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Apps Marketplace - crocodoc. Sharing and reviewing documents, presentations, web pages, and graphic designs can be quite a pain. crocodoc was built to change that, alleviating the need to email attachments back and forth, print and pass around hard copies, or install expensive collaboration software. crocodoc takes your PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations, and lets you view and mark them up online.

Apps Marketplace - crocodoc

Documents can be shared with others, who can collaboratively draw, highlight or strikeout text, add notes and comments, and make revisions. All files are stored securely on our servers, and can be password protected and encrypted for maximum security. Free crocodoc accounts are fully functional (in fact you can even use us without creating an account at all!) , with no forced upgrades. For bloggers and application developers who wish to make crocodoc available to their own users, we offer a powerful API and embeddable widget.

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Logiciels - E learning, Flash, Présentations, Quiz, Base

Vous pouvez ajouter des quiz flash interactifs base et des enregistrements audio et video pour vos cours flash , Presentation de contenu elearning authoring et de partageun ad ... Lire la suite. KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more! Simply stunning presentations.

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Features. When it comes to choosing the most appropriate solution for your web slideshow/content slider project, the ability for complete customization is almost always the key decision.


CU3ER offers a wide range of customizability and options specially designed to blend it seamlessly to every web page. 3D world Step away from common, boring & flat 2D experience and dive into endless possibilities of adding the third dimension to your slideshow. Subtle and sophisticated settings can tremendously improve general look & feel of your slideshow by adding this special 3D touch.

You will love it and your visitors will love it even more. more → Slides & Transitions Superb slick 3D transition effects are perfect attention grabbers but if needed, you can deploy convenient and eye-catchy 2D transitions as well. Wordpress & Joomla plugins Slick WordPress plugin and Joomla component designed to provide easy CU3ER integration & management on WP and Joomla powered websites.

Projects cManager Forget about XML! Fonts. Introduction. Training and Education Solutions by Qarbon - We make Presentation Tools. Presentation Software, Screen Capture, Learning Management, Content Creation, Authoring Tools. Construire-quiz-evaluer-apprentissage.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Quiz Builder - Create highly customized Flash-based quizzes and get results report effortlessly. Usina Quiz Generateur de quiz.

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Enregistrement lecture Vidéo. Logiciels-auteurs-libres-gratuits.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Logiciels pédagogiques. Calaméo - Publiez et partagez vos documents. Le coin du e-learning. Gadgets - Insert Map, Calendar, Slideshow, Video, Flash Animation - Annuaire du Vin. Accès à distance et partage de bureau gratuits à travers Internet. Gestion de processus métier (BPM) Open Source et Workflow : BonitaSoft. Screencasting. Calaméo - Publiez et partagez vos documents. Teacher. I am a teacher. I need to create, compile, brainstorm, produce, present, share, collaborate, collect, grade, and report. I create lesson plans for my class. My lesson isn’t just facts, thoughts, and ideas–it’s a visual map of everything I need on a topic in one place.

I can add links to web-based resources and upload related documents. I attach images and videos that display and play right in Spinscape! I create presentations for each lesson. I set up a resource center for my students. My lessons become the students’ assignments. I can export the map so it becomes a report or an outline. Speaking of department meeting, we can use Spinscape to collaborate on a department-wide curriculum. I am a teacher. Tutoriel Netvibes. 10 logiciels gratuits de capture d'écran vidéo. Voici une liste très utile de logiciels de capture d’écran vidéo.

10 logiciels gratuits de capture d'écran vidéo

Des applications qui permettent donc d’enregistrer en flux vidéo ce qui se passe sur l’écran d’un PC, afin de produire par exemple des vidéos de formation ou de support. Longtemps payants (et souvent assez chers), ces logiciels n’ont pas échappé à la vague du gratuit, et ce sont pas moins de 10 applications qui sont aujourd’hui disponibles. (dernière mise à jour : 02/04/2014) 1. Camstudio Probablement le plus connu, permet d’enregistrer au format AVI et SWF. O.S.: Windows 2. Permet aussi d’enregistrer du son avec un micro avec la vidéo.

O.S.: Windows, Mac OS X. Help.

Vidéos Pearltrees

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