes.

Coming of age: ten years of next-generation sequencing technologies : Nature Reviews Genetics

An astonishing complexity of genome architecture has been revealed, bringing these sequencing technologies to even greater advancements. Some approaches maximize the number of bases sequenced in the least amount of time, generating a wealth of data that can be used to understand increasingly complex phenotypes. Alternatively, other approaches now aim to sequence longer contiguous pieces of DNA, which are essential for resolving structurally complex regions. These and other strategies are providing researchers and clinicians a variety of tools to probe genomes in greater depth, leading to an enhanced understanding of how genome sequence variants underlie phenotype and disease. ⭐Le microbiote intestinal humain. Systeme digestif. Microbiote digestif humain. Could our gut micriobiome hold a key to treating or preventing autism? Microbiome may be next big frontier in medicine.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis.

Microbiome may be next big frontier in medicine

The human gut microbiome — which includes the community of trillions of bacteria living within our intestines — has been called one of the next big frontiers in medicine. In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that the bacteria in our gut exert a powerful influence on our immune and endocrine systems, brain health, mood and cognitive function, and other key biological processes. We know that the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut can keep us healthy — or can contribute to disease.

Now, the next step for this exciting medical frontier is learning how to leverage the power of the microbiome to treat disease. January High Five – Writing and Re-writing History – Altmetric. Welcome to a new year of the Altmetric High Five!

January High Five – Writing and Re-writing History – Altmetric

On a monthly basis, my High Five posts examine a selection of the most popular research outputs Altmetric has seen attention for that month. This month’s theme is changing history. The top scientific papers this month according to all have big implications for our understanding of human, and celestial, history. Sorry, it turns out you are human after all. » Ce qui se passe d’extraordinaire chaque fois que vous allez à la toilette… Microbiome remains malleable after birth. The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis.

Microbiome remains malleable after birth

Trillions of bacteria – and other tiny single-celled organisms, such as archaea and protozoa – live in our bodies, largely in our gut. Your Microbes, Yourself – Pacific Standard. An immunotoxicologist by profession, Dietert speaks about these cutting-edge scientific matters with the zeal of the convert. Indeed, near the end of the book, we learn that he had something of a life-changing experience a few years ago. While visiting Germany for less than a week and eating whatever conference catering provided, Dietert discovered that he was losing weight and enjoying noticeable relief from two chronic conditions: gastric reflux and sinusitis. (The weight loss was all the more unusual because he was sitting in conferences for almost the entire trip.) Different Strokes: Blending Microbiology and Art. Microbe ISSN: 1558-7452, Online ISSN: 1558-7460 DOI: Volume 11, Issue 12, pages 421- 426 Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology.

All Rights Reserved. Jeffrey MaloyJeffrey Maloy is a graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles. Although Michele Banks is not a microbiologist, she found herself speaking to a packed room of microbiologists at the 2016 ASM Microbe meeting in Boston last June. “It all started with the paint,” she says. You’re probably not mostly microbes « Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! Bonnie Bassler: How bacteria "talk" Bacterial Identification Virtual Lab. Party Like A Microbe. Comment les fibres nous protègent du diabète et de l’obésité. Il est bien connu des chercheurs qu’une alimentation riche en fibres protège l’organisme de l’obésité et du diabète.

Néanmoins, les mécanismes à l’œuvre leur échappaient depuis une vingtaine d’années. Trop de gras déséquilibre rapidement la flore intestinale. How Your Gut Bacteria Influence What You Eat. You can’t always trust your gut: it may be deliberately lying to you as part of the eternal microscopic war going on inside your body. Within the human digestive system lives a massive ecosystem of bacteria, known as gut flora or the gut microbiota, and recent research suggests that these microbes can manipulate your brain into eating unhealthy things and even into feeling stressed and depressed. Diet, the gut microbiome, and colorectal cancer: are they linked?

MICROBIOTE: L'ensemencement vaginal pour transmettre au nouveau-né les bonnes bactéries ? – BMJ. Vaginal microbe yields novel antibiotic. La formation du système nerveux de l’intestin. Tracking the Daily Rhythms of the Microbiome. 161201122159. MIT Technology Review. Body extension - breathingthing. European Federation of Crohn's and ulcerative Colitis Associations.

Obésité : espoir d’un pacemaker "anti-faim" Guts4Life - The home of IBD information and support. Mentis anti gueule de bois scientific. Digitaltrends. TU Delft: Team of TU Delft students prints bacterial biofilm using K’NEX 3D printer. MicroBEnet: The microbiology of the Built Environment network. Microbiome Digest - Bik's Picks. Bacteria - Pili. Explorer. Micro-ritmos turns bacteria and machine learning into spatialized sound - CDM Create Digital Music. The first thousand days – intestinal microbiology of early life: establishing a symbiosis - Wopereis - 2014 - Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. SUPERFLEX/Tools. Bio Academy —HTGAA. Corpus Médical de la Faculté de Médecine de Grenoble - Bienvenue. Zooniverse.