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Free Worksheets and Printables - A Teacher's Bag of Tricks. Do Students Know Enough Smart Learning Strategies? | MindShift | KQED News. Lenny Gonzales What’s the key to effective learning? One intriguing body of research suggests a rather gnomic answer: It’s not just what you know. It’s what you know about what you know. To put it in more straightforward terms, anytime a student learns, he or she has to bring in two kinds of prior knowledge: knowledge about the subject at hand (say, mathematics or history) and knowledge about how learning works. Parents and educators are pretty good at imparting the first kind of knowledge. We’re comfortable talking about concrete information: names, dates, numbers, facts.

But the guidance we offer on the act of learning itself—the “metacognitive” aspects of learning—is more hit-or-miss, and it shows. Research has found that students vary widely in what they know about how to learn, according to a team of educational researchers from Australia writing in this month’s issue of the journal Instructional Science. What is the topic for today’s lesson? Lenny Gonzales. Memory experiments. Memory Experiments Here are some experiments and games to test your memory. Also, don't forget that there are some memory tricks and techniques at the end of this section! On-line Short Term Memory Games Grades K-12 Think you have a good memory? On-line "Simon Says" Memory Games Simon says, "Play These Games! " Try Game 1 with and without sound. Face Memory Test How good is your memory for faces? There are two versions of the test: Now You See It, Now You Don't Grades K-6 Let's test short term memory.

Materials: Tray or plate10-20 small items (like an eraser, pencil, coin, marble, etc.)Cloth or towel to cover the trayPaper and pencils for your subjects to write down what they remember What's Missing This experiment is a variation of the previous experiment to test short term memory. Try it again giving the subjects more time to view all the items.Try it with less time. Tray or plate10-20 small items (like an eraser, pencil, coin, marble, etc.)Cloth or towel to cover the tray Who's Missing None. Ansvarstrappan. Utbildningsstryrelsen har gett ut en bok om ansvarstrappan på svenska. Den heter Ansvarstrappan - Hur kan barn och unga vägledas till att ta ansvar för sina gärningar och är skriven av Tapani Ahola och Harri Hirvihuhta.

Detta produkten kan beställas från Utbildningstyrelsens internetbokhandel. Rättigheterna till Kai Kujasalos grafik tillhör Korttidsterapi-institutet. Det är förbjudet att kopiera bilder och andvända dem i andra sammanhang utan tillåtelse från Korttidsterapi-institutet, men det är därermot tilllåtet att printa ut sidorna för att sprida dem eller bara för att läsa dem i lugn och ro. Sidorna finns översatta till engelska och tyska i fall det finns behov att visa dem i något internationellt sammanhang.

Vad innebär läsflyt? Flyt i läsningen innebär att högt läsa en text i lämplig takt, med korrekt avkodning och med inlevelse och förståelse. Läsaren kan dela in texten i meningsfulla enheter, fraser och satser. Läsaren vet var man pauserar och var man lägger betoningar. Att läsa texten snabbt och felfritt kräver också att man klarar den minnesbelastning som längre meningar förutsätter. Läsflyt förutsätter automatiserad avkodning Automatiseringen av avkodningen är därför central för läsflytet.

Småningom går läsutvecklingen vidare och läsaren går över till en ortografisk läsning där hon inte längre ljudar enskilda bokstäver i ord, utan läser hela ord eller orddelar. Den här processen kan jämföras med att lära sig köra en bil med växelspak. Flyt och förståelse Flytet har ett starkt samband med läsförståelsen. Hur och när uppnås läsflyt? I kapitlet om läsutveckling presenteras tre teorier om läsutvecklingens gång. Start | Interbib. Stories & Props. Describing photos (comparing, contrasting and speculating)

You are going to practise language for; Describing photosComparing and contrasting photos (discussing similarities and differences)Speculating on what might be happeningReacting to photos (giving opinions) Discuss Look at the presentation. Follow the instructions and talk about some of the photos Write The language used here for comparing and contrasting / speculating is also useful for writing discussion / argument essays. Plan: Introduction - describe the situation / topic to be discussedCompare / contrast ideas (for and against / advantages and disadvantages)Speculate on solutions to problems raised by the questionConclusion - give an opinion Which pairs or groups of photos in the presentation could be used to demonstrate ideas for argument writing topics about education, technology, food, family, work, leisure, health, advertising etc?

More Practice on May / Might / Could / Must / Can't. Litteracitet. Kognitionssimulatorn - Gibbon - Playlists for Learning. Blubbr. Always nice to find a new tool! I had the chance to catch Shelly Terrel this weekend and learned about an easy and fast tool to use. Blubbr is a super easy site that makes "games" which basically ask questions based on short chunks of YouTube videos.

Since I am talking about pronunciation on Wednesday (If you haven't joined the eltmooc yet there's still time!) I took an older comedian sketch by the Two Ronnies. The sketch is based on a fun encounter of a clerk who can't understand what a customer wants. It is a great way for students to see how pronunciation (and listening) are important to everyday exchanges AND the use of humor of which I am a huge fan. If you laughed a bit, and you feel like your students would enjoy it, then I think you'll enjoy Wednesday's class. Spel som tränar hjärnan. Spel som tränar hjärnan. Free online speed reading software | Learning Chocolate - Vocabulary Learning Platform. Lino - Sticky and Photo Sharing for you. Skolväskan.

1999 - 2013 Din lekplats på nätet! - Lekindex. Lekindex A-Ö Lek kategorier Tipsa gärna om nya lekar! Vikten av lek "Skapande arbete och lek är väsentliga delar i det aktiva lärandet. Särskilt under de tidiga skolåren har leken stor betydelse för att eleverna ska tillägna sig kunskaper. " LGR11 - kapitel 1 Senaste kommentarer ahmed sa: så går inte reglerna till jalla King Out S sa: Är precis som en gammal klassisk lek vid namn "Gömma nyckel" Gömma ringen Har kört med att den/de som rör sig när musiken är tyst åker ut.

Start stopp marina sa: hej! Attack fotboll! Edin Mesic sa: Bra lek mentorn Piraternas land Hur man kan dela in lag Att dela in gruppen i lag kan vara svårt. Twitter // Facebook Tweets av @lekarkivet Lekarkivets Topp 10 Länkvänner Accro Babyhjälp Hjälpreda HomeAway Kul med Anton Martinas skoltips på nätet Min student Pedagogguiden Skapligt enkelt Svenska mordgåtor Unga fakta Spelschema Innebandy, fotbolls eller annan turnering på gång? 4-lagsturnering 5-lagsturnering 6-lagsturnering Navigera Sajt info Sociala Medier Om Innehållet. Free Math Learning Materials. Startsidan - Pedagog Stockholm. Skoldatatek - Skoldatatek. Hjälp med dyslexi och läs- och skrivsvårigheter - Kod-Knäckarna. SMART Klubben. Free Math Learning Materials.

Geoclopedia. Khan Academy. – FREE Math Games | Spelling Games | Teacher Tools | Printables and Much more! Home - Sesame Street. Educational Games and Resources | Fuel the Brain.

TeacherTube - Teach the World. Free K-5 Teacher Resources | Teachers. Animal Planet: Animal Planet: Animal Planet. Lesson Plans. Home › Classroom Resources › Lesson Plans We have hundreds of standards-based lesson plans written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices.

Find the perfect one for your classroom. Standard Lessons See All Standard Lessons These lessons are designed to offer three to five classroom sessions with step-by-step instructions. Grades 5 – 12 | Lesson Plan Thoughtful Threads: Sparking Rich Online Discussions Today's students love chatting online with friends. Standards Every lesson plan on ReadWriteThink has been aligned not only to the IRA/NCTE Standards for the English Language Arts but to individual state standards as well. Teaching resources for 7-11 year olds. Nature's Lights Students will learn how light is essential in order to see things, and how and why animals that live in the dark produce light via bioluminescence so that they can find food and communicate with others.

Guess the Pollinator Students will learn that certain animals have preferences for a flower type, colour, shape or smell. Using the Lookbook and Colouring Sheets, students will colour in a chosen flower, then use the facts written underneath to match their flower up with its pollinator, referring to the Fact Sheet. Design a Flower Students will learn about what pollination is and how it happens. Brazil and the Amazon - Wildlife Film Script Students will be introduced to the topics of Brazil and the Amazon before using fact sheets to research and write a script for their own wildlife film about an endangered species from the Amazon.

Design an Invasive Species Handling Data: African Animal Maths Web of Wildlife Do you know what links a lion, an orca and a barn owl? Turtle Life Cycle. Phonics worksheets and online phonics games | free phonics worksheets for kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and workbooks from Fun Fonix. Home | Scholastic International. All Games | ClassBrain Games- Educational Games for Kids of All Ages. Kids Educational Computer Games, Interactive Activities & Online Learning Games By TurtleDiary. 9,000+ Teaching Materials, eBooks, Educational Videos, Games - GoEd Online.