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Mythological objects. Mythologies by time period. Mythologies by religion. Mythologies by region. Mythological objects. Legendary creatures. Fictional mythologies. Deities by classification. Mythology. Celtic mythology. Overview[edit]

Celtic mythology

Norse Mythology. The Legendary Origins of Merlin the Magician. Most people today have heard of Merlin the Magician, as his name has been popularized over the centuries and his story has been dramatized in numerous novels, films, and television programs.

The Legendary Origins of Merlin the Magician

The powerful wizard is depicted with many magical powers, including the power of shapeshifting and is well-known in mythology as a tutor and mentor to the legendary King Arthur, ultimately guiding him towards becoming the king of Camelot. While these general tales are well-known, Merlin’s initial appearances were only somewhat linked to Arthur. It took many decades of adaptations before Merlin became the wizard of Arthurian legend he is known as today. Merlin the wizard. Credit: Andy / flickr It is common belief that Merlin was created as a figure for Arthurian legend. Merlin was created as a combination of several historical and legendary figures. A giant helps Merlin build Stonehenge. Many years after Geoffrey’s Historia Regum Britanniae, Robert de Boron composed a poem called Merlin. Sources: The Bhagavad Gita as an Integral Part of the Epic Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita as an Integral Part of the Epic Mahabharata The Bhagavad Gita is an integral part of a vast epic, the great Sanskrit poem, The Mahabharata.

The Bhagavad Gita as an Integral Part of the Epic Mahabharata

According to the scholar J.A.B. van Buitenen the Mahabharata has had an immense influence, more than any other text, on Indian civilization. The Mahabharata is not just another tale of the ceaseless human drama, but it is ‘the storehouse of political wisdom, philosophical doctrine, religious doctrines, and a splendid work of literary art’ (M.N. Dutt). Indian tradition has accepted Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa as poet author of the Mahabharata. Before paper was introduced in 1000 AD, the Sanskrit texts were written on birch bark in the upper north India and palm leaf in the south (J.A.B. van Buitenen). Sumerian Gods and Goddesses. Sumerian Gods Is Anu holding the symbolic Holy Grail of a Bloodline he created?

Sumerian Gods and Goddesses

British Museum Nephilim, Anunnaki - Royal Bloodline - Creators "Those who from Heaven to Earth came" Sumerian Myths. Sumerian civilization originated in what is now southern Iraq, just upriver from the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Sumerian Myths

"Civilization" in this context means a settled town or city-dwelling people who possess a stable agricultural technology (including domesticated animals) and have developed a hierarchical system of social classes (peasants, laborers, slaves, craftsmen [smiths, masons, carpenters, potters, etc.], farmers, fishermen, merchants, doctors, architects, priests and temple attendants, bureaucrats, scribes, advisers, priest-kings). Introduction to Hindu Mythology. Hindu religion is more philosophy than doctrine.

Introduction to Hindu Mythology

There is no authoritative hierarchy of clergy; the religion is highly decentralized with multiple sects, perfectly acceptable to Hinduism (in contrast to the regrettable divisions within Christianity). The Hindu claim that there are different paths for each person. A practical definition of Hinduism: performing the duty (dharma) of one's stage in life and social status (caste). Mythical Chronology of Greece. This Mythical Chronology of Greece depicts the traditional chronology established for the events of ancient Greek mythology by ancient chronographers and mythographers.

Mythical Chronology of Greece

This list largely reflects the work of Saint Jerome, whose work in turn was based primarily on the analysis of Apollodorus, Diodorus Siculus, and Eusebius. [1] In a few cases, the chronology also reflects the opinions of more recent scholars, who have cross referenced the mythology to archeological discoveries. These interpolations are noted with italics. Although the Greeks did believe that much of their mythology was grounded in fact, this list is not intended to imply the literal existence of real-world parallels to all the characters listed below.

The dates below are approximate. Timeline. The Kerala Articles: Comparison of Hindu and Greek Mythologies. Of Gods and Men Greek Gods Image Courtesy :

The Kerala Articles: Comparison of Hindu and Greek Mythologies

The Battle with the Titans - Classical Mythology. With his rescued siblings, Zeus had the beginnings of an army with which to challenge Cronus.

The Battle with the Titans - Classical Mythology

However, Cronus had some difficulty in assembling his own forces. Egyptian Deities and Myths Compared to the Bible. There are few books that have caused as much controversy as the Holy Bible.

Egyptian Deities and Myths Compared to the Bible

For centuries now, it has been regarded by many to be the "one true word of God". The writers of the Bible may have been human beings... but it is said that those writers had "divine inspiration" for their words. The birth of the Christ child, or Jesus, that comes to save mankind from damnation is told in both Matthew and Luke in the New Testament. It describes a child, born in the stables of an inn to a virgin... a child that would shed his blood for all of those who would otherwise be forever separated from God. However, religions and worship of deities existed before the writings of the Bible. Horus One important note about the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt... they were not one-dimensional beings.

Hathor. The Annunaki and the Myth of a 12th Planet. By Neil Freer | Received from Light Eye.