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OER teacher education resources - ORBIT. This page provides a register of OER providers in the teacher education area, links to OER search engines, and other aggregate sites, allowing you to find further resources.

OER teacher education resources - ORBIT

UK based The OpenLearn project (Open University) with a specific link to the Education topic The VITAL project (Open University & eSkills UK) an innovative professional development programme for teachers The OER Repository (University of Leicester) includes specific genetics OER for primary/secondary teaching The TTRB3 - which aims to make available the evidence base for teacher education and professional development including research and policy on teaching and learning, with contributions from teachers, researchers, teacher educators and other professionals. Europe Africa Global OER Related UK Higher Education materials The Higher Education STEM OER wiki - guidance on OER in Science, Technology & Engineering from JISC funded projects UNESCO/COL Guidelines on Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education.

The Professors Behind the MOOC Hype - Technology. Dave Chidley for The Chronicle Paul Gries, of the U. of Toronto, has taught MOOCs on computer science.

The Professors Behind the MOOC Hype - Technology

By Steve Kolowich What is it like to teach 10,000 or more students at once, and does it really work? The largest-ever survey of professors who have taught MOOCs, or massive open online courses, shows that the process is time-consuming, but, according to the instructors, often successful. Nearly half of the professors felt their online courses were as rigorous academically as the versions they taught in the classroom. Easy - Typepad - The Digital Curator in Your Future. Credit: Met by jesst7 Content: it's everywhere.

Easy - Typepad - The Digital Curator in Your Future

Content is in your inbox, your feed reader, outdoor media, your living room, your pocket and, increasingly, on every web site you visit. It also increasingly resides on sites built and managed by your favorite brands, which are bypassing the media and going direct. The democratization of publishing is without a doubt a revolution. When we're all dead and gone, the 21st Century will be remembered as a Digital Renaissance - one that rivals the original that preceded it by 700 years. The Internet has empowered billions of people and is distributing their creativity across millions of niches and dozens of formats. However, the glut of content as we all know also has a major downside. Enter the Digital Curator.

How MOOC learning reaches students through TPD. Can MOOCs Become Part of Best Practices in Online Learning? Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have captured the headlines in higher education in the past year.

Can MOOCs Become Part of Best Practices in Online Learning?

These new platforms were developed to enable both open access and large scale participation in online courses. Many top tier universities are joining the MOOCs bandwagon, afraid of missing an important piece of the Web-based phenomenon. It is our goal as educators to assess whether or not they can become a best practice in online learning. A MOOC course is typically structured as a pre-recorded lecture divided into segments. A weekly assignment is designed to assess a student’s ability to solve a well defined problem with a precise solution. The grading system has also presented a problem in assessing student’s true capabilities. Current courses do not carry academic credit although several initiatives (e.g., the Gates Foundation Grant to American Council on Education) will examine this option.

Online learning: Campus 2.0. When campus president Wallace Loh walked into Juan Uriagereka's office last August, he got right to the point.

Online learning: Campus 2.0

“We need courses for this thing — yesterday!” Uriagereka, associate provost for faculty affairs at the University of Maryland in College Park, knew exactly what his boss meant. How MOOCs Could Meet the Challenge of Providing a Global Education. As online education platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity burst onto the scene over the past year, backers have talked up their potential to democratize higher education in the countries that have had the least access (see “The Most Important Education Technology in 200 Years”).

How MOOCs Could Meet the Challenge of Providing a Global Education

These ambitions are now moving closer to reality, as more people begin to experiment with their setup, although significant challenges remain. Students in countries like India and Brazil have been signing up in droves for these massive open online courses, or MOOCs, offered for free from top-tier universities, such as Stanford, MIT, and Harvard. Хождение по MOOC-ам. Доступность учебы за границей. МООК: новый формат онлайн-обучения. Mooc-report.pdf#.UUIrvaBJSsQ. When is a MOOC not a MOOC? (What MOOC means to me) I have to admit I would not be drawn to a blog post entitled so vacuously as, "what MOOC means to me" (so I thought up something catchy and made the real purpose of this post its subtitle).

When is a MOOC not a MOOC?

However, it's early days for working out what MOOC means for anyone. People have different ideas about what MOOC means, period. MOOC, what’s in a name? After spending considerable time and effort on MOOCs in the past the Coursera / University of Edinburgh eLearning and Digital Culture MOOC (#edcmooc) was the first have been able to complete.

MOOC, what’s in a name?

How I did this was quite simple … I knew I’d fade out after a week or so so I set a goal of one blog entry per week’s activity, including a pre-MOOC post and post-MOOC ‘submission feedback’ post. Now I had set myself this public goal I needed to follow and live up to it.